
Making Appointments 安排约会

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:39:01 
   32. I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr.Cooper.我想同库伯先生事先预约。注释:. I’d like to do sth,我想做某事,是固定用法。make an appointment ,预约。33.Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?你能安排一个单独会谈吗?注释:Would you like to do sth,烦请你做某事,正式客气的说法。arrange for ,安排的意思。a personal interview,个人约见,单独会谈的意思。34. Your appointment will be next Monday at 8 o’clock.你约见的时间是下星期一8点。35. He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Thursday.他想把他的约见时间从星期一改到星期四。36. What time will be convenient /right for her?她何时方便?37. Yes ,Ms. Lu is available on Friday.可以,陆小姐周五有空。注释:用Ms. Lu ,表示此位陆小姐婚否还不清楚,Miss表示未婚。38. I wonder if you could spare me half an hour tomorrow morning?明天上午您是否可以抽出半小时?注释:spare me half an hour ,抽出半小时,这是很委婉的说法。spare 在此为动词,意思是“提供给某人”。   

