颁布日期:19890411 实施日期:19890411
Amendment to Regulation 11 Peak and machinery space bulkheads andstern tubes in cargo ships
Amendment to Regulation 12 Double bottoms in passenger ships
Addition of new Regulation 12-1 Double bottoms in cargo ships otherthan tankers
Replacement of Regulation 15 Openings in watertight bulkheads inpassenger ships
Amendment to Regulation 16 Passenger ships carrying goods vehiclesand accompanying personnel
Amendment to Regulation 21 Bilge pumping arrangements
Addition of new Regulation 23-1 Damage control in dry cargo ships
Amendment to Regulation 42 Emergency sources of electrical power inpassenger ships CHAPTER II-2 CONSTRUCTION-FIRE PROTECTION, FIRE DETECTION AND FIREEXTINCTION
Amendment to Regulation 4 Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses
Addition of new Regulation 13-1 Sample extraction smoke detectionsystems
Amendment to Regulation 15 Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oiland other flammable oils
Amendment to Regulation 18 Miscellaneous items
Amendment to Regulation 26 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks inships carrying more than 36 passengers
Amendment to Regulation 27 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks inships carrying not more than 36 passengers
Amendment to Regulation 38 Protection of cargo spaces, other thanspecial category spaces, intended for the carriage of motor vehicles withfuel in their tanks for their own propulsion
Amendment to Regulation 40 Fire patrols, detection, alarms and publicaddress systems
Amendment to Regulation 44 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks
Amendment to Regulation 50 Details of construction
Amendment to Regulation 53 Fire protection arrangements in cargospaces
Amendment to Regulation 54 Special requirements for ships carryingdangerous goods
Amendment to Regulation 55 Application
Replacement of Regulation 56 Location and separation of spaces
Amendment to Regulation 58 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks
Amendment to Regulation 59 Venting, purging, gas-freeing andventilation
Amendment to Regulation 62 Inert gas systems CHAPTER III LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES AND ARRANGEMENTS
Amendment to Regulation 41 General requirements for lifeboats CHAPTER IV RADIOTELEGRAPHY AND RADIOTELEPHONY
Amendment to Regulation 13 Radiotelegraph installations for lifeboats
Amendment to Regulation 14 Portable radio apparatus for survivalcraft CHAPTER V SAFETY OF NAVIGATION
Amendment to Regulation 3 Information required in danger messages
Replacement of Regulation 9 Misuse of distress signals
Amendment to Regulation 12 Shipborne navigational equipment
Amendment to Regulation 13 Manning
Replacement of Regulation 16 Life-saving signals CHAPTER VII CARRIAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS
Replacement of Regulation 7 Explosives in passenger shipsAmendments to the International Convention for the Safety at Sea, of Life1974[Adopted on 11 April 1989 by Resolution MSC, 13 (57)]
Regulation 11 Peak and machinery space bulkheads and stern tubesincargo ships
The existing heading is replaced by the following: “Peak and machineryspace bulkheads and stern tubes in cargo ships”
The following text is inserted after the heading:
“(Paragraphs 8 and 9 of this regulation apply to ships constructed onor after 1 February 1992)。”
The following new paragraphs 8 and 9 are added after paragraph 7:
“8 Bulkheads shall be fitted separating the machinery space from cargoand passenger spaces forward and aft and made watertight up to thefreeboard deck.
9 stern tubes shall be enclosed in a watertight space (or spaces) ofmoderate volume. Other measures to minimize the danger of waterpenetrating into the ship in case of damage to stern tube arrangements maybe taken at the discretion of the Administration.“
Regulation 12 Double bottoms in passenger ships
In paragraph 5 the words “Regulation III/2” in the third line arereplaced by “Regulation III/3.16”。
Regulation 12-1 The following new Regulation II-1/12-1 is added afterRegulation 12: “Double bottoms in cargo ships other than tankers (ThisRegulation applies to ships constructed on or after 1 February 1992)
1 A double bottom shall be fitted extending from the collisionbulkhead to the afterpeak bulkhead, as far as this is practicable andcompatible with the design and proper working of the ship.
