
深圳经济特区酒类管理条例 Administrative Regulations of Shenz

分类: 法律英语 


(1994年8月4日深圳市第一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过 根据1998年5月15日深圳市第二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议《关于修改〈深圳经济特区酒类管理条例〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2002年4月26日深圳市第三届人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议《关于修改〈深圳经济特区酒类管理条例〉的决定》第二次修正)

第一章 总 则

第一条 为加强深圳经济特区(以下简称特区)酒类生产、流通的管理,维护酒类市场秩序,保护消费者的合法权益,根据特区实际情况,制定本条例。

第二条 自然人、法人和非法人经济组织在特区内应依照本条例的规定从事酒类生产或者流通活动。

第三条 本条例所称酒类包括各种白酒、黄酒、啤酒、果酒和其他酒,以及含食用酒精的饮料和食用酒精。

第四条 深圳市人民政府(以下简称市政府)酒类主管部门(以下简称主管部门)依照本条例的规定对特区酒类的生产、流通实行管理。


第五条 酒类的生产、批发、零售和运输实行许可证制度。

第六条 酒类企业应依法纳税。

第七条 酒类企业可成立行业协会。协会和会员的职责由章程规定。


第二章 酒类生产的管理

第八条 酒类生产者,必须持有《酒类生产许可证》。



第九条 申领《酒类生产许可证》,应向主管部门提出书面申请,并应具备下列条件:








第十条 具有《酒类生产许可证》者,持该证向市政府工商行政管理部门办理企业法人注册登记后,方可进行生产。

第十一条 酒类生产者应依照有关法律、法规的规定对产品质量进行严格管理。


第十二条 生产酒类的水质必须符合生活饮用水卫生标准。配制酒类使用的基酒或者食用酒精,必须符合国家标准。使用的添加剂必须符合食品添加剂卫生标准。



第十三条 出厂的酒类标识应标明厂名、厂址、生产日期、采用的质量标准、主要原料、容量、保质期限、酒精含量和注册商标。按国家规定应标明产品有效期限的酒类,应在明显位置标明。酒类使用优质产品标志的,应注明获奖的名称、等级、颁奖机关和颁奖时间。酒类的产品说明不得含有夸大或者虚假内容。

第十四条 严禁生产假冒伪劣酒类。

第三章 酒类流通的管理

第十五条 本条例所称酒类流通,是指酒类的批发、零售、运输等行为。

第十六条 酒类批发者,必须持有《酒类批发许可证》。


第十七条 申领《酒类批发许可证》,应向主管部门提出书面申请,并具备下列条件:








第十八条 具有《酒类批发许可证》者,应持该证向市政府工商行政管理部门办理企业注册登记。现有企业增加经营酒类批发业务的,应持《酒类批发许可证》向市政府工商行政管理部门办理企业变更登记。

第十九条 从事自产酒类批发业务和单项批发业务的批发者不得从事主管部门核准范围以外酒类的批发业务。

第二十条 酒类生产者不得向无《酒类批发许可证》者批发酒类;酒类零售者不得向无《酒类生产许可证》、《酒类批发许可证》者购进酒类。

第二十一条 酒类零售者,必须持有《酒类零售许可证》。









第二十二条 主管部门对酒类出具的理化、感观检验鉴定、认可结论具有法律效力。

第二十三条 罚没处理的酒类,应交主管部门鉴定,并按有关规定处理。

第二十四条 进口酒类,应由卫生检疫机构和市政府技术监督行政管理部门加贴认可标识;经罚没后再销售的符合食品卫生标准的进口酒类,应由主管部门统一加贴认可标识后,方可销售。

第二十五条 酒类运出特区,需由主管部门核发《酒类准运证》。无酒类准运证者,运输部门不得承运。





第二十六条 运进特区的酒类应经主管部门抽检合格,加贴标识后,方得进入特区销售。

第二十七条 举办酒类博览会、展销会的,须由主管部门对承办及参展单位进行审核。

第二十八条 禁止对烈性酒进行各种形式的宣传广告。

第二十九条 禁止向未成年人出售酒类。

第三十条 严禁批发、零售和运输假冒伪劣酒类。

第三十一条 严禁涂改、伪造、转借、租赁、买卖酒类生产、批发、零售、运输许可证。

第四章 罚 则

第三十二条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由主管部门、市政府工商或者技术监督行政管理部门依照各自职责责令违法行为人停止违法行为,没收违法物品和违法所得,并处以违法物品总值二倍的罚款:







