

分类: 法律英语 






第一条 为了有效监测汽车产品进口情况,维护和规范国内汽车市场正常秩序,根据《机电产品进口管理办法》和《货物自动进口许可管理办法》,特制定本细则。

第二条 本细则中所指汽车产品是:汽车整车、汽车成套散件及构成汽车整车特征的散件总成或系统、汽车部件总成或系统和汽车关键零部件。具体商品名称及商品编码见《货物自动进口许可商品目录》。

第三条 汽车产品自动进口许可管理工作由商务部负责。《货物自动进口许可商品目录》中属商务部管理的汽车产品由商务部签发《自动进口许可证》,其他汽车产品由各地方、部门机电产品进出口办公室签发《自动进口许可证》。

第四条 一般贸易、易货贸易、边境小额贸易、租赁、援助与赠送、捐赠等方式进口列入《货物自动进口许可商品目录》的汽车产品,进口单位在向海关申报前,须向商务部或其授权的地方、部门机电办(以下简称发证机构)申领《自动进口许可证》。

第五条 申请进口汽车产品的单位,除需提交符合《货物自动进口许可管理办法》第八条规定的材料外,属下列情形还需提交以下相应材料:





第六条 申请汽车产品《自动进口许可证》可通过计算机网络,也可以以书面形式向发证机构提交申请。



第七条 申请进口列入《货物自动进口许可商品目录》中属商务部管理的汽车产品,申请材料须经地方、部门机电办核实。地方、部门机电办收到齐备的申请材料后,应当立即核实,最长不超过3个工作日。核实后将申请材料递交商务部。商务部在收到内容正确、形式完备的申请后,应当立即签发《自动进口许可证》;在特殊情况下,最长不超过10个工作日。

第八条 申请进口列入《货物自动进口许可目录》中属地方、部门机电办管理的汽车产品,地方、部门机电办在收到内容正确、形式完备的申请后,应当立即签发《自动进口许可证》;在特殊情况下,最长不超过10个工作日。

第九条 经有关部门核定,进口属于构成整车特征的汽车零部件,商务部在签发的《自动进口许可证》的备注栏中打印标注“构成整车特征”。

第十条 加工贸易进口汽车产品,应按规定复出口。如因故不能出口需内销的,属商务部管理的汽车产品,由经营企业按一般贸易的有关规定向商务部申请,商务部签发《自动进口许可证》;其他汽车产品,由经营企业向所在地机电办或所属部门机电办申请,由地方、部门机电办签发《自动进口许可证》。各省级商务加工贸易主管机构按照《汽车加工贸易审批和内销管理办法》的有关规定,凭《自动进口许可证》签发《加工贸易保税进口料件内销批准证》。


第十一条 外商投资企业进口自用汽车(整车)按照有关规定办理进口手续。

第十二条 海关凭加盖机电产品自动进口许可证专用章的《自动进口许可证》办理验放手续,银行凭《自动进口许可证》办理售汇和付汇手续。

第十三条 汽车产品《自动进口许可证》实行“一批一证”或“非一批一证”管理。

第十四条 汽车产品《自动进口许可证》有效期为六个月,且仅在本公历年度内有效。



第十五条 汽车产品《自动进口许可证》如在有效期内无法使用或未使用完,应在《自动进口许可证》有效期内退回原发证机关。

第十六条 《自动进口许可证》如有遗失,申请进口单位应当立即向原发证机关以及自动进口许可证上注明的进口口岸地海关书面报告挂失。经核实无不良后果,原发证机关可予重新补发;如造成不良后果,视其影响予以警告直至暂停发放其《自动进口许可证》。

第十七条 未按本《细则》申领《自动进口许可证》,擅自进口实行自动进口许可管理的汽车产品的,由海关依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处理、处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十八条 伪造、变造、买卖汽车产品《自动进口许可证》或者以欺骗等不正当手段获取《自动进口许可证》的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十九条 本《细则》由商务部负责解释。

第二十条 本《细则》自2005年1月1日起施行。

Detailed Rules for Implementation of Issuing Automatic Import License for Auto Products

Article 1 For the purposes of supervising effectively the import of auto products, safeguarding and regulating normal order of domestic auto market, the said detailed rules are formulated in accordance with Management Measures on Import of Mechanical and electrical Products and Management Measures on Goods Automatic Import Permission.

Article 2 The auto products referred to in these detailed rules mean whole automobile, complete set of auto spare parts, spare parts assembly or system that constitute the features of an automobile, auto parts assembly or system and key auto spare parts. Detailed name and code of the commodities are in Commodity Catalogue of Goods Automatic Import Permission.

Article 3 Ministry of Commerce is responsible for the management of automatic import permission of auto products. Automatic Import License for the auto products that are managed by Ministry of Commerce in Commodity Catalogue of Goods Automatic Import Permission is issued by Ministry of Commerce. Automatic Import Licenses for other auto products are issued by local or departmental mechanical and electrical import and export office.

Article 4 The importers should apply for Automatic Import License to Ministry of Commerce or its authorized local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs (hereinafter referred to as "license issuing organs" before they make declaration to the customs when they import auto products listed in Commodity Catalogue of Goods Automatic Import Permission by means of general trade, barter, small frontier trade, renting, assistance, presentation and contribution.

