

分类: 商务英语 
Opening a School in China


By David Cotter


David Cotter grew up in Northern Ireland and Canada. He studied for his bachelor degree at the University of Calgary and went on to study for a master degree and a PHD in Trinity College, University of Dublin. He spent the next few years teaching in
 a variety of schools in Ireland and later giving lectures in Tsinghua University. He has also published a book on Irish writer, James Joyce. About three years ago David came to Beijing to set up a school. In the following article he describes this experience.


I have been in Beijing for almost three years. During this time, I have worked together with a very trusted and talented Chinese partner on establishing and managing Ai-Hua English. We have overcome many difficulties, and I am so proud of the product of our labour.


After arriving in China with this project in mind, we spent six months ascertaining the best way to set ourselves up legally. This was a time of long meetings at long elliptical tables, at which I could understand nothing of what was being said, followed by strange dinners with gallons of baijiu, at which I still understood nothing of what was being said, but nonetheless had opportunity to laugh and roar. I often felt very helpless at this time.


Eventually we succeeded in attaining a license from the ShiJingShan Department of Education, and opened our school in 5 office rooms in ZhongChuDaSha, right beside Bajiao subway stop. A little later, there was a great hullabaloo over a separate license to hire foreign teachers, but we had impressed and befriended some of the local government leaders by this time, so that after a series of negotiations, we were issued this license.


SARS was a great blow to us. We had just gotten up and running when we were told that we had to cancel all classes and all of our teachers packed their bags. I have to say, though, that despite my worries about the survival of Ai Hua I enjoyed the SARS period very much. I was alone in Beijing at this time, and I had nothing but time on my hands. This gave me an opportunity to get to know the city more intimately.


We bounced back very quickly after SARS, because we have good relations with the local education community. We have worked closely with a number of the local public schools, and have learned a great deal from the leaders, teachers and students of these schools.


At the beginning of last summer, I realized that we had succeeded in becoming more than simply a welcome guest in ShiJingShan, that we were now a respected member of the community. At this time, we moved from the five offices in ZhongChuDaSha to an independent school house owned by the local Education Department. The new site of our school is three stories tall, with a courtyard, and 18 classrooms. Moving into this building and assimilating ourselves to this new environment has been the most difficult thing that we have done in China. Only recently have I become convinced that we made the right decision in moving. Now we have twenty Chinese members of staff and nine foreign teachers, and they are all working together very well. With all the space of the new school, we have so many opportunities for development. This is what is most important to me. Of course we have to survive financially, but profits and losses are always abstractions to me, up there toward the big words that make us so unhappy. My primary concern is in creating a learning community, and with this end in mind I choose to work in the trenches.


I suppose this is why I am so lucky to work with the Chinese partner that I do: she enables me to apply my particular talents. More than anything else in the saga of this school, I have been impressed and amazed by the bullish power, the talent, the shrewdness and the charm of the tender Chinese girl who traveled together with me from Ireland to build Ai Hua up from nothing.


Now that the school is again running smoothly, I am doing a lot of teaching. I have learned that I can never really be a businessman; that my character is best suited to being a teacher, and a student.


My life is blessed. The people I have worked with, the people I am working with, my students, my friends, and the people I have only met briefly, have all been sources of delight for me.


Ai Hua English School provides a wide range of English language courses for all ages. For more information, they can be contacted at 010-68823303/68823304 Ext. 14/15.

爱华英语学校为各年龄层人士提供众多的英语课程。详情请接洽010-68823303/68823304 转14/15。


up and running


in the trenches

“The trenches”是一个固定的搭配,有其特指的含义。它指的是第一次世界大战中战斗最为激烈的前线地带——战壕。当前面加了“in”之后,并不是指“在战壕里”,而是产生了一个引申的意思,即“从事实际的工作”。想想也是,都在战壕里了,怎么还能光动嘴地指挥别人,这时需要真刀真枪地进行战斗。


