爱思英语编者按:你读到过很多有关写完美求职信的文章,但是,知道如何写是一码事,实际操作又是另一码事。Sure, you've read a lot of articles on how to achieve the perfect cover letter. However, it'...
爱思英语编者按:小伙伴们在找工作时会面临种种问题,现在来看看怎样回答吧【面试方】:1)Why do you want to leave your present job and join us?你为什么要辞去现在的工作来我们这里?2)What's the reason for you to ...
爱思英语编者按:如果没有行业经验,要跨行找到工作可能很困难,即使你在原来的工作领域拥有较高的声誉,有人成功从一个行业跳到了另外一个行业,但他们是如何做到的?Lack of industry-specific experience is going to make it tough to get hi...
爱思英语编者按:下面这些小贴士能让你摆脱压力,享受新的成功!You just landed your dream job and can't stop pinching yourself. But instead of basking in the glory, you're sti...
爱思英语编者按:最让人大跌眼镜的12个简历错误Resume listed the candidate's online video gaming experience leading warrior "clans," suggesting this passed for ...
爱思英语编者按:在理想情况下,向上司表示自己希望得到升职,是一件很容易的事情。毕竟,许多公司至少在口头上都是支持这种观点的,即管理者的任务,很大一部分是培养人才,辅导未来的领导者。You'd like to be considered for a promotion to a managem...
爱思英语编者按:许多求职者在面试完会有一种感觉,就是与面试官详谈甚欢,最后却没得到这份工作?为什么?因为你没有给出面试官想要的答案。误区1:When they ask where you want to be in five years, they want you to demonstrate a...
爱思英语编者按:今天我们一起来看看2013年最抢手的专业有哪些。10 Most Useful College Degrees In 2013Here are ten college degrees that will either get you a very safe job, a very hi...
爱思英语编者按:又到年底了,没有工作offer怎么向家中的父母交代?其实,找不到工作不全是你的错。主要是你的专业太坑爹!求职网站进行了调查,评选出五个毕业即失业的专业,这些专业的毕业生不遗余力地在黑自己的专业。Buyer’s remorse is never fun, but it&rs...
What To Notice Around The Office When You Go For A Job Interview?参加工作面试时需留心的14件事情When you visit a company for a job interview, you should be keenly ob...