2 Where a double bottom is required to be fitted, its depth shall beto the satisfaction of the Administration and the inner bottom shall becontinued out to the ship's side in such a manner as to protect the bottomto the turn of the bilge.
3 Small wells constructed in the double bottom, in connection with thedrainage arrangements of holds, shall not extend in depth more thannecessary. A well extending to the outer bottom, may, however, bepermitted at the after end of the shaft tunnel of the ship. Other wellsmay be permitted by the Administration if it is satisfied that thearrangements give protection equivalent to that afforded by a doublebottom complying with this Regulation.
4 A double bottom need not be fitted in way of watertight compartmentsused exclusively for the carriage of liquids, provided the safety of theship in the event of bottom damage is not, in the opinion of theAdministration, thereby impaired.“
Regulation 15 Openings in watertight bulkheads in passenger ships
The existing text of this regulation is replaced by the following:“Openings in watertight bulkheads in passenger ships (This regulationapplies to ships constructed on or after 1 February 1992)
1 The number of openings in watertight bulkheads shall be reduced tothe minimum compatible with the design and proper working of the ship;satisfactory means shall be provided for closing these openings.
2.1 Where pipes, scuppers, electric cables, etc., are carried throughwatertight subdivision bulkheads, arrangements shall be made to ensure thewatertight integrity of the bulkheads.
2.2 Valves not forming part of a piping system shall not be permittedin watertight subdivision bulkheads.
2.3 Lead or other heat sensitive materials shall not be used insystems which penetrate watertight subdivision bulkheads, wheredeterioration of such systems in the event of fire would impair thewatertight integrity of the bulkheads.
3.1 No doors, manholes, or access openings are permitted:
。1 in the collision bulkhead below the margin line;
。2 in watertight transverse bulkheads dividing a cargo space froman adjoining cargo space or from a permanent or reserve bunker, except asprovided in paragraph 10.1 and in regulation 16.
3.2 Except as provided in paragraph 3.3, the collision bulkhead may bepierced below the margin line by not more than one pipe for dealing withfluid in the forepeak tank, provided that the pipe is fitted with ascrewdown valve capable of being operated from above the bulkhead. TheAdministration may, however, authorize the fitting of this valve on theafter side of the collision bulkhead provided that the valve is readilyaccessible under all service conditions and the space in which it islocated is not a cargo space.
3.3 If the forepeak is divided to hold two different kinds of liquidsthe Administration may allow the collision bulkhead to be pierced belowthe margin line by two pipes, each of which is fitted as required byparagraph 3.2, provided the Administration is satisfied that there is nopractical alternative to the fitting of such a second pipe and that,having regard to the additional subdivision provided in the forepeak, thesafety of the ship is maintained.
4.1 Watertight doors fitted in bulkheads between permanent and reservebunkers shall always be accessible, except as provided in paragraph 9.4for between-deck bunker doors.
4.2 Satisfactory arrangements shall be made by means of screens orotherwise to prevent the coal from interfering with the closing ofwatertight bunker doors.
5 Subject to paragraph 11, not more than one door, apart from thedoors to bunkers and shaft tunnels, may be fitted in each main transversebulkhead within spaces containing the main and auxiliary propulsionmachinery including boilers serving the needs of propulsion and allpermanent bunkers. Where two or more shafts are fitted, the tunnels shallbe connected by an intercommunicating passage. There shall be only onedoor between the machinery space and the tunnel spaces where two shaftsare fitted and only two doors where there are more than two shafts. Allthese doors shall be of the sliding type and shall be so located as tohave their sills as high as practicable. The hand gear for operating thesedoors from above the bulkhead deck shall be situated outside the spacescontaining the machinery.
6.1 Watertight doors, except as provided in paragraph 10.1 orRegulation 16, shall be power-operated sliding doors complying with therequirements of paragraph 7 capable of being closed simultaneously fromthe central operating console at the navigating bridge in not more than 60seconds with the ship in the upright position.
6.2 The means of operation whether by power or by hand of anypower-operated sliding watertight door shall be capable of closing thedoor with the ship listed to 15° either way. Consideration shall also begiven to the forces which may act on either side of the door as may beexperienced when water is flowing through the opening applying a statichead equivalent to a water height of at least 1 m above the sill on thecentreline of the door.
