
2007年10月30日 人民币升值压力增大

分类: 外贸英语 

China is facing increasing pressure to allow its currency to appreciate faster, a senior central bank official says, because of the combination of falling US interest rates and the rising cost of money at home.


Yi Gang, an assistant governor of the People’s Bank of China, speaking at a forum in Beijing at the weekend, contrasted China’s five rate rises this year, to fight inflation, with the downward pressure on US rates in the wake of the subprime crisis.

《中国证券报》(China Securities Journal)报道称,易纲表示:“在美联储降息、中国加息的共同作用下,人民币升值压力进一步增大。”

“With the simultaneous influence of the Fed’s rate cuts and China’s rate hike, the pressure for the renminbi to appreciate is further rising,” said Mr Yi, according to the China Securities Journal.


The slow pace of the currency’s appreciation is the target of longstanding complaints from the US, and more recently Europe, whose politicians say it distorts China’s economy and subsidises exports.


The renminbi has risen by only about 10 per cent against the US dollar since China broke its currency’s peg with the greenback in July 2005. Over the same period it has fallen against the euro and barely moved on a trade-weighted basis.


China has been able to resist pressure for appreciation by buying the dollars coming into the country with renminbi, and then draining the local funds out of the system by selling central bank bills, a process known as sterilisation.


However, the convergence of US and Chinese interest rates threatens to turn that into a loss-making proposition for Beijing.

目前美国联邦基金利率为4.75%,预计本周可能下调至少25个基点。3月期票据利率约为4% 。

The federal funds rate in the US is now 4.75 per cent, with expectations of a cut of at least 25 basis points this week. Three-month bills are about 4 per cent.


China offered 3.32 per cent for bank bills sold in early September, which is up from 2.8 per cent at the start of the year. Most analysts expect Chinese rates to rise at least once and possibly twice in coming months.

华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics) 的尼古拉斯?拉迪表示,如果目前的趋势持续下去,数月之内,负责管理中国外汇储备的央行机构实际上可能蒙受损失。

Nicholas Lardy, of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, said the central bank agency that managed China’s reserves could in a matter of months be actually losing money, if current trends continued.


“That would be a dramatic change from where they have been in the past.”

