

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:38:56 

By Dr. Annette Colby

See Your Best Case Scenario


The worst will not always occur. Recognize catastrophe thinking. Here is a wonderful piece of advice I saw on a greeting card from the good people at Hallmark: "If I had to give up one sense, it would be my sense of impending doom." Stop scaring yourself into believing that every negative thing that happens is a horrific disaster. Yes, negative situations can occur, but focus on problem solving and moving forward despite the presence of fear. 最糟糕的情况并不总是会出现,你要意识到自己的”灾难化”思维。以下是我在贺卡上看到的一条极好的建议:“如果非要我去放弃一种感觉的话,我就放弃灾难迫近的感觉。”别再吓唬自己了,不要以为每件消极的事情都会演变为一起恐怖的灾难。总有可能出现消极的情况这没错,但是应把注意力放在解决问题、继续前进而不是恐惧上。

Make a Choice


When you use the words "should" and "try" you make yourself a victim to your own change. Instead, drop the words "should" and "try" and use empowering statements such as: 当你用”应该“和”努力“这样的词时,你就把自己放在了自我改变中的”受害人“的位置上。放弃”应该“和”努力“这样的词,而用和下面这些相类似的词汇:

• choose to . . . 选择

• now have . . . 现在有

• I am able to . . . 我能

• It is my wish and choice to . . . 我希望并选择去

• I am willing to . . . 我愿意

• I am now already . . . 我准备好去

(to be continued)

