
2007年8月8日 摩根士丹利拟设60亿美元全球收购基金

分类: 外贸英语 
摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)昨日任命其英国投行业务主管布莱恩?马格纳斯(Brian Magnus)出任欧洲联席总裁,负责公司拟议中规模为60亿美元的全球收购基金,表明该公司并不理会有关私人股本热潮即将结束的担忧。

Morgan Stanley yesterday shrugged off concerns that the private equity boom was ending by appointing Brian Magnus, its UK investment banking boss, as the joint European chief of its planned $6bn (€4.3bn) global buy-out fund.

此举突出表明,在将其收购分支部门剥离给Metalmark Capital的5年之后,摩根士丹利正加紧重返私人股本业务,而此时,信贷市场的动荡正引发人们忧虑,担心私人股本行业的快速增长可能放缓。

The move underlines how Morgan Stanley is rushing back into private equity, five years after spinning off its buy-out arm into Metalmark Capital and just as credit market wobbles are sparking fears about a slowdown in the industry’s rapid growth.

马格纳斯曾参与摩根士丹利在欧洲几宗规模最大的交易,例如佩尔诺-里卡尔公司(Pernod Ricard)收购饮料业竞争对手联合多美(Allied Domecq)、Punch收购酒吧业竞争对手Spirit,以及马莎百货(Marks & Spencer)成功抵御菲利普?格林(Philip Green)收购的交易。

Mr Magnus worked on some of Morgan Stanley’s biggest deals in Europe, such as Pernod Ricard’s takeover of drinks group rival Allied Domecq, Punch’s purchase of pub rival Spirit, and Marks & Spencer’s successful defence against Philip Green.


