A baseball cap with the Olympic logo.带有奥运会标志的棒球帽。A My son wants a baseball cap with the Beijing Olympic logo.A 我儿子想要一顶带有北京奥运标志的棒球帽。B I know where you ...
What kind of shoes do you want?你想买什么样的鞋?A I’d like to buy some new shoes.A 我想买双新鞋。B What kind of shoes do you want?B 你想要什么样的鞋?A I want really st...
What size is he?他穿多大号的衣服?A I’m going to buy my husband a leather jacket.A 我想为我丈夫买一件皮夹克。B What size is he? Large? Extra large?B 他穿多大号码的衣服?大号?还是超大...
It’s made of pure silk.这是纯丝质的。A Look at that dressing gown. It’s so beautiful.A 看那条晚礼服。真漂亮啊!B It’s made of pure silk.B 这是纯丝质的。A I lo...
You can see the quality.你能看到质量。A I love your jacket. It looks really good on youA 我喜欢你的夹克。你穿起来很好看。 B Thanks. It wasn’t cheap – it was very...
Make ENGLISH your Olympic Challenge! Begin today!让 英语 成为你挑战奥运的动力!行动从今天开始!What kind of material?什么材料的?A I want to buy a suit for the summer.A 我想买夏季穿的套装...
I’m not sure I like the style.我不肯定是否喜欢这个样式。A What do you think of this dress?A 你觉得这条裙子怎么样?B I’m not sure I like the style.B 我不肯定我是否喜欢这个样式。...
It’s XL – extra large.这是XL –超大号的。A I think that t-shirt is too big for you.A 我想那件衬衫对你来说太大了。B I quite like it loose, with lots of roo...
I think light blue will suit you more.我想淡蓝色会更适合你。 A What do you think of that shirt?A 你觉得那件衬衫怎么样?B It’s good quality, 100% cotton. But I’m...
Make ENGLISH your Olympic Challenge! Begin today!让 英语 成为你挑战奥运的动力!行动从今天开始!Let’s get some take-away snacks in the market.咱们在市场买些外卖。A Let’s g...