
行政区域界线管理条例 Regulations on Administration of Admini

分类: 法律英语 



总理 朱镕基


第一条 为了巩固行政区域界线勘定成果,加强行政区域界线管理,维护行政区域界线附近地区稳定,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称行政区域界线,是指国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准的行政区域毗邻的各有关人民政府行使行政区域管辖权的分界线。


第三条 国务院民政部门负责全国行政区域界线管理工作。县级以上地方各级人民政府民政部门负责本行政区域界线管理工作。

第四条 行政区域界线勘定后,应当以通告和行政区域界线详图予以公布。


第五条 行政区域界线的实地位置,以界桩以及作为行政区域界线标志的河流、沟渠、道路等线状地物和行政区域界线协议书中明确规定作为指示行政区域界线走向的其他标志物标定。

第六条 任何组织或者个人不得擅自移动或者损坏界桩。非法移动界桩的,其行为无效。



第七条 行政区域界线毗邻的任何一方不得擅自改变作为行政区域界线标志的河流、沟渠、道路等线状地物;因自然原因或者其他原因改变的,应当保持行政区域界线协议书划定的界线位置不变,行政区域界线协议书中另有约定的除外。

第八条 行政区域界线协议书中明确规定作为指示行政区域界线走向的其他标志物,应当维持原貌。因自然原因或者其他原因使标志物发生变化的,有关县级以上人民政府民政部门应当组织修测,确定新的标志物,并报该行政区域界线的批准机关备案。

第九条 依照《国务院关于行政区划管理的规定》经批准变更行政区域界线的,毗邻的各有关人民政府应当按照勘界测绘技术规范进行测绘,埋设界桩,签订协议书,并将协议书报批准变更该行政区域界线的机关备案。

第十条 生产、建设用地需要横跨行政区域界线的,应当事先征得毗邻的各有关人民政府同意,分别办理审批手续,并报该行政区域界线的批准机关备案。

第十一条 行政区域界线勘定确认属于某一行政区域但不与该行政区域相连的地域或者由一方使用管理但位于毗邻行政区域内的地域,其使用管理按照各有关人民政府签订的行政区域界线协议书有关规定或者该行政区域界线的批准机关的决定执行。

第十二条 行政区域界线毗邻的县级以上地方各级人民政府应当建立行政区域界线联合检查制度,每5年联合检查一次。遇有影响行政区域界线实地走向的自然灾害、河流改道、道路变化等特殊情况,由行政区域界线毗邻的各有关人民政府共同对行政区域界线的特定地段随时安排联合检查。联合检查的结果,由参加检查的各地方人民政府共同报送该行政区域界线的批准机关备案。

第十三条 勘定行政区域界线以及行政区域界线管理中形成的协议书、工作图、界线标志记录、备案材料、批准文件以及其他与勘界记录有关的材料,应当按照有关档案管理的法律、行政法规的规定立卷归档,妥善保管。

第十四条 行政区域界线详图是反映县级以上行政区域界线标准画法的国家专题地图。任何涉及行政区域界线的地图,其行政区域界线画法一律以行政区域界线详图为准绘制。


第十五条 因对行政区域界线实地位置认定不一致引发的争议,由该行政区域界线的批准机关依照该行政区域界线协议书的有关规定处理。

第十六条 违反本条例的规定,有关国家机关工作人员在行政区域界线管理中有下列行为之一的,根据不同情节,依法给予记大过、降级或者撤职的行政处分;致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的,依照刑法关于滥用职权罪、玩忽职守罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任:





第十七条 违反本条例的规定,故意损毁或者擅自移动界桩或者其他行政区域界线标志物的,应当支付修复标志物的费用,并由所在地负责管理该行政区域界线标志的人民政府民政部门处1000元以下的罚款;构成违反治安管理行为的,并依法给予治安管理处罚。

第十八条 违反本条例的规定,擅自编制行政区域界线详图,或者绘制的地图的行政区域界线的画法与行政区域界线详图的画法不一致的,由有关人民政府民政部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法编制的行政区域界线详图和违法所得,并处1万元以下的罚款。

第十九条 乡、民族乡、镇行政区域界线的管理,参照本条例的有关规定执行。

第二十条 本条例自2002年7月1日起施行。

Regulations on Administration of Administrative Boundaries
Promulgated by Decree No.353 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on May 13, 2002, and effective as of July 1, 2002)

Article 1These Regulations are formulated for the purposes of consolidating the achievements in the demarcation of administrative boundaries, strengthening the administration of administrative boundaries, and maintaining the stability in areas along administrative boundaries.

Article 2For the purpose of these Regulations, administrative boundaries refer to the boundaries approved by the State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, within which the relevant people's governments whose administrative areas are adjacent to each other exercise their respective jurisdiction.

The local people's governments at various levels shall strictly implement the provisions of the approval documents and the agreements on administrative boundaries, and uphold the solemnity and stability of administrative boundaries. No organization or individual may change administrative boundaries without authorization.

Article 3The civil affairs department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of administrative boundaries throughout the country. The civil affairs departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of administrative boundaries of their respective administrative areas.

Article 4After being demarcated, administrative boundaries shall be published in an announcement together with a detailed map thereof.

The administrative boundaries of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be published by the civil affairs department of the State Council and jointly administered by the people's governments of the adjacent provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The administrative boundaries within provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be published by the people's governments of respective provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government and jointly administrated by the people's governments of the adjacent autonomous prefectures, counties (autonomous counties), cities and municipal districts.