第三十三条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由主管部门或者有关行政管理部门依照各自职责责令违法行为人停止违法行为,没收违法物品和违法所得,并处以违法物品总值五倍的罚款:





第三十四条 对本条例第三十二条、第三十三条规定的违法行为,情节严重的,主管部门可同时吊销其许可证。

第三十五条 生产者和经营者在酒类生产活动中丧失本条例第九条第一款第(二)、(三)、(四)项条件,在酒类批发活动中丧失本条例第十七条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)项条件的,主管部门可责令其停止生产或者批发活动,并限期整改。限期整改后经主管部门及有关行政管理部门验收合格的,由主管部门准予其恢复生产或者批发;限期整改不合格的,由主管部门吊销其《酒类生产许可证》或者《酒类批发许可证》。

第三十六条 生产者违反本条例第十二条第一款规定的,由市政府卫生行政管理部门在其职权范围内处以吊销《卫生许可证》等处罚。

第三十七条 违反本条例第八条第三款和第三十一条规定的,由主管部门没收其违法物品及违法所得,可并处生产、销售总额的二倍或者三万元罚款。

第三十八条 违反本条例第二十七条、第二十八条规定的,由主管部门没收其违法所得,并对违法行为人处以五千元以上二万元以下的罚款。

第三十九条 违反本条例第二十九条规定的,由主管部门没收其违法所得,并对违法行为人处以五百元以上一千元以下的罚款。

第四十条 对于违反本条例规定的行为,市政府有关行政管理部门应按照各自的职责协助主管部门进行查处。


第四十一条 违反本条例规定,依照刑法构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第四十二条 主管部门或者其他行政管理部门的工作人员滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、索贿受贿,情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。

第四十三条 自然人、法人或者非法人经济组织对主管部门或者其他行政管理部门作出的处罚决定不服的,可自接到处罚决定书之日起十五日内向深圳市人民政府行政复议机关申请复议,也可直接向人民法院提起诉讼。逾期不申请行政复议或者不提起诉讼,又不履行处罚决定的,由主管部门或者其他行政管理部门申请人民法院强制执行。

第五章 附 则

第四十四条 市政府可依据本条例制定实施细则。

第四十五条 本条例自一九九四年十一月一日起施行。

Administrative Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Alcoholic Drinks

(Originally adopted at the twenty-fourth meeting of first session of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on August 4,1994. As revised for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revision of Administrative Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Alcoholic Drinks of the twentieth meeting of the second session of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on May 15, 1998. As revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Revision of Administrative Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Alcoholic Drinks of the fifteenth meeting of the third session of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on April 26, 2002.)

Chapter I General Provision

Article 1 In order to strengthen the administration of production and circulation of alcoholic drinks of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as "Special Zone"), to maintain the order of alcoholic drink market, and to protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers, these regulations are hereby formulated in light of the specific conditions of the Special Zone.

Article 2 Natural persons, legal persons, and economic organizations without legal personality shall comply with these regulations to undertake the production or circulation of alcoholic drinks in the Special Zone.

Article 3 "Alcoholic drinks" referred to in these regulations includes all kinds of distillate spirits, yellow wines, beers, fruit spirits, other wines, and drinks containing edible alcohols and edible alcohols.

Article 4 The administrative department in charge of alcoholic drinks (hereinafter referred to as "Competent Authorities") of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government (hereinafter referred to as "Municipal Government") shall administrate production and circulation of alcoholic drinks within the Special Zone in accordance with these regulations.

The administrative departments of the Municipal Government in charge of industry and commerce, technical supervision, trade, and health shall assist the Competent Authorities in the administration of production and circulation of alcoholic drinks ex officio.

Article 5 The production, wholesale, retail, and transport of alcoholic drinks shall be subjected to the license system.