6.3 Watertight door controls, including hydraulic piping and electriccables, shall be kept as close as practicable to the bulkhead in which thedoors are fitted, in order to minimize the likelihood of them beinginvolved in any damage which the ship may sustain. The positioning ofwatertight doors and their controls shall be such that if the shipsustains damage within one fifth of the breadth of the ship, as defined inRegulation 2, such distance being measured at right angles to thecentreline at the level of the deepest subdivision load line, theoperation of the watertight doors clear of the damaged portion of the shipis not impaired.
6.4 All power-operated sliding watertight doors shall be provided withmeans of indication which will show at all remote operating positionswhether the doors are open or closed. Remote operating positions shallonly be at the navigating bridge as required by paragraph 7.1. 5 and, atthe location where hand operation above the bulkhead deck is required byparagraph 7.1.4.
7.1 Each power-operated sliding watertight door:
。1 shall have a vertical or horizontal motion;
。2 shall, subject to paragraph 11, be normally limited to amaximum clear opening width of 1.2 m. The Administration may permit largerdoors only to the extent considered necessary for the effective operationof the ship provided that other safety measures, including the following,are taken into consideration:
。1 special consideration shall be given to the strength of thedoor and its closing appliances in order to prevent leakages;
。2 the door shall be located outside the damage zone B/5;
。3 the door shall be kept closed when the ship is at sea,except for limited periods when absolutely necessary as determined by theAdministration;
。3 shall be fitted with the necessary equipment to open and closethe door using electric power, hydraulic power, or any other form of powerthat is acceptable to the Administration;
。4 shall be provided with an individual hand-operated mechanism.It shall be possible to open and close the door by hand at the door itselffrom either side, and in addition, close the door from an accessibleposition above the bulkhead deck with an all round crank motion or someother movement providing the same degree of safety acceptable to theAdministration. Direction of rotation or other movement is to be clearlyindicated at all operating positions. The time necessary for the completeclosure of the door, when operating by hand gear, shall not exceed 90seconds with the ship in the upright position;
。5 shall be provided with controls for opening and closing thedoor by power from both sides of the door and also for closing the door bypower from the central operating console at the navigating bridge;
。6 shall be provided with an audible alarm, distinct from anyother alarm in the area, which will sound whenever the door is closedremotely by power and which shall sound for at least five seconds but nomore than ten seconds before the door begins to move and shall continuesounding until the door is completely closed. In the case of remote handoperation it is sufficient for the audible alarm to sound only when thedoor is moving. Additionally, in passenger areas and areas of high ambientnoise the Administration may require the audible alarm to be supplementedby an intermittent visual signal at the door; and
。7 shall have an approximately uniform rate of closure underpower. The closure time, from the time the door begins to move to thetime it reaches the completely closed position, shall in no case be lessthan 20 seconds or more than 40 seconds with the ship in the uprightposition.
7.2 The electrical power required for power-operated slidingwatertight doors shall be supplied from the emergency switchboard eitherdirectly or by a dedicated distribution board situated above the bulkheaddeck. The associated control, indication and alarm circuits shall besupplied from the emergency switchboard either directly or by a dedicateddistribution board situated above the bulkhead deck and be capable ofbeing automatically supplied by the transitional source of emergencyelectrical power required by Regulation in the event of failureof either the main or emergency source of electrical power.
