
进出境水产品检验检疫管理办法 Regulations on Inspection And Q

分类: 法律英语 


第一章 总 则

第一条 为加强进出境水产品检验检疫及监督管理,保证进出境水产品的质量安全卫生,保护渔业生产安全和人体健康,根据《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》及其实施条例、《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》及其实施条例、《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》等有关法律法规规定,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法适用于进出境水产品的检验检疫及监督管理。

第三条 本办法所称水产品是指供人类食用的水生动物(不含活水生动物及其繁殖材料,下同)及其制品,包括头索类、脊椎类、甲壳类、脊皮类、脊索类、软体类等水生动物和藻类等水生植物及其制品。

第四条 国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)统一管理全国进出境水产品检验检疫和监督管理工作。国家质检总局设在各地的出入境检验检疫机构(以下简称检验检疫机构)负责所辖地区进出境水产品的检验检疫和监督管理工作。

第二章 进境检验检疫

第五条 检验检疫机构依据国家法律、行政法规和国家质检总局规定以及我国与输出国家或者地区签订的双边检验检疫协议、议定书、备忘录等规定的检验检疫要求,对进境水产品实施检验检疫,必要时组织实施卫生除害处理。

第六条 国家质检总局对进境水产品实行检疫审批制度。进境水产品的货主或者其代理人应当在贸易合同签订前办理检疫审批手续,取得《进境动植物检疫许可证》。未取得《进境动植物检疫许可证》的水产品,不得进口。

第七条 国家认证认可监督管理部门对列入《实施企业注册的进口食品目录》的水产品,实施国外生产加工企业注册登记制度。列入《实施企业注册的进口食品目录》的水产品,未获得的国外生产加工企业注册登记的,不得进口。

第八条 国家质检总局可以根据需要,派员到输出国家或者地区进行进境水产品预检。

第九条 进境水产品必须从国家质检总局认可的口岸进境。




第十条 水产品进境前或者进境时,货主或者其代理人应当持进境动植物检疫许可证、输出国家或者地区官方签发的检验检疫证书正本、原产地证书、贸易合同、信用证、提单、发票等相关单证向进境口岸检验检疫机构报检。对列入《实施企业注册的进口食品目录》的水产品,报检时还应当提供注册编号。


第十一条 检验检疫机构对货主或者其代理人提交的相关单证进行初步审查,符合要求的,正式受理报检,并对《进境动植物检疫许可证》审批数量进行核销。有下列情形之一的,作退回或者销毁处理:




第十二条 来自疫区的装运进境水产品的运输工具,应当在进境口岸检验检疫机构的监督下实施防疫消毒处理;未经检验检疫机构许可,任何单位或者个人不得擅自将进境水产品卸离运输工具。

第十三条 检验检疫机构应当按照下列要求对进境水产品实施现场检验检疫,并按照规定采集或者抽取样品,供实验室检测用:




第十四条 进境水产品经现场检验检疫有下列情形之一的,作退回或者销毁处理:




第十五条 经现场检验检疫合格的进境水产品,应当运往经直属检验检疫局备案的水产品存储库存放、以备实验室检测,未经允许,不得擅自调离、加工。

第十六条 凡列入国家公布的年度残留物质监控计划的进境水产品,检验检疫机构除按照规定完成必要的实验室检测外,还必须按照年度残留物质监控计划要求进行实验室检测。

第十七条 检验检疫机构应当按照规定对样品进行感官、理化、微生物实验室检测,并根据进境水产品的风险程度确定具体的检测项目。

第十八条 进境口岸检验检疫机构根据实验室检测结果,按照签证管理规定分别进行以下处理:




第三章 出境检验检疫

第十九条 检验检疫机构依据我国法律、行政法规、国家质检总局规定和我国与输入国家或者地区签订的双边检验检疫协议、议定书、备忘录以及输入国家或者地区官方检验检疫要求,对出境水产品实施检验检疫。

第二十条 国家质检总局对出境水产品实施残留物质监控制度。凡列入国家公布的年度残留物质监控计划的出境水产品,检验检疫机构除按照规定完成必要的实验室检测外,还必须按照年度残留物质监控计划要求进行实验室检测。

