爱思英语编者按:想要别人听你说话,你得先让人家喜欢你。经理得和员工相处融洽;项目组长需要和队友、老板、顾客、战略伙伴合作默契。要想在职场上成功,亲和力是必不可少的。Just as many roads lead to success in the workplace, many different ...
爱思英语编者按:手机短信迅捷、便宜又有趣,它正变得像打电话一样普遍。这里有一些书写SMS的方法,它可以帮你用英文来发送短信。这些也可以用在MSN,QQ等即使通信上哦。Text me! 发我短消息!English has a very difficult spelling system, and it...
爱思英语编者按:我们常常有这种感受,长假休息常常是没能放松自己,长假过后的上班非常的不适应。放假的时候也常常怀念上班的日子。为何放假比上班还有累呢?For most of us, the purpose of the holidays is to bring peace, love,and good...
近日各地大幅度降温,让我们一起来看看降温是如何影响我们的工作和生活。Yesterday was the most unproductive day of the year, according to a survey, as workers' morale is hit by the dar...
THE PROBLEM问题 I manage a team of mainly male staff, who initially either resented or flirted with me, but then I won their respect. A week ago, I came...
24EN Editor's Note:You've probably seen the ads. Certain companies will guarantee that thousands of dollars can be made by stuffing envelopes ...
How could you say "NO" without hurting others? Well, try thefollowing sentences.I can't right now, but maybe later.我现在办不了,可能过几天吧。Unfortu...
Interested in a new career? If so, it is important to take the time to evaluateyour present situation, to explore career options and to choose a caree...
Aside from Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day and occasional school-holiday visits, most of us rarely get to show our children how we behave at ...
Personal vs. Personnel密切注意这些单词的拼写和重音!"Personnel"是个名词意思是公司的职员。例如"Our company has the best personnel in the industry."重音落在单词的末尾。&quo...