7.3 Power-operated sliding watertight doors shall have either:
。1 a centralized hydraulic system with two independent powersources each consisting of a motor and pump capable of simultaneouslyclosing all doors. In addition, there shall be for the whole installationhydraulic accumulators of sufficient capacity to operate all the doors atleast three times, i.e. closed-open-closed, against an adverse list of 15°。 This operating cycle shall be capable of being carried out when the accumulator is at the pump cut-in pressure. The fluid used shall be chosenconsidering the temperatures liable to be encountered by the installation during its service. The power operating system shall be designed to minimize the possibility of having a single failure in the hydraulic piping adversely affect the operation of more than one door. The hydraulicsystem shall be provided with a low-level alarm for hydraulic fluid reservoirs serving the power-operated system and a low gas pressure alarm or other effective means of monitoring loss of stored energy in hydraulic accumulators. These alarms are to be audible and visual and shall be situated on the central operating console at the navigating bridge; or
。2 an independent hydraulic system for each door with each powersource consisting of a motor and pump capable of opening and closing thedoor. In addition, there shall be a hydraulic accumulator of sufficientcapacity to operate the door at least three times, i. e.closed-open-closed, against an adverse list of 15°。 This operating cycleshall be capable of being carried out when the accumulator is at the pumpcut-in pressure. The fluid used shall be chosen considering thetemperatures liable to be encountered by the installation during itsservice. A low gas pressure group alarm or other effective means ofmonitoring loss of stored energy in hydraulic accumulators shall beprovided at the central operating console on the navigating bridge. Lossof stored energy indication at each local operating position shall also beprovided; or
。3 an independent electrical system and motor for each door witheach power source consisting of a motor capable of opening and closing thedoor. The power source shall be capable of being automatically supplied bythe transitional source of emergency electrical power as required byRegulation 42.4.2-in the event of failure of either the main or emergencysource of electrical power and with sufficient capacity to operate thedoor at least three times, i.e. closed-open-closed against an adverse listof 15 °。
For the systems specified in 7.3.1, 7.3.2 and 7.3.3, provision shouldbe made as follows:
Power systems for power-operated watertight sliding doors shall beseparate from any other power system. A single failure in the electric orhydraulic power-operated systems excluding the hydraulic actuator shallnot prevent the hand operation of any door.
7.4 Control handless shall be provided at each side of the bulkhead ata minimum height of 1.6 m above the floor and shall be so arranged at toenable persons passing through the doorway to hold both handles in theopen position without being able to set the power closing mechanism inoperation accidentally. The direction of movement of the handles inopening and closing the door shall be in the direction of door movementand shall be clearly indicated.
7.5 As far as practicable, electrical equipment and components forwatertight doors shall be situated above the bulkhead deck and outsidehazardous areas and spaces.
7.6 The enclosures of electrical components necessarily situated belowthe bulkhead deck shall provide suitable protection against the ingress ofwater.
[ Reference is made to the following IEC publication 529: 1976:
。1 electrical motors, associated circuits and control components;protected to IP x 7 standard;
。2 door position indicators and associated circuit components;protected to IP x 8 standard; and
。3 door movement warning signals; protected to IP x 6 standard.
Other arrangements for the enclosures of electrical components may befitted provided the Administration is satisfied that an equivalentprotection is achieved. The water pressure testing of the enclosuresprotected to IP x 8 shall be based on the pressure that may occur at thelocation of the component during flooding for a period of 36 hours.]
7.7 Electric power, control, indication and alarm circuits shall beprotected against fault in such a way that a failure in one door circuitwill not cause a failure in any other door circuit. Short circuits orother faults in the alarm or indicator circuits of a door shall not resultin a loss of power operation of that door. Arrangements shall be such thatleakage of water into the electrical equipment located below the bulkheaddeck will not cause the door to open.
7.8 A single electrical failure in the power operating or controlsystem of a power-operated sliding watertight door shall not result in aclosed door opening. Availability of the power supply should becontinuously monitored at a point in the electrical circuit as near aspracticable to each of the motors required by paragraph 7.3. Loss of anysuch power supply should activate an audible and visual alarm at thecentral operating console at the navigating bridge.
8.1 The central operating console at the navigating bridge shall havea “master mode” switch with two modes of control: a “local control” modewhich shall allow any door to be locally opened and locally closed afteruse without automatic closure, and a “doors closed” mode which shallautomatically close any door that is open. The “doors closed” mode shallpermit doors to be opened locally and shall automatically reclose thedoors upon release of the local control mechanism. The “master mode”switch shall normally be in the “local control” mode. The “doors closed”mode shall only be used in an emergency or for testing purposes. Specialconsideration shall be given to the reliability of the “master mode”switch.
8.2 The central operating console at the navigating bridge shall beprovided with a diagram showing the location of each door, with visualindicators to show whether each door is open or closed. A red light shallindicate a door is fully open and a green light shall indicate a door isfully closed. When the door is closed remotely the red light shallindicate the intermediate position by flashing. The indicating circuitshall be independent of the control circuit for each door.
