If you’re like most job seekers, you’re not taking advantage of one of the best ways to get a hiring manager’s attention: writing a ...
You had an interview and the company told you they would be making a decision soon. Weeks go by and you haven’t heard a peep. What’s going...
"What is your greatest strength?" is one of the easier interview questions you'll be asked. When you are asked questions about your stre...
1. If I spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?对策:Emphasize your skills, and don't be overly ...
【面试方】:1)Do you have any work experience in this field? 你有这个行业的工作经验吗?2)What kind of jobs have you had? 你做过哪些工作?3)What's your responsibility at your...
想在华尔街工作,或者想见识一下那些顶尖金融公司的面试问题的童鞋,速速过来围观!下面这12个面试题是亲身参加了面试的人分享的。说说你对某个问题的高见吧~~It's hiring and firing season on Wall Street. 现在是华尔街招聘的旺季,同时也是解雇的旺季… T...
在面试前,有几件事你可以准备起来,最大化自己得到工作的机会。 对这个公司和这份工作做一次彻底的研究。了解这个组织的规模、历史和声誉。你可以上这个公司的官网了解或是在当地图书馆找些资料。如果你认识在那里工作的人,那会是更好的信息来源。在面试时可能不会问到此类问题,但是这些信息能帮你更了解这个公司。确保...
关于面试的黄金法则之一就是,不要问到报酬和节假日的问题。但一旦工作offer到手,还是有必要为自己的利益争取一下的。面对经验老道的HR,职场小菜鸟们要如何与之“斗智斗勇”呢?One of the golden rules of job interviews is to avoid asking qu...
There are different types of interview question:1.Why do you want this job questions, such as:“Why did you choose to work in this industry?”“Why are ...