
Beijing hosts IOC Press Commission Meeting

分类: 体育英语 

9月25日, 国际奥委会新闻委员会在北京举行,这是该委员会首次在华举行年会。会议听取了北京奥组委媒体运行筹备工作报告,并就2008年奥运会媒体服务相关问题作了深入讨论。

Jiang Xiaoyu (1st left), Kevan Gosper (middle) and Gilbert Felli (right).

The 2006 Annual Meeting of the IOC Press Commission was held here on Monday. This is the first time that such an event is staged in China.
Members of the IOC Press Commission supervised a report on the preparatory work in media operations by BOCOG and discussed the details related to media services to be provided at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

The IOC Press Commission consists of the IOC officials, media representatives, national Olympic Committees (NOCs) and athletes.

Kevan Gosper, Chairman of IOC Press Commission, presided over the meeting. He expressed his satisfaction on the progress of the preparations for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

The IOC mission members also summed up the experience and lessons drawn from the 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games and studied over press accreditation for the 2008 summer Games.

When addressing the meeting, BOCOG vice-president Jiang Xiaoyu said that, China will show the respect to and attention on media by providing good working conditions to the media for their coverage of the Games. It is not only the principles and traditions adhered to by the IOC but also a serious promise and guarantee by Chinese government, Jiang said.

The Chinese government is amending the related laws, regulations, policies and measures, according to its promise made during the Olympic bid, to meet the Olympic Games practice and requirement of the media. The Chinese government and BOCOG are working together, with various sources, to get ready necessary human, financial and material resources and work out detailed operational plans to ensure the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games a big success, he added.

Vocabulary :

presided over:主持

summed up:总结(经验)

adhered to:坚持


