

分类: 体育英语 

How about early evening, just after work?


A: I'm afraid I have to go.  I've got an early start tomorrow.

A: 我恐怕得走了。我明天早晨得早起。

B: Don't worry.  Anyway, it's been good to see you again.  Are you free tomorrow?

B: 别担心。不管怎么说,很高兴再次见到你。你明天有空吗?

A: Tomorrow?  I might be.  What time?

A: 明天?我可能有空。什么时候?

B: How about early evening, just after work?  Around six – for dinner.

B: 晚上一下班的时候如何?大约6点左右吃晚饭。

A: I think that should be fine.

A: 我想应该可以。

B: Or lunchtime, if that's easier for you.  I'm free either time.

B: 或者一起吃午饭,如果对你更方便的话。我两个时间都有空。

A: Early evening is best.  Shall we say six – in the hotel lobby?

A: 傍晚的时候最好。我们6点在旅馆大厅见面好吗?

Notes 注释

1. Remember a way of suggesting an arrangement: Are you free tomorrow? / are you free tomorrow: Are you free next weekend? / Are you free next weekend?
记住提出建议做某事的方法:Are you free tomorrow? / 你明天有空吗?Are you free next weekend? /你下周末有时间吗?

2. You can describe approximate meeting times in various ways, eg: . . . just after work / . . . just after work : . . . early evening / . . . early evening : around six o'clock / around six o'clock.    
你可以用不同的方法描述见面的大约时间。例如:. . . just after work / . . .一下班之后. . . early evening / . . .傍晚时候;around six o'clock / 大约6点左右。