Article 6 Alcoholic drink enterprises shall pay taxes according to law.

Article 7 Alcoholic drink enterprises may establish trade association. Powers and duties of the trade association and its members are to be defined by its constitution.

The Competent Authorities shall implement direction and supervision over the work of the trade association.

Chapter II Administration of Alcoholic Drinks

Article 8 To manufacture alcoholic drink, the manufacturers shall hold the alcoholic drink manufacture license.

Natural persons and economic organizations without legal personality shall not undertake the production of alcoholic drinks.

The alcoholic drink manufacture license shall be strictly prohibited from being altered, forged, lent, leased or traded.

Article 9 To obtain an alcoholic drink manufacture license, the applicant shall file a written application to the Competent Authorities, and shall meet the following requirements:

(1) It shall comply with the industrial policies of the Special Zone;

(2) It shall have the production conditions that can guarantee the quality of alcoholic drinks;

(3) It shall have obtained the authorization document from the administrative department in charge of technical supervision;

(4) It shall have obtained the authorization document from the administrative department in charge of health;

(5) It shall have obtained the authorization document from the administrative department in charge of environmental protection; and

(6) It shall meet other conditions provided by laws, regulations and rules.

If the applicant meets the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph, the Competent Authorities shall issue an alcoholic drink manufacture license within 30 days upon the date receiving the application. If the applicant fails to meet such conditions, no License shall be issued, and a written reply shall be made to the applicant.

Article 10 The one who holds an alcoholic drink manufacture license shall not manufacture alcoholic drinks until it been registered as a legal person by the municipal government industrial and commercial administration department.

Article 11 The alcoholic drink manufacturers shall strictly control the quality of products in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Alcoholic drinks shall pass the sanitation, quality inspection and the metrological verification, meet the quality standards, and shall not involve in unreasonable dangers that are harmful to personal health and personal safety.

Article 12 The quality of water used to manufacture alcoholic drinks must meet the sanitary standards of the drinking water. The alcoholic basis or edible alcohol used to make alcoholic drinks must meet the national standards. Additives used must meet the sanitary standards for food additives.

Inedible alcohol, raw materials and additives shall be prohibited from being used to manufacture alcoholic drinks.

Any units and individuals shall not sell alcoholic cordials or healthcare wines confected by themselves.

Article 13 Labels for ex-factory alcoholic drinks shall indicate factory names, factory addresses, date of manufacture, quality standards applied, major ingredients, contents, warranty period, alcohol contents, and registered trademarks. Where expiration date of alcoholic drink is required to be indicated by the state, it shall be indicated on the conspicuous places. Where symbol for high-quality alcoholic drink is used, the title, grade, award authorities and date of the award obtained shall be indicated. Descriptions of alcoholic products shall not comprise exaggerated or false contents.

Article 14 It shall be strictly prohibited that anyone manufacture fake and inferior alcoholic drinks.

Chapter III Administration on Circulation of Alcoholic Drinks

Article 15 In these regulations, "circulation of alcoholic drinks" means wholesale, retail, and transport of alcoholic drinks.

Article 16 To undertake alcoholic drink wholesale business, the wholesaler must hold the alcoholic drink wholesale license.

Natural persons shall not undertake wholesale of alcoholic drinks.

Article 17 To obtain an alcoholic drink wholesale license, the applicant shall file a written application to the Competent Authorities, and shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Having the business license of legal person or business license;

(2) Having proper registered capital;

(3) Having monopolistic trading right of relevant alcoholic drinks;

(4) Having sound management systems and professionals familiar with knowledge in alcoholic drinks;

(5) Having storage facilities that satisfy the sanitation and fire fighting requirements; and

(6) Other conditions stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

In case the applicant meets the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph, the Competent Authorities shall issue an alcoholic drink wholesale license within 15 days upon the date receiving the application. In case the applicant fails to meet such conditions, no license shall be issued, and a written reply shall be made to the applicant.

