
2008年4月2日 世行:东亚出口成功转向

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-06 15:02:08 

世界银行(World Bank)昨日表示,东亚各国正成功地将出口对象从美国转向其它发展中国家、欧洲以及拥有丰富石油资源的中东市场。

East Asian nations are successfully shifting exports away from the US to other developing countries, Europe and oil-rich markets in the Middle East, the World Bank said yesterday.


Whether Asia’s many export-driven economies would be able to reduce their reliance on the US, traditionally their biggest market, has driven much of the recent debate over the global impact of a US slowdown.

世界银行东亚与太平洋地区(日本和澳大利亚除外)首席经济学家维克拉姆?尼赫鲁(Vikram Nehru)昨日表示,上述出口转向发生的速度快于预期。“我不曾预料到会向我们目前看到的这样快速转向非美市场,”他告诉英国《金融时报》。“这是一个市场运作非常娴熟的迹象,伴随着汇率和激励措施的变动。”

But Vikram Nehru, the World Bank’s chief economist for east Asia and the Pacific, which excludes Japan and Australia, said yesterday the shift was taking place faster than expected. “I didn’t expect such a rapid shift towards non-US markets as we are seeing,” he told the Financial Times. “That is a sign of very adept marketing, as exchange rates and incentives change.”


Mr Nehru said east Asian exporters had been nimbly using their currency positioning “somewhere in the middle” between a falling dollar and a rising euro, with the eurozone now a more attractive target for their shipments.


While annual export growth from emerging east Asian nations initially slowed from 22 per cent in January of last year to 15-16 per cent in the third quarter, it has since rebounded to 18-19 per cent.


The World Bank also said more sophisticated domestic production was allowing China to source more of its input needs internally.


“If this trend continues and if other east Asian economies are able to exploit these new opportunities in China’s domestic market then, over time, China is also likely to become an increasingly independent growth pole for the rest of east Asia,’’ the bank said.


The World Bank lowered its 2008 regional growth forecast to 7.3 per cent, compared with a previous estimate of 8.2 per cent, amid a global economic slowdown. East Asian growth is expected to be 7.4 per cent in 2009.

