Chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner, a study said on Monday.Patients...
2005年全球760万人死于癌症,世界卫生组织周五的会议上呼吁,如果不采取有效措施,这个人类的头号杀手在未来10年内,还要至少夺取8400万人的生命The World Health Organization (WHO) called here on Friday for global efforts...
别人吸烟也会危害自己健康!研究表明,长期在吸烟的环境中生活会极度危害年轻女性的健康。可是烟草公司却不这么认为The report was done by scientists at California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Asse...
33岁到81岁不等的10名患者,在黑心的医院的一场手术,从此不得不摘去眼球过上盲人的生活。谁该为这起发生在安徽省的惨剧负责The Ministry of Health issued a warning yesterday to health watchdogs and medical institu...
掉头发是近年来越发严重的一个问题,原因有许多——工作压力,无规律的饮食习惯,环境污染,电子产品辐射,染烫过度Over 16 million Chinese are suffering from trichomadesis or losing hairs, an insider...
换个瘦长的杯子喝酒吧,这样也许你在不知不觉中就少喝了五分之一People, even the experienced bartenders tend to pour more liquor into a short, wide "tumblers" than into the t...
11月20日下午2点多,59岁的布什头戴红色自行车头盔、身着黑色上衣,配以深蓝色短裤出现在北京西部老山的2008年奥运会山地车赛场,酷爱自行车运动的布什,在这里骑一把山地车US President George W. Bush rides his mountain bike at the Laosh...
Hatha yoga is a meditation program that includes exercises to help improve flexibility and breathing, decrease stress, and maintain health. Yoga has b...
Immediately after your finish, note the elapsed time to determine your VO2max pace Right away, take your heart rate in beats per minute to determine y...
The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day on October 10 was: "Mental and physical health across a life span". It emphasized the n...