Article 18 Anyone holds an alcoholic drink wholesale license shall go through enterprise registration procedure before the municipal government industrial and commercial administration department with such license. Any registered enterprise that desires to extend its business scope to undertake wholesale of alcoholic drinks shall go through formalities for modifying the enterprise registration before the municipal government industrial and commercial administration department with such license.

Article 19 Any wholesaler engaging in wholesale of self-manufactured alcoholic drinks and single wholesale business shall not undertake wholesale of alcoholic drinks beyond the business scope rectified by the Competent Authorities.

Article 20 Any alcoholic drink manufacturer shall not undertake wholesale of alcoholic drinks to anyone without alcoholic drink wholesale license. Alcoholic drink retailers shall not purchase alcoholic drinks from anyone without alcoholic drink manufacture license or alcoholic drink wholesale license.

Article 21 To undertake alcoholic drink retail business, the retailer must hold the alcoholic drink retail license.

To obtain an alcoholic drink retail license, the applicant shall file a written application to the Competent Authorities, and shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Having the business license of legal person or business license;

(2) Having proper registered capital;

(3) Having the sanitary license;

(4) Having professionals familiar with knowledge in alcoholic drinks;

(5) Satisfying requirements on establishing business departments; and

(6) Other conditions stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.

In case the applicant meets the conditions specified by paragraph 2 of this article, the Competent Authorities shall issue an alcoholic drink retail license within 15 days upon the date receiving the application. In case the applicant fails to meet such conditions, no License shall be issued, but the written reply shall be made to the applicant.

Article 22 The physicochemical identification, visual inspection and sanction conclusions drawn by the Competent Authorities for alcoholic drinks shall have legal effect.

Article 23 The confiscated alcoholic drinks shall be turned over to the Competent Authorities for identification and disposed of according to relevant provisions.

Article 24 The imported alcoholic drinks shall be affixed with sanction labels by the health quarantine authorities and the administrative department in charge of technical supervision of the Municipal Government. The confiscated imported alcoholic drinks, if meeting the food sanitary standards, shall be affixed uniform sanction labels thereon before being sold by the Competent Authorities.

Article 25 Anyone who desires to transport alcoholic drinks out of the Special Zone shall obtain the alcoholic drink transport license from the Competent Authorities. The transport operators shall not transport alcoholic drinks in case the consignor has no transport license.

The alcoholic drink transport license is the one-off license.

To apply for an alcoholic drink transport license, the applicant shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Having the valid alcoholic drink wholesale license; and

(2) Having purchase invoice or consignment voucher.

Article 26 Alcoholic drinks transport into the Special Zone shall not be sold unless they have passed selective inspection implemented by the Competent Authorities' and been affixed with identical labels.

Article 27 To hold expositions or fairs for alcoholic drinks, the undertakers and exhibitors shall be examined by the Competent Authorities.

Article 28 Advertisements for spirits by all kinds of means shall be prohibited.

Article 29 Sales of alcoholic drinks to minors shall be prohibited.

Article 30 Wholesale, retail and transport of fake and inferior alcoholic drinks shall be strictly prohibited.

Article 31 Wholesale, retail and transport license of alcoholic drink shall be strictly prohibited from being altered, forged, lent, leased, or traded.

Chapter IV Punishment Provisions

Article 32 Anyone shall be ordered to stop unlawful practice, be confiscated articles involved therein and illegal gains, and be imposed a fine of double of the value of articles involved therein by the Competent Authorities, the industrial and commercial administration department or the administrative department in charge of technical supervision of the Municipal Government ex officio, in case it violates the provisions of these regulations committing one of the following acts:

(1) In violation of the provisions of Article 11, or Item (3) of Article 12 of these regulations, making alcoholic drinks unqualified or endangered to the human health and safety;

(2) In violation of the provisions of Article 13 of these regulations, failing to indicate the prescribed labels;

(3) In violation of the provisions of Article 20 of these regulations;

(4) In violation of the provisions of Article 23 of these regulations, disposing of the confiscated alcoholic drinks without authorization;

(5) In violation of the provisions of Article 24 of these regulations, engaging in the wholesale or retail of imported alcoholic drinks without sanction labels; or

(6) In violation of the provisions of paragraph I of Article 26 or Article 27 of these regulations.

