With warmer months just around the corner, the summer internship hunt is now in full swing for college students across the US.随着天气逐渐转暖,美国大学生的夏季实习求职正在全...
First things first: anyone who tells you that you can always dodge the salary history question is probably trying to sell you something.重要的事情说在前面:任何一个...
You've researched the company, updated your CV and even stalked the CEO on Facebook - and now you just have to make it through the interview.你已经对某...
Top 10 Reasons For Not Getting Selected For an Interview没有获得面试机会的10个原因1.Were you qualified for the job?1.你有足够资格胜任这份工作吗?How closely did your background...
The one dreaded question that is guaranteed to come up in every interview is "What is your greatest weakness?" Perhaps it's the intervie...
During a job interview, usually towards the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. This is an opportunity to find out more...
First impressions can play a major role in how an employer perceives you as a candidate. What you say during the first phase of the interview may make...
Video interviewing is slowly taking over as one of the go-tos for organizations interested in lowering recruitment costs and finding the best talent o...
Should your resume be longer than one page, or should you try to condense it to keep it on a page? There isn't really a yes or no answer. The leng...
Some skill sets are easier to screen for than others. A writing sample will highlight communication skills; extremely tough questions will test a cand...