准备面试,固然要考虑怎样回答面试官可能会问到的问题,同时面试时的礼仪也不能忽视。即使你问题回答的再好,准备的再充分,如果在礼仪上表现不佳,面试恐怕也要打个折扣。毕竟,越是细微之处,越能看出一个人的本性。下面给大家提供一些面试礼仪的知识,多多练习,习惯就成自然了。 1. Know something ...
学习了如何写求职信后,Mr. Rudy这次来教大家怎样写简历。Steven: Do you remember what the next step is? Lisa: Is it to write a resume? Steven: Yes, right. Steven: Yes, right. T...
又到了求职的高峰时期。想在万千求职者中脱颖而出?那就要费些心思打造一份个性化的求职信和简历了。作客Mr. Rudy的聊天室,掌握求职技巧!Lisa: Good evening, Mr. Rudy. Sorry to disturb you. Steven: Not at all. Have a se...
致命的大错 "Finished 8th in my high school graduating class of 10." "Qualifications: No education or experience." "I am relative...
Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution.·My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning,logistics system d...
Purchasing SupervisorStrength·Excellent material planning and purchasing skills.·Outstanding supplier base development and management ca...
Training CoordinatorStrength·More than 5 years training experience in Global 500 company.·Be able to Conduct training in English.·...
JournalistStrength·Strong organizing skills, Taking a lead in Journalist Deparment.·Excellent writing skills,achieved the First Prize of...
Real Estate ManagerStrength·Senior Construction Project Management and Design experience in industrial, commercial, manufacturing and residenti...