雇用和解雇的词汇HiringProcess by which a company assesses qualified individuals to fill openings in the company.雇用公司评估并选出符合条件的应聘者来公司任职。Medical testStandard te...
It can be, but it can be good for you, too—a fact scientists tend to ignore and regular folks don't appreciate.If you aren't already paralyzed...
24EN Editor's Note:Appearances to Avoid: The purveyor of significant, needed organization knowledge needs to take care that he is not seen as a ro...
爱思英语编者按:由于巨大的生活压力,现在很多有了小孩的妈妈一休完产假马上又投入到紧张的工作中去了,但是妈妈毕竟是妈妈,就算是工作也还是会想念自己的孩子,那么职场妈妈要如何才能在工作和生活中找到平衡呢?Achieving work life balance is the ultimate questi...
If a 20-minute nap, a cup of joe, and more shuteye at night were in a cage match, who would win for reducing that classic afternoon "dip"? T...
24EN Editor's Note:We all have those days when all we want is to crawl back in bed for a few more hours. Unfortunately, few of us have that luxury...
24EN Editor's Note:Some business advice changes all the time, but there's also some advice that's relevant and useful no matter what year ...
At Wheeler Interests, a Virginia-based property development company, plans are under way to get employees canoeing.维吉尼亚房地产开发公司Wheeler Interests正计划让员工划...
24EN Editor's Note:Anna Wintour has her dark sunglasses, Donatella Versace has corn-blonde hair and Phillip Bloch is never seen without his Kangol...
24EN编者按:金融危机当前,可能你不得不一个人做两个人以上的工作,还拿着可怜的薪水,再被老板呼来喝去,终于有一天,你在沉默中爆发,拍案而起,老子不干了!等等,你知道辞职怎样才能辞得漂亮吗?Ready to resign? Before you storm the bosses' offic...