Article 5 Beside the materials stipulated in Article 8 of Commodity Catalogue of Goods automatic Import Permission, the units that apply for import of auto products should submit following materials in case of following:

1. Whoever applies for import of automobile for sales should submit authorization certificate of automobile brand distribution (submit it when making the first application in the Gregorian calendar year).

2. If the applicants apply for import of automobiles for self-use, they should submit business license of the enterprise or the certificate of the organization or organ (copy). If they apply for import of automobiles for self-use by means of assistance, representation and contribution, they should submit business license of the enterprises or the certificate of the organization or organ (copy) and related certificates of assistance, representation and contribution.

3. If auto production enterprises apply for import of complete set of spare parts (including SKD and CKD), parts assembly (system) for auto production, they should submit the Announcement of Road Auto Production Enterprises and Products in which the model of the auto they produced are listed.

Import units should be responsible for the truthfulness of the materials they submitted, and assure their business activities accord with the provisions of national laws and administrative regulations.

Article 6 May Applying for Automatic Import License of auto products through computer website or submit written application to license issuing organs.

Applying through website: The units who apply for import may enter the website authorized by Ministry of Commerce enter license network application system, fills in the Import Application Form of Mechanical and electrical Products in accordance with the requirements strictly according to the facts, and at the same time provide related materials stipulated in Article 5 of the said detailed rules.

Written application: The units who applies for import may obtain Import Application Form of Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products directly from the license issuing organs or download it from the website authorized by Ministry of Commerce  and the form may be copied. Then fill in the form in accordance with the requirements and submit it to the license issuing organs together with other materials stipulated in the said detailed rules by sending, posting or other ways.

Article 7 If the auto products listed in Commodity Catalogue of Goods Automatic Import Permission belong to the management of Ministry of Commerce, the application materials should be verified by local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs. At the receipt of all the application materials, local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs should verify at once, within no more than three working days. After the verification, they should submit the materials to the Ministry of Commerce. Ministry of Commerce should issue Automatic Import License at once after receiving correct and completed application. If the case is special, it should not exceed ten working days.

Article 8 If the auto products listed in Commodity Catalogue of Goods Automatic Import Permission belong to the management of local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs, local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs should issue Automatic Import License at once after receiving correct and completed application. If the case is special, it may prolong at most ten working days.

Article 9 After verification of related organs, if the auto spare parts belong to the ones constitute the features of a whole automobile, Ministry of Commerce should mark "constitute the feature of a whole automobile" in the remarks column of issued Automatic Import License.

Article 10 The auto products of processing trade import should be re-exported in accordance with rules. If the auto products under the management of Ministry of Commerce can't be re-exported and need to be sold in domestic market for some reasons, the applicants should make an application to Ministry of Commerce in accordance with related rules of general trade. Ministry of Commerce issues Automatic Import License. As for other auto products, the operation enterprises make applications to local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs. Local or departmental mechanical and electrical organs issue Automatic Import License. All provincial competent organs of processing trade issue Approval Certificate of Bonded Imported Materials and Parts of Processing Trade for Domestic Market by Automatic Import License in accordance with related provisions of Management Measures on Approving Auto Processing Trade and Sales for Domestic Market.

If the auto products in export processing region need to be sold out for domestic market, the importers should handle Automatic Import License in accordance with the said detailed rules.

Article 11 If foreign invested enterprises import self-use automobiles (whole ones), they should go through import formalities in accordance with related rules.

Article 12 The customs handles clearance formalities by Automatic Import License with a special seal of automatic import permission of mechanical and electrical products. The banks sell and pay foreign exchange by Automatic Import License.

Article 13 Automatic Import License of auto products is managed in the ways of " a lot a license" or "non a lot a license".

Article 14 Automatic Import License of auto products is valid for six month and only within this Gregorian calendar year.

The content of Automatic Import License could not be altered.

If Automatic Import License needs to be extended or altered, a new one should be issued and the old one should be returned to license issuing organs and be cancelled.

Article 15 If Automatic Import License of auto products could not be used or has not been used up in the time of efficacy, it should be sent back to license issuing organs.

Article 16 If Automatic Import License is lost, the applicants should report the loss of it at once to license issuing organ and the customs of the import port that indicated in the license. If there is no harmful consequence after verification, the license issuing organs may issue a new license again. If it causes a harmful consequence, a warning is given to the applicant or Automatic Import License suspends to be issued according to the influence.

Article 17 Whoever does not apply for Automatic Import License in accordance with the said detailed rules, imports auto products under the management of automatic import permission without permission will be punished in accordance with related laws, administrative regulations. Whoever commits a crime will be ascertained criminal responsibility.

Article 18 Whoever fakes, alters or buys and sells Automatic Import License of auto products, or obtains the license by cheating and other illegal ways will be punished in accordance with related laws, administrative regulations. Whoever commits a crime will be ascertained criminal responsibilities in accordance with laws.

Article 19 The interpretation of the said detailed rules shall be vested in the Ministry of Commerce.

Article 20 The said detailed rules will come into effect as of January 1, 2005

