

分类: 法律英语 

颁布日期:19880421  实施日期:19880421

[Adopted on 21 April 1988 by Resolution MSC. 11(55)]

TABLE OF CONTENTS Addition of Chapter II-1, new Regulation 23-2 Integrity of hull and superstructure, damage prevention and control Addition of Chapter II-1, new Regulation 42-1 Supplementary emergencylighting for ro/ro passenger shipsAMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA,1974[Adopted on 21 April 1988 by Resolution MSC. 11(55)]

(1) chapter II-1, regulation 23-2

The following new regulation 23-2 is added after existing regulation23: “Regulation 23-2 Integrity of the hull and superstructure, damageprevention and control

(This regulation applies to all passenger ships with ro/ro cargospaces or special category spaces as defined in regulation II-2/3, exceptthat for ships constructed before 22 October 1989, paragraph 2 shall applynot later than 22 October 1992)

1. Indicators shall be provided on the navigating bridge for all shelldoors, loading doors and other closing appliances which, if left open ornot properly secured could, in the opinion of the Administration, lead tomajor flooding of a special category space or ro/ro cargo space. Theindicator system shall be designed on the fail safe principle and shallshow if the door is not fully closed or not secured. The power supply forthe indicator system shall be independent of the power supply foroperating and securing the doors.

[ Reference is made to resolution MSC.11 (55) by which the MaritimeSafety Committee resolved that ships constructed before 22 October 1989which are already fitted with indicators approved by the Administration,which may be different from those required by this regulation, should notbe required to change their systems.]

2. Means shall be arranged, such as television surveillance or a waterleakage detection system, to provide an indication to the navigatingbridge of any leakage through bow doors, stern doors or any other cargoor vehicle loading doors which could lead to major flooding of specialcategory spaces or ro/ro cargo spaces.

3. Special category spaces and ro/ro cargo spaces shall either bepatrolled or monitored by effective means, such as televisionsurveillance, so that movement of vehicles in adverse weather andunauthorized access by passengers can be observed whilst the ship isunderway.“

(2) Chapter II-1, regulation 42-1

The following new regulation 42-1 is added after existing regulation42: “Regulation 42-1 Supplementary emergency lighting for ro/ro passengerships

(This regulation applies to all passenger ships with ro/ro cargospaces or special category spaces as defined in regulation II-2/3, exceptthat for ships constructed before 22 October 1989, this regulation shallapply not later than 22 October 1990.)

In addition to the emergency lighting required by regulation 42.2, onevery passenger ship with ro/ro cargo spaces or special category spaces asdefined in regulation II-2/3:

1 all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be providedwith supplementary electric lighting that can operate for at least threehours when all other sources of electric power have failed and under anycondition of heel. The illumination provided shall be such that theapproach to the means of escape can be readily seen. The source of powerfor the supplementary lighting shall consist of accumulator batterieslocated within the lighting units that are continuously charged, wherepracticable, from the emergency switchboard. Alternatively, any othermeans of lighting which is at least as effective may be accepted by theAdministration. The supplementary lighting shall be such that any failureof the lamp will be immediately apparent. Any accumulator battery providedshall be replaced at intervals having regard to the specified service lifein the ambient conditions that they are subject to in service; and

2 a portable rechargeable battery operated lamp shall be providedin every crew space alleyway, recreational space and every working spacewhich is normally occupied unless supplementary emergency lighting, asrequired by subparagraph .1, is provided