Article 33 Anyone shall be ordered to stop unlawful practice, be confiscated articles involved therein and illegal gains, and be imposed a fine of five times of the value of articles involved therein by the Competent Authorities and relevant administrative department ex officio, in case it violates the provisions of these regulations committing one of the following acts:

(1) In violation of the provisions of Article 8, Article 16, or paragraph I of Article 21 of these regulations, engaging in production, wholesale, or retail of alcoholic drinks without any license;

(2) In violation of the provisions of Article 10 or Article 18 of these regulations, engaging in production or wholesale of alcoholic drinks without registration;

(3) In violation of the provisions of paragraph II of Article 12 or Article 14 of these regulations, manufacturing counterfeit, fake and inferior alcoholic drinks; or

(4) In violation of the provisions of Article 31 of these regulations, engaging in the wholesale, retail, or transport fake and inferior alcoholic drinks.

Article 34 Anyone shall be concurrently revoked of the licenses in case it violates the provisions of Article 33 and Article 34 of these regulations seriously committing unlawful practices.

Article 35 Where manufacturers and business operators fail to meet the conditions specified in Item (2), Item (3), and Item (4) of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of these regulations in the course of production of alcoholic drinks, or fail to meet the conditions specified in Item (1), Item (2), Item (3), and Item (4) of paragraph 1 of Article 17 in the course of wholesale of alcoholic drinks, the Competent Authorities may order them to stop production or wholesale activities, and make rectifications within specified time limits. The Competent Authorities shall not allow them to carry over production or wholesale unless they have passed examination and proved to be qualified by the them and relevant administrative departments in charge. In case they are still unqualified through rectifications, the Competent Authorities shall revoke their alcoholic drink production or wholesale license.

Article 36 Any manufacturer shall be revoked of its sanitary license by the municipal government administrative department in charge of health ex officio in case it violates paragraph 1 of Article 12 of these regulations.

Article 37 Anyone shall be confiscated of its articles involved therein and illegal gains and be imposed a fine of double of the value of the production or sales, or RMB 30,000 by the Competent Authorities, in case it violates the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 8 and Article 32 of these regulations.

Article 38 Anyone shall be confiscated of its illegal gains and be imposed a fine of more than RMB 5,000 but less than RMB 20,000 by Competent Authorities in case it violates the provision s of Article 28 or Article 29 of these regulations.

Article 39 Anyone shall be confiscated of its illegal gains and be imposed a fine of more than RMB 500 but less than RMB 1,000 by Competent Authorities in case it violates the provisions of Article 30 of these regulations.

Article 40 The relevant administrative departments of the Municipal Government shall assist the Competent Authorities in investigating and handling acts that in violation of the provisions of these regulations ex officio.

Where two or more administrative departments have jurisdiction over an unlawful practice, the one that places the case on file earlier shall investigate and handle this case; No repeated punishments shall be imposed. The confiscated alcoholic drinks and articles shall be turned over to the Competent Authorities for uniform disposal. Confiscated property shall be turned over to the finance department of the same level.

Article 41 Anyone shall be prosecuted for the criminal liability by the judicial department according to law in case it violates the provisions of these regulations committing a crime based on the criminal law.

Article 42 The officials of Competent Authorities or other administrative departments who neglect their duties, abuse their authorities, practice irregularities for personal gains, take bribes, in case the circumstance are so serious as to constitute a crime, they shall be prosecuted for the criminal responsibility according to law.

Article 43 In case any natural person, legal person, or economic organization without legal personality objects to the punishment decision made by the Competent Authorities or any other administrative department, it may apply for reconsideration to the Municipal Government's administrative reconsideration authorities, or directly file a lawsuit before the people's court within 15 days upon the date receiving the decision. In case the party concerned neither applies for an administrative review, nor files a lawsuit, nor fulfills the punishment decision, the Competent Authorities or any other administrative department in charge may apply to the people's court for compulsory execution.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 44 The detailed implementing measures are to be formulated by the Municipal Government in accordance with these regulations.

Article 45 These regulations shall take effect as of November 1, 1994.