第二十一条 国家认证认可监督管理部门对出境水产品生产、加工、存放企业实施卫生注册登记制度。未获得卫生注册登记的水产品生产企业,不得生产、加工、存放出境水产品。

第二十二条 输入国家或者地区政府主管当局对我国出境水产品生产企业有注册要求的,由国家认证认可监督管理部门统一对外推荐申请国外注册,并公布获得国外注册的企业名单。

第二十三条 水产品出境前,货主或者其代理人应当按照出入境检验检疫报检规定向产地检验检疫机构报检。

第二十四条 经检验检疫合格的,检验检疫机构按照签证管理规定签发有关证单;输入国家或者地区对检验检疫证书有明确要求的,按照其要求出具相关检验检疫证书。




第二十五条 检验检疫机构按照国家质检总局有关规定,对经检验检疫的出境水产品加施检验检疫标志或者封识。

第二十六条 经产地检验检疫的出境水产品,出境口岸检验检疫机构在口岸查验时发现货证不符或者证单内容不符合规定要求的,不予放行。

第二十七条 检验检疫机构依据《出口食品生产企业卫生注册登记管理规定》和《出口水产品加工企业注册卫生规范》及国外相关规定,建立对出口水产品生产、加工、存放企业日常监督管理制度,对出口水产品养殖、生产、加工、存放等过程实施监督管理。对违反监督管理要求的养殖、生产、加工、存放企业,检验检疫机构按照有关规定予以处理。

第二十八条 检验检疫机构依据有关法律法规和国家质检总局规定,可以对出境水产品实施监装。

第二十九条 出境水产品检验检疫有效期为:



(三)其他水产品:6个月 .


第四章 风险预警管理

第三十条 国家质检总局按照有关规定对进出境水产品实施风险预警管理制度。

第三十一条 已经被采取风险预警措施或者快速反应措施的进出境水产品,除执行本办法相关规定外,还应当符合风险预警管理的有关规定。

第五章 附 则

第三十二条 对违反本办法规定的,依照有关法律法规的规定予以处罚。

第三十三条 本办法由国家质检总局负责解释。

第三十四条 本办法自2002 年12月10日起施行。原国家进出口商品检验局1996年4月12日公布的《出口水产品检验管理规定》(国检检(1996)82号)同时废止。








1. 卫生质量方针和目标;

2. 组织机构及其职责;

3. 生产管理人员要求;

4. 环境卫生要求;

5. 库房(冷库)及设施卫生要求;

6. 储存、运输卫生要求;

7. 有毒、有害物质的控制;

8. 质量记录;

9. 质量体系内部审核。




1. 货证不符、散装、拼装或者中性包装的;

2. 腐败变质或者有异味的。






(二)产品出库时, 由专人负责做好出库登记。















兹证明:This is to certify that:

1. 上述产品来自主管当局注册的企业。The above fishery products were come from the establishment approved by competent authority.

2. 该产品是在卫生条件下生产、包装、储藏和运输,并置于主管当局监督之下。The products were produced, packed, stored, and transported under sanitary condition, which were under the supervision of competent authority.

3. 该产品经主管当局检验检疫,未发现中国规定的有害病菌、有毒有害物质和异物。The products were inspected and quarantined by competent authority and not found any pathogenic bacteria,harmful substances and foreign substances regulated in the P.R.China.

4. 该产品符合兽医卫生要求,适合人类食用。The products meet veterinary sanitary requirements and fit for human consumption.

Date of Issue 签发日期


Offical Veterinary Signature官方兽医签字








Regulations on Inspection And Quarantine of Entry And Exit Aquatic Products
(adopted at the executive meeting of the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on October 18, 2002, are hereby promulgated and shall enter into force on December 10, 2002.)

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 In order to strengthen the inspection and quarantine of entry and exit aquatic products and the supervision and administration thereof, to guarantee the quality safety and sanitation of entry and exit aquatic products and to protect the safety of fishery production and human health, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection and the implementation regulations thereof, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Animal and Plant Quarantine and the implementation regulations thereof, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Frontier Sanitation Quarantine and the implementation regulations thereof, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Food Sanitation, etc. and other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to the inspection and quarantine of entry and exit aquatic products and the supervision and administration thereof.

