

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-07 08:19:25 

● (Receptionist/Assistant))

► (Caller)
    Guidelines for external calls to the company receptionist

● Use a positive salutation.

(example: Good morning,)

● Identify your company and yourself.

(example: ABC Incorporated, Marie speaking.)

● Give a standard offer of service.

(example: May I help you?)

► Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to state

her/his purpose.

(example: Hi, this is Sarah. I’d like to talk to Mr. Long)

● Give an appropriate response.

(example: Just a moment, please. I’ll transfer your call)

Guidelines for external calls to an administrative assistant

● Use a positive salutation.

(example: Good morning,)

● Identify your superior and yourself.

(example: Mr. Long’s office, Helen speaking.)

► Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to state

her/his purpose.

(example: Good morning, Helen. This is Sarah. Can I

speak to Mr. Long, he’s expecting my call?)

● Give an appropriate response.

(example: Just a moment, please, while I put you


Guidelines for internal calls to a departmental secretary/receptionist

● Use a positive salutation.

(example: Good morning,)

● Identify your department and yourself.

(example: Marketing Dept. This is Lucy.)

► Wait for the caller to identify herself/himself and to state

her/his purpose.

(example: Hi, Lucy. How are you doing? Is Jack around?)

● Give an appropriate response.

(example: Sorry, he just stepped out.)

► Possible return response.

(example: OK, I’ll call back later.)#p#


● (接待员/助手)

► (打电话者)


● 用积极的问候语。

(例: 早上好)

● 表明公司和你的身份。

(例: ABC有限公司,我叫Marie。)

● 使用标准的服务客套话。

(例: May I help you?(我能为您做点什么?)

► 等侯对方说出其身份和来电话的目的。

(例: 早上好,Helen。我是sarah, 请Long先生接


● 给一个恰当的回答。

(例: 等一下,我把电话转过去。)


● 用积极的问候语。

(例: 早上好)

● 表明你的上级和你的身份。

(例: Long先生的办公室,我是Helen。)

● 等侯来电话者表明他的身份和目的。

(例: 早上好Helen,我是Sarah。我能和Long先


● 给一个恰当的回答。

(例: 稍等,我帮你接通。)


● 用积极的问候语。

(例: 早上好)

● 表明你所在部门和你自己的身份。

(例: 销售部。 我是Lucy。)

► 等侯对方说出其身份和来电话的目的。

(例: 你好,Lucy。你怎么样?Jack在吗?)

● 给一个恰当的回答。

(例: 对不起,他刚出去。)

● 可能得到的回答。

(例: 好的,我过会儿再打来吧。)

