
How to decide your career's workHow to decide your career'

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-07 08:19:28 

How to decide your career's work

  Many people go from job to job and give little thought to their careers. In fact , most people spend more tiem and effort planning a vacation than they devote to planning their entire career. Here are some guidelines:

Consider what you enjoy doing.       One of the best places to start when considering your career is with those activities .you most enjoy. Be specific. It's not good enough to say you want to ' work with people," Since more than 90 percent of  all jobs will entail doing just that. When are you happiest? Most fulfilled? Most excited? These are the indicators that can help identify your life's work. Even if you are not the best at something you enjoy doing, you will likely improve as you spend time working at that activity.

What do other people tell you you're good at?       Feedback from your boss, cowworkers, or even friends can be invaluble;  it can help you see yourself as others see you. Don't dismiss those skills and attributes that come easily to you!  These can indicate natural gifts that you may be able to parlay to your advatage.

Focus on developing your interests and skills .    Try to find a work environment that supports you and what you like to  do by allowing you to use your natural skills. Many people spend time and energy fighting work circumtances they  hate instead of further developing their natural skills and interests. If you are good at something ,you have the chance to be great at it if you focus on it.