Article 3 Aquatic products as used in these Regulations shall refer to the aquatic animals and the products thereof (not including live aquatic animals and the propagation materials thereof, hereinafter the same) for human consumption, including the aquatic animals like cephalo chordata, vertebrate, crustacean, chordate, molluse and aquatic plants like alga, etc. and the products thereof.

Article 4 The State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as SAQSIQ) shall administer the entry and exit inspection and quarantine and the supervision and administration thereof of the whole country in a unified way. The entry and exit inspection and quarantine bodies set up by the SAQSIQ at the localities (hereinafter referred to as the inspection and quarantine bodies) shall be in charge of the inspection and quarantine of entry and exit aquatic products and the supervision and administration thereof within the areas under their respective jurisdictions.

Chapter 2 Entry Inspection and Quarantine.

Article 5 Inspection and quarantine bodies shall carry out inspection and quarantine over entry aquatic products pursuant to the state laws and administrative regulations, the provisions of the SAQSIQ, and the inspection and quarantine requirements provided for in the bilateral inspection and quarantine agreements, protocols and memos signed by China with the exporting countries or regions, and shall take sanitary treatment against harmful substances when necessary.

Article 6 Quarantine of entry aquatic products shall be subject to the examination and approval of the SAQSIQ. The consignor of the entry aquatic products or its agent shall, before singing the trade contract, go through the examination and approval formalities and obtain the License for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants. Aquatic products for which the License for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants hasn''t been obtained may not be imported.

Article 7 With respect to the aquatic products listed in the Catalog of Import Food Subject to Enterprise Registration, the departments of certification and recognition of the state shall register the foreign manufacturing and processing enterprises. With respect to the aquatic products listed in the Catalog of Import Food Subject to Enterprise Registration, if the foreign manufacturing and processing enterprises thereof haven''t been registered, such products may not be imported.

Article 8 The SAQSIQ may, according to the needs, send personnel to the exporting countries or regions to make advance inspection of entry aquatic products.

Article 9 Entry aquatic products must enter China through the ports accredited by the SAQSIQ.

An entry port for aquatic products shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Having the storerooms accommodated to the quantity and scale of the entry aquatic products; a storeroom shall meet the Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Entry Aquatic Product Storerooms (see attachment 1), and shall be put on record with the inspection and quarantine bureau directly under the SAQSIQ of the place where it is located;

(2) The inspection and quarantine body of the port has the necessary professionals and facilities for carrying out inspection and quarantine of entry aquatic products.

Article 10 Before or when the aquatic products enter China, the consignor or its agent shall apply for inspection with the inspection and quarantine body of the entry port by taking the license for quarantine of entry animals and plants, the original of the inspection and quarantine certificate issued by the authority of the exporting country or region, the certificate of origin, trade contract, letter of credit, bill of lading, invoice and other relevant documents. With respect to the aquatic products listed in the Catalog of Import Food Subject to Enterprise Registration, the registration numbers shall also be provided in the application for inspection.

The official inspection and quarantine certificate of the exporting country or region attached with the aquatic products shall meet the Basic Requirements for Official Inspection and Quarantine Certificates of Exporting Countries or Regions of Entry Aquatic Products (see attachment 2).

Article 11 The inspection and quarantine body shall make preliminary examination of the relevant documents submitted by the consignor or its agent. If the requirements are met, the application for inspection shall be formally accepted, and the quantity examined and approved in the License for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants shall be verified and written off. In any of the following cases, the application shall be returned or destroyed:

(1) Failing to obtain the License for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants through examination and approval formalities pursuant to law, or the License for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants is invalid;

(2) Failing to have the inspection and quarantine certificate issued by the authority of the exporting country or region, or the certificate fails to meet the requirements;

(3) With respect to the aquatic products listed in the Catalog of Import Food Subject to Enterprise Registration, the manufacturing enterprise thereof hasn''t been registered.

Article 12 Vehicles from epidemic areas that carry entry aquatic products shall go through disinfection treatment under the supervision of the inspection and quarantine body of the entry port; no unit or individual may, without the permission of the inspection and quarantine body, unload the entry aquatic products from the vehicles.

Article 13 The inspection and quarantine body shall make on-spot inspection and quarantine over the entry aquatic products pursuant to the following requirements, and collect or select samples for laboratory testing use pursuant to the provisions:

(1) Checking the documents and examining the goods;

(2) Examining whether the package meets the Basic Requirements for Package of Entry Aquatic Products (see attachment 3);

(3) Carrying out quarantine over the salinized or dried entry aquatic products that are likely to grow plant pests.

