要摆脱职业消沉,你还可以改变自己的心态,采取一些拓展工作领域”的行动。Be open 开放的心态It's simple enough to keep abreast of trends in jobs and careers. But few people actually ta...
可真不是件容易事。一部分人把目光转向了他们的校友,从他们身上寻求帮助和职业指导,并获得宝贵的招聘信息——这个办法你想到了吗?With the fierce competition in the career market, finding a job seems a daun...
团队合作,协同作战是企业事业制胜的法宝。如何建立高效的团队就成为衡量领导者能力的重要指标了。下面是建立高效团队的五个步骤,供您参考。"Leadership is the ability to decide what is to be done and then get others to ...
"Awful," "dreary," and "miserable" are adjectives that many people use to describe their jobs at one time or another. Di...
Doing good work isn't the only requirement不是做好工作就能获得晋升If a promotion is one of your goals for the next year, are you doing everything you can to m...
If you're happy with your current salary, it would be easy to just sit back and enjoy it. But if you want to make sure your earnings keep rising o...
Taking calculated risks in your career can help you reach your goals. Below are some of the common career risks that you may grapple with, and how to ...
If you worry about every possible way you can blow a job interview -- from mispronouncing the boss's name to babbling incessantly when you don'...
Politics in the workplace can get vicious -- and we're not talking about the governmental kind. Rather, office politics, or how power and influenc...