颁布日期:19210420 实施日期:19210420 颁布单位:巴塞罗那Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China,Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, the Briti...
颁布日期:19210420 实施日期:19210420 颁布单位:巴塞罗那Albania, Austria, Belgium. Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China,Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, the Briti...
颁布日期:19210420 实施日期:19210420 颁布单位:巴塞罗那The States signatories of the Convention on the Regime of NavigableWaterways of International Concern, signed a...
第15号公约颁布日期:19211025 实施日期:19221120 颁布单位:日内瓦[Date of coming into force: 20 November 1922.]The General Conference of the International Labour Organizatio...
第16号公约颁布日期:19211025 实施日期:19221120 颁布单位:日内瓦[Date of coming into force: 20 November 1922.]The General Conference of the International Labour Organizatio...
颁布日期:19231209 实施日期:19231209 颁布单位:日内瓦The British Empire (with New Zealand and India), Germany, Belgium,Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Spain, Esthoni...
颁布日期:19240825 实施日期:19310602 颁布单位:布鲁塞尔Article 1In this convention the following words are employed with the meaningsset out below:(a) Carrier” in...
颁布日期:19241201 实施日期:19331201Author's NoteThe International Office of Public Health prepared a draft agreementin 1924 for providing merchant seamen ...
第19号公约颁布日期:19250605 实施日期:19260908 颁布单位:日内瓦[Date of coming into force: 8 September 1926.]The General Conference of the International Labour Organizatio...
第23号公约颁布日期:19260623 实施日期:19280416 颁布单位:日内瓦[Date of coming into force: 16 April 1928.]The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,H...