Article 14 If any is found to have occurred to any of the entry aquatic products after on-spot inspection and quarantine, they shall be returned or destroyed:

(1) The goods fail to match the certificates or the goods fail to meet the inspection and quarantine requirements;

(2) The goods are rotten and deteriorated or are polluted by poisonous and harmful substances;

(3) The package fails to meet the Basic Requirements for Package of Entry Aquatic Products.

Article 15 The entry aquatic products that pass the on-spot inspection and quarantine shall be transported to the aquatic product storerooms, which have been put on record with the inspection and quarantine body directly under the SAQSIQ, for storage and later laboratory testing, and may not be transferred or processed without permission.

Article 16 With respect to the entry aquatic products that are listed in the annual plan of leftover monitoring and control promulgated by the state, the inspection and quarantine body must, apart from finishing the necessary laboratory testing pursuant to the provisions, make laboratory testing pursuant to the requirements of the annual plan.

Article 17 The inspection and quarantine body shall make sensory, physical and chemical, and microorganism laboratory testing over the samples pursuant to the provisions, and shall determine the specific testing items according to the degree of risk of the entry aquatic products.

Article 18 The inspection and quarantine body of the entry port shall, according to the result of laboratory, handle the goods in the following ways pursuant to the provisions on visa administration:

(1) Issuing the Certification of Inspection and Quarantine of Entry Goods to those passing the inspection and quarantine;

(2) Issuing the Notice on Inspection and Quarantine Treatment of Entry Goods to those failing the inspection and quarantine, and supervising the non-hazardous treatment over the goods, or returning or destroying the goods.

If the consignor needs to claim compensation against others, it may apply for issuance of the relevant certificates with the inspection and quarantine body of the entry port.

Chapter 3 Exit Inspection and Quarantine.

Article 19 Inspection and quarantine bodies shall carry out inspection and quarantine over exit aquatic products pursuant to the laws and administrative regulations of China, the provisions of the SAQSIQ, and the inspection and quarantine requirements provided for by the bilateral inspection and quarantine agreements, protocols, memos signed by China with the exporting countries or regions, and by the authorities of the exporting countries and regions.

Article 20 The SAQSIQ shall monitor and control the leftovers with respect to exit aquatic products. For all the exit aquatic listed in the annual plan of leftover monitoring and control promulgated by the state, the inspection and quarantine body must, apart from finishing the necessary laboratory testing pursuant to the provisions, make the laboratory testing pursuant the requirements of the annual plan.

Article 21 The departments of authentication and recognition shall apply the system of sanitation registration with respect to the enterprises that produce, process and store exit aquatic products. The production enterprises of aquatic products without sanitation registration may not produce, process or store exit aquatic products.

Article 22 If the authorities of the exporting countries or regions require registration for the production enterprises of aquatic products of China, the departments of authentication and recognition shall recommend the applications for foreign registration to the foreign countries in a unified way, and shall promulgate the list of the enterprises that have obtained foreign registration.

Article 23 Before the aquatic products exit China, the consignor or its agent shall apply for inspection with the inspection and quarantine body of the producing area pursuant to the provisions on application for inspection for entry and exit inspection and quarantine.

Article 24 If the goods pass the inspection and quarantine, the inspection and quarantine body shall issue relevant certificates and documents pursuant to the provisions on visa administration; if the importing countries or regions have definite requirements for the inspection and quarantine certificates, the relevant certificates shall be produced pursuant to such requirements.

If the goods fail the inspection and quarantine, the inspection and quarantine body shall issue the notice on failure, and handle the goods in the following ways respectively:

(1) For failure of safety and sanitation items, the goods shall not be allowed to exit China;

(2) For failure of other items, technical treatment is allowed; and a new application for inspection may be filed after the technical treatment.

Article 25 The inspection and quarantine body shall, pursuant to the relevant provisions of the SAQSIQ, affix inspection and quarantine marks or seals on the exit aquatic products inspected and quarantined.

Article 26 With respect to the exit aquatic products inspected and quarantined at the producing area, if the inspection and quarantine body of the exit port finds through the port examination that the goods fail to match the documents or the contents of the documents fail to meet the requirements, the goods shall not be released.

