

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-07 08:14:47 
Automatic banking of savings deposits is a method of banking service that a client having a deposit account will make deposits or withdrawals against a debit card or the passbook in any banking outlets all over the country. Nationwide different-areas automatic banking of local and foreign currency current and time deposits has been realized.储蓄存款通存通兑业务是指客户只要开立储蓄存款账户,便可以持借记卡或存折在全国各地的银行网点办理存取款的一种银行服务形式。本外币活期、定期存款等储蓄存款业务已实现全国通存通兑。 In the meantime, the NIC-NAP network of the Bank enables clients to realize consumption and cash withdrawal by using electronic debit cards through the ATMs and EDCs of the bank in the whole country.同时以银行利用自建的NIC-NAP网络,客户可使用电子借记卡在全国银行的ATM和EDC(电子对账终端系统)上实现消费和取现

