
中英文:Sexual discrimination

分类: 法律英语 
There are both state and federal laws stating that you cannot be denied employment due to your gender. Specifically, an employer cannot refuse to hire or promote you for a job for which you are qualified based upon your gender. One form of gender discrimination is sexual harassment. You have the right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can take two forms. One is when the employment is expressly or implicitly conditioned upon your participation in another employee's demands for sexual favors. An example of this form of harassment is when your employer or supervisor states that if you don't engage in sexual acts with him or her, you will be fired, demoted or denied a promotion. The second form of gender discrimination is when unwelcome sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with an employee's job performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment. Sexual harassment in a hostile environment need not be directed at you, but must be done in your presence, such as telling sexual jokes or displaying sexually-suggestive materials in your place of employment. It is important that your conduct and behavior not invite or encourage sexual harassment. Any employer who commits or condones either gender discrimination or sexual harassment is subject to a civil lawsuit. There are, however, administrative remedies that must be exhausted under both state and federal law before bringing an action in court. For more information on sexual discrimination, consult with an attorney.


州法和联邦法阐明行为人不能因性别关系被解雇,特别是在你完全胜任工作的情况下,雇主不可因性别的原因拒绝雇佣或拒绝给你升迁。性别歧视的一种表现形势是性骚扰。你有权利在没有性骚扰的自由环境中工作。性骚扰有两种形式,一种就是这种雇佣关系明示或暗示表明这份工作是以符合某人的性需求为条件,这种形式的性骚扰表现在如果你不和你的老板或上司发生性行为,那么你就会遭到解雇、降职或无法晋升。性别歧视的第二种表现形式是这种不受欢迎的性骚扰影响到雇员的工作表现或使工作环境充满了敌意。这种充满敌意氛围中的性骚扰无需直接指向你, 但一定是有你在场而做出的,比如说黄色笑话或在你的工作场所摆放有性暗示的物品。你自身的行为不对性骚扰进行邀请或鼓励这一点是至关重要的。任何对性别歧视和性骚扰采取积极行动或者对这些行为睁只眼闭只眼的雇主都会导致民事诉讼。但向法庭提起诉讼前,必须用尽州和联邦法的行政救济行为。如果想了解更多有关性歧视方面的信息,可向律师咨询。

1、 demote vt demoted, demoting 降级;降格

2、 interfere 源自古法语entreferir互打。拉丁词ferire打vi -fered, -fering

(1) 与in连用)干涉,干预

I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game. 我正在和珍妮玩,可是安妮插了进来,把游戏给打乱了。


I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work."我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。"

Don't interfere with him. He's preparing for the final exams."他在为期末考试作准备,不要打扰他。"

3、 implicitly adv. 含蓄地, 暗中地

4、hostile来自拉丁语 hostilis< hostis 敌 adj



Ever since I got better marks than Parker, he has been hostile to me. 自从我比派克得分高以后,他就对我不友好了。

5、offensive adj



6、condone vt -doned, -doning


People cannot condone the use of fierce violence. 人们不能宽恕使用凶残的暴力