Article 27 The inspection and quarantine body shall, pursuant to the Regulations on the Sanitation Registration of Production Enterprises of Export Food, the Sanitation Criteria for Registration of Processing Enterprises of Export Aquatic Products and the relevant foreign provisions, establish the daily supervision and administration system with respect to the enterprises that produce, process or store export aquatic products, to supervise and administer the breeding, production, processing and storage, etc. of export aquatic products. The production, processing, and storage enterprises that violate the requirements of supervision and administration shall be dealt with by the inspection and quarantine body pursuant to the relevant provisions.

Article 28 The inspection and quarantine body may supervise the package of exit aquatic products pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the SAQSIQ.

Article 29 The valid terms of inspection and quarantine of exit aquatic products are:

(1) Cooled (kept fresh) aquatic products: 2 days;

(2) Dry-frozen and single-frozen aquatic products: 4 months;

(3) Other aquatic products: 6 months.

If the exit aquatic products exceed the valid term of inspection and quarantine, a new application for inspection must be filed.

Chapter 4 Early Warning of Risks.

Article 30 The SAQSIQ shall apply the system of early warning of risks with respect to the entry and exit aquatic products pursuant to the relevant provisions.

Article 31 The entry and exit aquatic products for which the early risk warning measures or fast reaction measures have been taken shall, apart from following the relevant provisions of these Regulations, meet the relevant provisions of early warning of risks.

Chapter 5 Supplementary Rules.

Article 32 Those violating these Regulations shall be punished pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations.

Article 33 The power to interpret these Regulations shall remain with the SAQSIQ.

Article 34 These Regulations shall come into force on December 10, 2002.

The Regulations on Inspection of Export Aquatic Products (No.82 [1996] of the SAQSIQ) promulgated by the original state administration of import and export commodity inspection on April 12, 1996 shall be abrogated at the same time.

Attachment: Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Entry Aquatic Product Storerooms

I. Basic conditions for storehouses

(1) Having favorable transport facilities, locating within the jurisdiction of the entry port, having operational space convenient for conveying, and having storage volume of no less than 3,000 tons;

(2) There is no source of pollution around the storehouse, the requirements for environment protection are met, and road surface is flat, without logged water and exposed ground;

(3) Having anti-pest, anti-rat and anti-mildew facilities. There is no dirt or peculiar smell in the storehouse, the environment is clean and tidy, and the inside is arranged rationally;

(4) The storehouse to be used to keep frozen aquatic products must be special cold storehouses for aquatic products, and may not be used for other products. Temperature in the storehouse shall be below -18℃, the difference in temperature between day and night shall not exceed 1℃. There shall be automatic temperate recording equipment, and non-mercury thermometers shall be set up in the storehouse.

(5) Establishing a sanitation quality system including the following contents:

a. Guidelines and targets of sanitation quality;

b. Organizational structures and the duties of the organizations;

c. Requirements for the production and management personnel;

d. Sanitary requirements for environment;

e. Sanitary requirements for storehouses (cold storehouses) and facilities;

f. Sanitary requirements for storage and transport;

g. Control of poisonous and hazardous substances;

h. Quality record;

i. Quality system internal examination.

II. Administration of Storehouse Entry

(1) The storehouse shall check the first section of the Customs Clearance Form of Entry Goods produced by the inspection and quarantine body with respect to the entry aquatic products that enter the storehouse, and shall keep the copy of the section.

(2) The aquatic products found to be in any of the following cases shall not be allowed to enter the storehouse, and the relevant inspection and quarantine body shall be notified without delay.

a. The goods fail to match the certificates, the goods are loosely packed, assembled or in neutral package;

b. The goods are rotten and deteriorated or have peculiar smell.

(3) Different products (including products of different categories, different producing areas, different time of storehouse entry, and different consignors) may not be piled up in a mix in the unified area of the storehouse, and may not be put in the same storehouse where the home-made goods are kept. The storehouse shall be kept tidy inside, and no obstacles shall be set up.

(4) The storehouse shall establish the check system of storehouse entry registration, special personnel shall be designated to take charge of the storehouse entry registration of aquatic products (including the information about the registration of goods and about consignors), the sanitation and epidemic prevention, and to assist the inspection and quarantine body in the check.

