

分类: 体育英语 

I'm going to the gym./我要去健身房。

A: I need to keep fit and get more exercise.

A: 我需要保持健康,我做运动。

B: I know what you mean. It can be difficult to find the time to keep fit.

B: 我明白你的意思。有时很难找到时间去锻炼身体。

A: I know. I never have enough time to do anything.

A: 我知道。我总是没有足够的时间。

B: Maybe you should try going to the Sports Club at the hotel. There's a good gym there.

B: 也许你应该试试饭店的健身俱乐部。那里有一个不错的健身房。

A: You're right. That's a good idea. I can go there easily.

A: 你说得对。这是个好主意。我去那里很容易。

B: It's a good way to keep fit. Go once a week if you can.

B: 这是强身健体的好方法。如果可以的话,一周去一次。

A: Right. I'm going to the gym, every week from now on.

A: 对。我要去健身房,从现在开始每周都去。

Notes 注释

1. If you want to talk about how much, or how little time you have, you can say various things, e.g. It can be difficult to find the time. I never have enough time to..
如果你想说你时间很多或者很少,你可以用不同的表达法,例如:It can be difficult to find the time. (很难找到时间.) I never have enough time to...(我总是没有足够的时间...)

2. To suggest something to someone, you can say Maybe you should.. e. g. Maybe you should go to the gym.
要建议某人做某事,你可以说Maybe you should..(也许你应该...)。例如,Maybe you should go to the gym. (也许你应该去健身房)

