

分类: 法律英语 

(已经2002年3月15日省政府第54次常务会议通过, 二○○二年四月四日公布,自2002年5月1日起施行)

第一条 为了发展应用新型墙体材料,节约能源,保护土地资源和环境,根据国家有关规定,结合本省实际,制定本规定

第二条 本规定所称新型墙体材料,是指除用粘土或者掺粉煤灰等工业废渣烧结的实心砖以外的节约能源、土地并且具有保温、隔热、隔音、轻质、高强等性能的墙体材料。

第三条 本省行政区域内生产和使用墙体材料以及与此相关的工程规划、建设、设计、施工的单位和个人,均须遵守本规定。

第四条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对发展应用新型墙体材料工作的领导,并把发展应用新型墙体材料工作纳入本行政区域社会、经济发展规划和计划。

第五条 省、市州、县(市)人民政府负责墙体材料改革管理工作的部门(以下简称墙改部门)主管本行政区域内发展应用新型墙体材料工作。



第六条 各级墙改办应当对本行政区域内发展应用新型墙体材料管理工作实行目标管理责任制度。

第七条 生产、应用新型墙体材料的单位和个人,可以享受国家规定的税收、立项等方面的优惠政策。

第八条 鼓励发展新型墙体材料的科学研究和技术开发。


第九条 各级墙改办应当定期到计划、城市规划、建设等行政主管部门了解建设工程计划、规划审批和开工许可等情况,有关部门应当予以支持和配合。

第十条 禁止新建、扩建和改建粘土实心砖生产线。


第十一条 凡框架结构建筑的填充墙、砖混结构建筑的非承重墙、围墙,不得使用粘土实心砖。

第十二条 凡新建、改建、扩建的各类建筑工程,除道路、桥梁、管道、给排水设施,农田水利,环境污染治理和"废水、废气、废物"综合利用,助残和希望工程助学项目,列入文物保护单位的古建筑修缮工程,农民新建、翻建自用住房以及国家规定可以减免的其他工程外,建设单位和个人必须按照国家规定,在建筑工程开工前缴纳新型墙体材料专项基金(以下简称专项基金)。未按照本规定缴纳专项基金的,计划部门不得立项,城市规划部门不得发放建设工程规划许可证,建设行政主管部门不得批准开工建设。



第十三条 违反本规定,有下列行为之一的,由墙改部门责令限期改正,有违法所得的,处1万元至3万元的罚款,没有违法所得的,处5000元至1万元的罚款:



第十四条 工程建设单位未按规定缴纳专项基金的,由墙改部门责令其停止施工,补缴专项基金,并按日征收5?的滞纳金。

第十五条 违反本规定,批准新建、扩建和改建粘土实心砖生产线的,其批准文件无效,所造成的损失由批准机关承担。

第十六条 墙改部门工作人员不使用省财政部门统一印制的专用票据以及滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位、上级主管部门或者监察部门依法给予行政处分。

第十七条 当事人对行政审批或行政处罚决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

第十八条 本规定自2002年5月1日起施行。过去本省有关发展应用新型墙体材料的规定与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。

Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Compensation And Resettlement of Houses Demolished And Relocated on Requisitioned Collectively-owned Land
(Promulgated on April 10, 2002 by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government)

Article 1 In order to normalize the activity of compensating and resettling of houses and fixtures demolished and relocated on requisitioned peasants'collectively-owned land, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the"Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Implementing the'Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Administration'"and the"Rules of Shanghai Municipality on Implementing the Administration of Urban Houses Demolished and Relocated".

Article 2 Compensation and resettlement of houses demolished and relocated on requisitioned land is a component of the compensation and resettlement work for requisitioned land. The standard of compensation and resettlement of houses demolished and relocated on requisitioned land shall be incorporated in the plan of compensation and resettlement of requisitioned land, and be made public. The expenditure for compensation and resettlement of houses demolished and relocated on requisitioned land shall be included in the administration of compensation and resettlement on requisitioned land.

Article 3 After the scheme of compensation and resettlement for requisitioned land is approved by the district/county people's government, the building unit shall be responsible for compensation and resettlement of the houses demolished and relocated.The specific work of compensation and resettlement of houses demolished and relocated shall be carried out by the unit, entrusted by the building unit, which has obtained the qualification certificate of house demolition and relocation issued by the Municipal Administration of Housing and Land Resources (hereinafter referred to as MAHLR).

Article 4 In case of house demolition and relocation on land requisitioned, the owner of a house in the scope of land requisition (hereinafter referred to as the relocatee) shall be resettled with compensation as stipulated. The relocatee shall complete his removal in the removal time limit.The number of household is calculated according to the relocatees'legal and valid real estate title deed, rural house site usage certificate or house building approval document and the compensation and resettlement for demolition and relocation is carried out by household.

