几乎每一个工作场所都有这样的人:总是唱反调、否定团队成员的创意;爱抢风头”,将同事的功劳据为己有;还有那些不利合作的人。以下六种职业人士,他们令人愤怒的行为和讨人厌的态度使他们难以与人建立良好的工作关系。我们一定要避免步其后尘。4. The Inconsiderate Emailer. ...
Nearly every workplace has them: the Naysayer, who dismisses team members' ideas; the Spotlight Stealer, who claims credit for a colleague's e...
We all spend a significant proportion of our lives at work. Being miserable at work can spill over into our personal lives so it makes sense to tackle...
We all spend a significant proportion of our lives at work. Being miserable at work can spill over into our personal lives so it makes sense to tackle...
能恰当地赞美别人是一件佳事,可是该怎样赞扬别人可不是人人都会的。下面这些建议你可需要认真考量哦!3. The effusiveness and time spent in giving praise should be commensurate with the difficulty and tim...
I’m a praise junkie. I really, really need those gold stars. I know I’ve got to get over it. One of my most important happiness-project re...
While I’ve often talked about the importance of being aware of your posture at the table, I am giving hand placement its own section in order to...
Roy Leighton asks you to imagine yourself at work. Everything's going well until a certain person comes in. You know who we're talking about -...
一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。1、There is no certainty, only opportunity.” V for Vendetta (2005) &...
在工作中,太善解人意可不是什么好事,最后你会发现你会被自己的善心所带来的工作压死的。另外,自信也很重要,对自己有信心,别人才能对你有信心。Avoid being overly empathetic.不要过于善解人意There's another reason nice people take...