一、请求承兑汇票兹向贵公司开陈这批货见票后60日付款、面额500,000元汇票一张, 请予承兑为荷。 We have taken the liberty of drawing on you today against this consignment for $500,000 at sixty da...
Contract 与 Agreement的有无区别?在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。下面分别进行讲解。 第一部分、何谓“Contract”? 1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in t his La...
客户抱怨信原文(节选其中一句话)The prices are very high for us. For us to have the option to sell your products here in (country), we need an additional 30% discount...
* 通知对方接到来信Acknowledging receipt of letters * 1. Dear Mr. / Ms, hank you for your letter No. A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas. We have pass...
1. Dear Mr. / Ms, On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations. May the trade connections...
THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE JOINT VENTURE Chapter 1 General Provisions In accordance with the Law of the People’’s Republic of China on ...
1. Dear Mr./Ms, Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m....
THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE JOINT VENTURE Chapter 17 Liability for Breach of Contract Article 42 Should the cooperative venture company ...
THE CONTRACT FOR SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE JOINT VENTURE Chapter 11 Labor Management. Article 30 Labor contract covering the recruitment, employment, d...
一、酌情使用公文语惯用副词商务合同属于法律性公文,所以英译时,有些词语要用公文语词语、特别是酌情使用英语惯用的一套公文语副词,就会起到使译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅的作用。但是从一些合同的英文译本中发现,这种公文语副词常被普通词语所代替,从而影响到译文的质量。 实际上,这种公文语惯用副词为数并...