(5) The storehouse must fill in the Manual of Quality Supervision and Administration of Storehouse of Entry Aquatic Products (hereinafter referred to as the Manual), for check by the inspection and quarantine body.

III. Administration of Storehouse Exit

(1) The storehouse shall check the original of the first page of the Inspection and Quarantine Certificate of Entry Goods produced by the inspection and quarantine body, and keep the copy of the page.

(2) Special personnel shall take charge of the registration of storehouse exit when the products exit the storehouse.

(3) After the products exit the storehouse, the leftovers shall be cleared away and go through necessary disinfection treatment in a timely manner.

IV. Supervision and Administration

(1) The storehouse shall provide necessary equipment and conditions for the work of the inspection and quarantine personnel. When the inspection and quarantine body carries out quarantine supervision of the storehouse pursuant to law, the storehouse must provide close assistance, and may not conceal the information or refuse the check.

(2) The supervision and administration of storehouses shall be organized by the inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the SAQSIQ, the contents include: sending personnel to the storehouses in fixed or unfixed terms to check the storage status of the entry aquatic products, the relevant registration of storehouse entry and exit, function of the quality system, and compliance with the laws and regulations on inspection and quarantine, including whether there are illegal entry aquatic products kept in the storehouse, or whether the storehouse hasn''t faithfully reported to the inspection and quarantine body when finding illegal entry aquatic products, as well as whether the inspection and quarantine marks and seals of the kept goods have been torn open or damaged during the storage period, etc……

(3) If the inspection and quarantine body finds through the check any violations of the relevant provisions by the storehouse, it may order the storehouse to get right within a prescribed time limit; if the circumstances are serious, it may give a warning, suspend the storehouse from storing entry aquatic products or cancel the qualification of the storehouse.

(4) The storehouse shall regularly submit the statistics statements of the entry aquatic products that entered and exited the storehouse last month to the inspection and quarantine body, which shall make the verification.

(5) If it is needed to change the structure of a storehouse due to repairs or other reasons, consent of the inspection and quarantine body shall be obtained, and epidemic prevention shall be carried out under the guidance of the inspection and quarantine body.

(6) The waste generated in the course of loading and unloading of aquatic products from the storehouses must go through non-hazardous treatment at the designated place pursuant to the requirements of the inspection and quarantine body.

Attachment 2: Basic Requirements for Official Inspection and Quarantine Certificates of Exporting Countries or Regions of Entry Aquatic Products

I. The following information shall be stated in the certificate: product name (including the formal name), producing area, fishing area, processing method, names of the production and processing enterprises and the registration numbers thereof, and certificate-issuing department; transport means (ship means, flight number, container number, etc.), seal number, consignor, consignee, quantity/weight, and date of production.

II. The inspection and quarantine certificate may not be altered, must bear the official stamp and signature of the official inspection and quarantine personnel, and P. R. China must be indicated as the destination.

III. There must be an original of the inspection and quarantine certificate for each batch of aquatic products. And the languages used in the certificate must be both in Chinese and English.

IV. The certificate shall include the following matters:

This is to certify that:

1. The above fishery products come from the establishment approved by competent authority.

2. The products were produced, packed, stored, and transported under sanitary condition, which were under the supervision of competent authority.

3. The products were inspected and quarantined by competent authority and no pathogenic bacteria, harmful substances and foreign substances regulated by the P. R. China was found.

4. The products meet veterinary sanitary requirements and fit for human consumption.

Date of Issue


Official Veterinary Signature

Attachment 3: Basic Requirements for the Package of Entry Aquatic Products

Apart from having intact and durable external package and totally new, non-poisonous and non-hazardous internal and external package, entry aquatic products shall also have on their internal and external package fixed, clear and distinguishable Chinese and English marks, which shall indicate the following matters:

I. Commodity name and formal name, specs, date of production, batch number and preservation conditions of the aquatic products;

II. Production method, including sea fishing, freshwater fishing and breeding;

III. Producing area, including fishing sea areas of the sea fisher, and country or region where the freshwater fisher comes from, and the country or region where the last breeding phase of the bred products is located;

IV. Names and registration numbers of the production and processing plants;

and P. R. China must be indicated as the destination