Article 5 The use and ground space of the house demolished and relocated shall take the statement in the real estate title deed, rural house site usage certificate, or house building approval document as the standard.If at the time when a land requisition notice is published, the relocatee has obtained the house building approval document and completed the new house, compensation shall be paid for the new house and not for the old house that should be but has not been demolished. If at the time when a land requisition notice is published, the relocatee has obtained the house building approval document but has not completed the new house, the relocatee shall stop building the house immediately and the specific amount of compensation may be decided on through consultation by the parties concerned in the demolition and relocation.Appropriate compensation may be given for demolition of the temporary building whose authorized time limit has not expired.No compensation shall be given to unauthorized constructions, temporary buildings whose authorized time limit has expired and the part of house and its fixtures newly built, rebuilt or extended arbitrarily after a land requisition notice is published.

Article 6 If, in the demolition and relocation of residential houses on requisitioned land, the village or villagers'group whose land is requisitioned is organically cancelled, the relocatee may choose either monetary compensation or exchange of housing with property rights valued at the monetary compensation sum.The formula for calculating monetary compensation amount provided in the preceding clause is: (the unit price of rebuilding the demolished house and resettlement combined with depreciation of the demolished house + the base price of land-use right of ground space of each square meter of newly-built multi-stories commodity house in the same area + price subsidy) x the ground space of the demolished house.The unit price under this Article refers to the price of ground space of each square meter.The building unit shall entrust the real estate appraisal organization with house demolition evaluation qualification authorized by the MAHLR to make appraisal of the unit price of rebuilding of the demolished house and resettlement combined with depreciation of the demolished house provided in this Article. The base price of land-use right of ground space of each square meter of newly built multi-stories commodity house in the same area and the price subsidy standard shall be formulated and published by the district/county people's government in the locality where the house is demolished.

Article 7 If, in demolition and relocation of residential houses on requisitioned land, the organic village or the villagers'group whose land is requisitioned is not cancelled, the provisions set below shall be followed in giving compensation to the relocatee whose household registration has not been turned to urban household registration:(1) In an area where there are conditions for the relocatee to change a place to build houses, the relocatee may apply for land for home site to build his new house in the scope of central village or residential quarter determined in the overall planning of the township (town) land utilization, and shall get corresponding monetary compensation;(2) In the area where there are no conditions for the relocatee to change a place to build his house, Article 6 of these Provisions shall be carried out, and the relocatee shall not apply for land for home site to build his new house.The formula for calculating monetary compensation amount provided in Clause 1 Item 1 of this Article is: (the unit price of the rebuilding of the demolished house and resettlement combined with depreciation of the demolished house + price subsidy) x the ground space of the demolished house. The building unit shall pay the village or the villagers'group with land requisitioned expenditures the relocatee needs for the use of land for new home site. The examination and approval procedure for the relocatee to apply for land for the home site to build new house shall follow the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality concerning rural housing construction.

Article 8 In residential house demolition, the relocatee shall be also compensated with home removal allowances, equipment removal fees, makeshift settlement subsidies in transition period, and the makeshift settlement subsidies shall be increased from the overdue date of transition period.

Article 9 Monetary compensation is practiced for demolition of non-residential houses.In respect to the demolition of non-residential houses owned by enterprises jointly run by a rural collective economic organization and other units or individual persons in the forms of land-use rights converted into shares, pooling and others, the formula for calculating monetary compensation sum for the relocatee is: the price of rebuilding the demolished house and resettlement + corresponding land-use right acquisition fees.The building unit shall entrust the real estate appraisal institution with housing demolition evaluation qualification authorized by the MAHLR to make appraisal of the price of rebuilding the demolished house and resettlement and corresponding land-use right acquisition fees provided in Clause 2 of this Article.

Article 10 In respect to the demolition of non-residential houses, the relocatee shall be also compensated with the following expenditures:(1) Equipment removal and installation expenditures calculated at the cargo transport price and equipment installation price set by the State and this Municipality;(2) The expenditure of equipment that is unable to have its use restored calculated at the re-purchase price combined with depreciation;(3) Appropriate compensation for production and business suspension due to demolition and relocation.

Article 11 The compensation for demolished sheds and shack attached to the residential house, the non-residential house other than those provided in Article 9 Clause 2 of these Provisions and other ground structures shall follow the property compensation standard of this Municipality concerning land requisition for national construction.

Article 12 The norm of evaluation technique for houses demolished and relocated on requisitioned land shall be formulated by the MAHLR.

Article 13 Rural agricultural population resettlement subsidies, young crop compensation, and land compensation for land requisition shall follow relevant stipulations of the State and this Municipality.

Article 14 The implementing procedure of the compensation and resettlement of houses demolished and relocated on requisitioned land shall follow relevant stipulations in"Rules of Shanghai Municipality on Implementing the Administration of Urban House Demolition and Relocation".

Article 15 These Provisions are also applicable to the project that went through land requisition formalities before the implementation of these Provisions but has not carried out the demolition and relocation of houses.

Article 16 The MAHLR shall be responsible for the interpretation of specific matters in the application of these Provisions.

Article 17 These Provisions shall become effective on the date of promulgation.

April 10, 2002

