

分类: 体育英语 

本月14日下午15:00-16:00在奥组委新闻中心召开了中俄国家年莫斯科“北京“北京周”新闻发布会周”新闻发布会,“北京周”是今年中国在俄罗斯举办中国年的系列活动之一,根据国家年中方组委会关于“中国年”的整体安排以及北京市与莫斯科市达成的协议,北京市将于今年6月27日至30日在莫斯科举办“北京周”。 “北京周”将以“新北京、新奥运”为主题,以注重实效、突出地方特色为宗旨,力求内容丰富多彩,形式简洁紧凑,全方位宣传展示北京,弘扬中国文化,推动双方合作。


The press conference on “Beijing Week” in Moscow was held in the Olympic Media Center from 15:00 to 16:00 on June 14. The “Beijing Week” is one of the events of the China year in Russia. According to the arrangement of the Chinese side of the “China Year” organizing committee, Beijing will hold the “Beijing Week” in Moscow from June 27 to June 30. With “New Beijing, Great Olympics” as the theme and the efficiency and local characteristics as principle, the “Beijing Week” will showcase the glamour of Beijing from all perspectives, promote Chinese culture and facilitate bilateral cooperation by staging various and colorful events with compact organization.

