皮划艇 Canoeing
1. 划艇运动:canoeing
2. 皮艇运动:kayaking
3. 皮划艇运动:canoe/kayak; canoeing; paddle sports
4. 带帆划艇运动:cruising canoe
5. 划艇比赛:canoe racing
6. 单人划艇:C-1; Canadian single
7. 单人双桨小划艇:single scull
8. 双人划艇:C-2; Canadian pair; canoe two [double]; double
9. 皮艇竞赛:kayak racing
10. 单人皮艇:K-1; kayak single
11. 双人皮艇:K-2; kayak pair; double [tandem; two-seater] kayak
12. 四人皮艇:K-4; kayak four
13. 静水皮艇赛:flatwater kayaking
14. 划艇回旋:canoe slalom
15. 激流皮艇赛:torrent [whitewater; rapid stream] kayaking
16. 漂流活动:whitewater rafting
17. 划艇运动员:canoeist; canoeman; canoe paddler
18. 皮艇运动员:kayakist; kayaker; kayak paddler [canoeist]
19. 皮划艇桨手:paddler
20. 分区裁判员:sector judge
21. 回旋裁判长:slalom president
22. 水门裁判:gate judge
23. 水门主裁判:chief gate judge
24. 转弯处检查裁判员:turning point judge
25. 舟艇检查员:boat scrutineer
26. 赛程:(race) course
27. 出发顺序:starting order
28. 分别出发:separate start
29. 间隔出发:interval start
30. 排齐出发:line up for start
31. 同时出发:collective start
32. 漏门:miss [omit] a gate
33. 舟艇检查:boat inspection
34. 划:paddle
35. 长划:long stroke
36. 短划:short stroke
37. 直划法:cruising stroke
38. 钩形划法:cruising hook; J-stroke
39. 风车式划桨:windmill paddling
40. 向内弧形划法:sweep stroke; sweeping
41. 桨叶向内划的弧形:inward arc of the paddle
42. 桨叶向外划的弧形:outward arc of the paddle
43. 侧拉转向划法:turing [draw; propelling] stroke
44. 侧拉转向外推:pushover
45. 倒划动作:reverse stroke
46. 平桨:feather
47. 横叶停船划法:stopping [jamming] stroke
48. 靠岸:come alongside
49. 水流:current
50. 静水:flat [dead; still] water
51. 激流:wild [rough] water; whitewater
52. 流速:(rate of the) flow
53. 逆流:counter-current; cross current
54. 逆流而上:upstream
55. 顺流而下:downstream
56. 通过水门:go through a gate
57. 通过障碍:negotiate an obstacle
58. 绕过障碍:skirt an obstacle
59. 水道:course; lane
60. 直线水道:straight course
61. 障碍回旋水道:raft channel [chute]
62. 水道标志:marking of the course
63. 水深:water depth
64. 出发线:line of start
65. 终点线:finishing line
66. 转弯处:turning point
67. 自然障碍:natural obstacle
68. 人为障碍:artificial obstacle
69. 回旋门:slalom gate
70. 回程门:reverse gate
71. 共同通过的水门:team gate
72. 水门杆:gate pole
73. 回旋标杆:slalom pole
74. 清理水道:clear the course
75. 皮艇:kayak; Alaskan canoe
76. 划艇:(Canadian) canoe
77. 爱斯基摩人皮艇:Eskimo kayak
78. 独木舟:dugout; (log-)canoe
79. 折叠船:collapsible [folding] boat; faltboat; foldboat
80. 非折叠式的皮艇:rigid kayak
81. 玻璃纤维船:fiber-glass boat
82. 船身纵轴:front-to-back axis; longitudinal line
83. 防水围裙:skirt; splasher; spray screen; canvas
84. 前甲板:fore deck
85. 后甲板:rear deck
86. 短桨(不用桨架):paddle
87. 单叶桨:single(-bladed) paddle
88. 双叶桨:double(-bladed) paddle
89. 搁脚垫:foot-rest; foot brace
90. 足跟套:heel trap
91. 膝垫:knee cushion
92. 膝托:knee-rest (pad)
93. 救生背心:life vest
94. 船架:boat rack; boat-stand
95. 运船车:boat carriage