觉得自己在工作中常常浪费时间吗?下面是一些帮你避免浪费时间的小窍门,希望能帮你提高工作效率。If real work needs doing offline, disable the internet for an hour at a time.如果这件事情不需要上网就可以完成,把网断掉。Turn ...
工作的时候常常不能专心?因为耽误时间导致加班?下面是一些帮助你工作时专注的小窍门,不妨一试。Write your goals clearly. Post them in eyeball view of where you work most.清楚的写下你的目标。放在你的眼皮底下。Spend time...
4 time-saving tricks to get the upper hand on your late nights.四个让你在晚上加班”上获得主动、节省时间的方法By Laura VanderkamFrom Reader's DigestAugust 2004It is...
By Dr. Annette ColbyEvery one of us has the potential to successfully move through the unique problems that face us. Yet, creating success often invol...
By Dr. Annette ColbyAcknowledge Your Worth认识自我价值Motivating yourself by with criticism, negative self-talk, or name-calling decreases your overall leve...
By Dr. Annette ColbyMinimize Anxiety降低焦虑Because learning new habits requires changes in your beliefs and behaviors, it can produce a mild level of anx...
By Dr. Annette ColbySee Your Best Case Scenario看到最好的情况The worst will not always occur. Recognize catastrophe thinking. Here is a wonderful piece of ad...
By Dr. Annette ColbySetbacks are Temporary挫折只是暂时的Learn to see that your setbacks, failures, and relapses are temporary. Failure is not all bad. Actual...
对你的工作感到不满吗?不知道该何去何从?下面这篇文章Job satisfaction: Strategies to make work more gratifying《工作满意度:如何使工作更满意》将帮您一一分析什么导致对工作的不满以及如何解决。首先我们先来看看是什么让你对工作感到不满。You...
对你的工作感到不满吗?不知道该何去何从?下面这篇文章Job satisfaction: Strategies to make work more gratifying《工作满意度:如何使工作更满意》将帮您一一分析什么导致对工作的不满以及如何解决。Consider your approach to w...