You should go to a Chinese language school.你应该上一所汉语学校。A I’d like to learn more Chinese. What do you think is the best way?A 我想更多学习汉语。你觉得最好的方法是什么...
You never stop learning.你永远也不要停止学习。A Where did you learn English?A 你在哪里学的英语?B At school, at university, at work – everywhere!B 在学校,在大学,在工作单位&mda...
I try to listen to English everyday.我每天都努力听英语。A Your English is very good.A 你的英语非常好。B Thank you. I try to listen to English everyday – on the ra...
Just ask them to repeat it slowly.让他们慢慢再说一遍。A I find it easier to understand if people speak slowly and clearly.A 我发现如果人们说得很慢很清晰就很容易理解。 B I know what ...
Keep practicing simple words and phrases.不断练习简单的词语和短语。A How do you say ‘Thank You’ in Chinese?A 用汉语怎么说‘Thank You’?B It’s...
I try and practice everyday.我每天都努力练习。A I’m learning English. I try and practice a little everyday.A 我正在学英语。我每天都努力练习。B And I try to learn a littl...
What does that word mean?那个词是什么意思?A What does that word mean?A 那个词是什么意思?B That’s easy. It means ‘Beijing’.B 很容易。意思是北京”。A I mus...
I only speak a few words of Chinese.我只会说几个汉语词。 A Do you speak Chinese?A 你说汉语吗?B I only speak a few words, unfortunately. I need to learn more.B 遗憾的是,我...
Can you write down the name in Chinese?你能用中文写下那个名字吗? A Can you write down the name of the restaurant in Chinese?A 你能用中文把餐馆的名字写下来吗?B Sure. No problem. ...
We can book tickets online.我们可以在线订票。A Let’s check on the website for tickets to the Chinese Opera tomorrow.A 咱们在网上查查网址来预订明天的京剧票。B Good idea. May...