
中英文:Payroll taxes

分类: 法律英语 
As an employer, it is your duty to collect a portion of each employee's income for social security and income taxes. Participation is mandatory. In addition, there may be state, local, and unemployment taxes to be deducted. These must be collected and sent to the appropriate agency, such as the I.R.S. or a bank. The money withheld from the employee's paycheck may be kept in the company's checking account for a brief time until the payment is due. This may create a deceptive checking account balance. You may be tempted to use the cash for a quick financial fix. However, if you do so, you may be subject to heavy fines and be held personally responsible for the repayment of the money. Proper handling of payroll taxes demands attention to detail and adherence to policy.

For more information on payroll taxes, contact a qualified financial advisor.





checking account 经常账户

I.R.S.—— Internal Revenue Service

a quick financial fix

1、Participation n. 分享, 参与

2、mandatory adj

(1) 命令的

(2) 强迫的

A reply to this letter is mandatory.


3、deduct vt 扣除;减除

4、withhold vt -held, -holding 扣住;扣留

to withhold the money 把钱留住(不给别人)

to withhold payment 拒付

5、paycheck n. 付薪水的支票, 薪水

6、due 源自拉丁语debere欠 adj


Our thanks are due to him. 我们要感谢他。


due reward 应得的报酬

I am due for a rise in pay. 我应该提工资了。

(3) 应付的;到期的

(4) 应到的;预期的

When is the steamer due? 这船预定何时到?

7、deceptive adj 不实的;欺骗的


vt, vi


to fix a picture on the wall 把画钉在墙上

He fixed a picture to the wall. 他往墙上贴了张画。

Fix bayonets! 上刺刀!


to fix a date for a meeting决定开会日期

The hours and the places of the meetings will be fixed at the chairman's discretion.



(4) 准备;安排

Let me fix you a drink! 让我给你倒杯饮料。

We must fix the ex-convict up with at least an odd job. 我们必须为这个释放犯人安排一份至少是临时的工作。

We must fix Uncle Fox up with a room in the hotel. 我们必须为福克斯大叔在旅馆里安排一个房间。

"If you want to meet the director, I can fix it." "如果你想会见董事,我可以安排。"

(5) 修理

I asked the boy to fix the bicycle. 我请这个小伙子修自行车。

(6) 拉拢,收买,贿赂

Can they fix the judge? 他们能买通法官吗?

(7) 使(颜色)不变

(8) 报复;处罚

I'll fix George. 我来对付乔治。

I'll fix him for calling me a swindler! "他骂我是个骗子,我要和他算帐!"

9、payroll n



10、adherence n



11、 security

secur[e]+-ity n -ties


The government looks after the security of the country. 政府保障国家的安全。

(2)保障, 担保,保证




government security 公债