Article 5The actual location of administrative boundaries shall be marked by boundary stakes, line-shaped terrains such as rivers, fosses or roads that are used as administrative boundary markers or other markers indicating the alignment of the administrative boundaries that are explicitly specified in the agreements on administrative boundaries.

Article 6No organization or individual may, without authorization, move or damage boundary stakes. The illegal movement of boundary stakes shall be invalid.

The relevant people's governments whose administrative boundaries are adjacent to each other shall, in accordance with the provisions of the agreements on administrative boundaries, carry out the administration of the boundary stakes on the basis of work division. The damaged boundary stakes shall be repaired by the party who administers them in the presence of the adjacent party.

Where there is a need to move or erect new boundary stakes due to construction, development or other reasons, the relevant people's governments whose administrative boundaries are adjacent to each other shall reach an agreement on this issue through consultation, jointly carry out the surveying and mapping therefor, supplement new data to the archives thereof, and submit such archives to the organ that approved that administrative boundaries for the record.

Article 7Neither of the parties whose administrative boundaries are adjacent to each other may change the line-shaped terrains such as rivers, fosses, or roads that are used as administrative boundary markers without authorization; where the line-shaped terrains are changed due to natural forces or other reasons, the administrative boundaries concerned shall be kept in their original location as defined in the agreement on such administrative boundaries, except as otherwise stipulated in that agreement.

Article 8Other markers that are explicitly designated in the agreement on administrative boundaries to indicate the alignment of administrative boundaries shall be kept in their original state. Where such markers are changed due to natural force or other reasons, the civil affairs departments of the relevant people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the resurvey, designate new markers, and submit the results to the organ that approved such administrative boundaries for the record.

Article 9Where a change in administrative boundaries is approved in accordance with the Provisions of the State Council on Administration of Administrative Division, the relevant people's governments whose administrative boundaries are adjacent to each other shall carry out the surveying and mapping therefor in accordance with the technical procedures of surveying and mapping, erect new boundary stakes, conclude an agreement thereon and submit the agreement concluded to the organ that approved such administrative boundaries for the record.

Article 10Where the land for production and construction stretches over the administrative boundary, the consent of the relevant adjacent people's governments shall be obtained beforehand, formalities for examination and approval shall be completed respectively, and such matter shall be reported to the organ that approved such administrative boundaries for the record.

Article 11Where it is confirmed through the demarcation of administrative boundaries that a locality belongs to one administrative area but is not connected with the main part of that administrative area or a locality is used and administered by the people's government of one administrative area but located within another adjacent administrative area, the use and administration of such locality shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the agreement on administrative boundaries concluded by the relevant people's governments or to the decision of the organ that approved such administrative boundaries.

Article 12The local people's governments at or above the county level that have common administrative boundaries shall establish a system of joint inspection over administrative boundaries and carry out a joint inspection every five years. In case of special circumstances such as natural disaster, change of river course, or change of road which influence the alignment of the administrative boundaries, the relevant people's governments that have common administrative boundaries shall, whenever necessary, carry out joint inspection over the relevant part of such administrative boundaries, and the result of the joint inspection shall be submitted jointly by the participant people's governments to the organ that approved such administrative boundaries for the record.

Article 13The agreements, work maps, records of boundary markers, materials for the record, approval documents and other materials concerning the demarcation records that are produced in demarcation and administration of administrative boundaries shall be filed and properly preserved as achieves in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations on archive administration.

Article 14The detailed map of administrative boundaries is a specialized map of the State showing the standard drawing of administrative boundaries of the administrative areas at or above the county level. In any other kind of map involving administrative boundaries, the drawing of administrative boundaries shall take such detailed map as standard.

The civil affairs department of the State Council shall be responsible for drawing the detailed maps of administrative boundaries of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the civil affairs departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for drawing the detailed maps of administrative boundaries within their respective administrative areas.

Article 15The disputes over the actual location of administrative boundaries shall be settled by the organ that approved such administrative boundaries in accordance with the relevant provisions of the agreement on such administrative boundaries.

Article 16Any of State functionaries who, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, commits one of the following acts in administering administrative boundaries shall be given the administrative sanction of recording a grave demerit, demotion or dismissal from the post in light of different circumstances; if such an act causes heavy loss to public property or the interests of the State or the people, he shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of abuse of power or the crime of neglect of duty:

(1)failing to fulfill the duties laid down in the approval documents of and the agreements on administrative boundaries, or failing to implement the decisions of the organ that approved the administrative boundaries;

(2) failing to publish the approved administrative boundaries according to law;

(3)moving or changing administrative boundary markers without authorization, or ordering or instigating others to commit such acts, or failing to stop others from committing such acts upon discovery of their commission of such acts;

(4) repairing without authorization administrative boundary markers in the absence of adjacent party concerned.

Article 17Where anyone, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, deliberately damages or moves without authorization boundary stakes or other administrative boundary markers, he shall pay off the expenses for repairing such markers and be fined not more than 1,000 yuan by the civil affairs department of the local people's government that administers such administrative boundaries; if such act constitutes a violation of public security administration, he shall be given a penalty for public security violations according to law.

Article 18Where anyone, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, draws a detailed map of administrative boundaries without authorization or the drawing of the administrative boundaries in the map that he has drawn is not consistent with that in the detailed map of administrative boundaries, the civil affairs department of relevant people's government shall order him to stop such illegal acts, confiscate all the illegally drawn detailed map of administrative boundaries and the illegal income, and concurrently impose a fine not more than 10,000 yuan.

Article 19The administrative boundaries of townships, nationality townships and towns shall be administered with reference to the relevant provisions of these Regulations.

Article 20These Regulations shall be effective as of July 1, 2002.