8.3 It shall not be possible to remotely open any door from thecentral operating console.
9.1 All watertight doors shall be kept closed during navigation exceptthat they may be opened during navigation as specified in paragraphs 9.2,9.3 and 9.4. Watertight doors of width of more than 1.2 m permitted byparagraph 11 may only be opened in the circumstances detailed in thatparagraph. Any door which is opened in accordance with this paragraphshall be ready to be immediately closed.
9.2 A watertight door may be opened during navigation to permit thepassage of passengers or crew, or when work in the immediate vicinity ofthe door necessitates it being opened. The door must be immediately closedwhen transit through the door is complete or when the task whichnecessitated it being open is finished.
9.3 Certain watertight doors may be permitted to remain open duringnavigation only if considered absolutely necessary; that is, being open isdetermined essential to the safe and effective operation of the ship'smachinery or to permit passengers normally unrestricted access throughoutthe passenger area. Such determination shall be made by the Administrationonly after careful consideration of the impact on ship operations andsurvivability. A watertight door permitted to remain thus open shall beclearly indicated in the ship's stability information and shall always beready to be immediately closed.
9.4 Sliding watertight doors fitted between bunkers in thebetween-decks below the bulkhead deck may sometimes be open at sea for thepurpose of trimming coal. The opening and closing of these doors shall berecorded in such log-book as may be prescribed by the Administration.
10.1 If the Administration is satisfied that such doors are essential,watertight doors of satisfactory construction may be fitted in watertightbulkheads dividing cargo between deck spaces. Such doors may be hinged,rolling or sliding doors but shall not be remotely controlled. They shallbe fitted at the highest level and as far from the shell plating aspracticable, but in no case shall the outboard vertical edges be situatedat a distance from the shell plating which is less than one fifth of thebreadth of the ship, as defined in Regulation 2, such distance beingmeasured at right angles to the centreline at the level of the deepestsubdivision load line.
10.2 Such doors shall be closed before the voyage commences and shallbe kept closed during navigation; the time of opening such doors in portand of closing them before the ship leaves port shall be entered in thelog-book. Should any of the doors be accessible during the voyage, theyshall be fitted with a device which prevents unauthorized opening. When itis proposed to fit such doors, the number and arrangements shall receivethe special consideration of the Administration.
11 Portable plates on bulkheads shall not be permitted except inmachinery spaces. Such plates shall always be in place before the shipleaves port, and shall not be removed during navigation except in case ofurgent necessity at the discretion of the master. The times of removal andreplacement of any such portable plates shall be recorded in the log-book,and the necessary precautions shall be taken in replacing them to ensurethat the joints are watertight. The Administration may permit not morethan one power-operated sliding watertight door in each main transversebulkhead larger than those specified in paragraph 7.1.2 to be substitutedfor these portable plates, provided these doors are closed before the shipleaves port and remain closed during navigation except in case of urgentnecessity at the discretion of the master. These doors need not meet therequirements of paragraph 7.1.4 regarding complete closure byhand-operated gear in 90 seconds. The time of opening and closing thesedoors, whether the ship is at sea or in port, shall be recorded in thelog-book.
12.1 Where trunkways or tunnels for access from crew accommodation tothe stokehold, for piping, or for any other purpose are carried throughmain transverse watertight bulkheads, they shall be watertight and inaccordance with the requirements of Regulation 19. The access to at leastone end of each such tunnel or turnkey, if used as a passage at sea,shall be through a trunk extending watertight to a height sufficient topermit access above the margin line. The access to the other end of theturnkey or tunnel may be through a watertight door of the type required byits location in the ship. Such trunkways or tunnels shall not extendthrough the first subdivision bulkhead abaft the collision bulkhead.
12.2 Where it is proposed to fit tunnels piercing main transversewatertight bulkheads, these shall receive the special consideration ofthe Administration.
12.3 Where trunkways in connection with refrigerated cargo andventilation or forced draught trunks are carried through more than onewatertight bulkhead, the means of closure at such openings shall beoperated by power and be capable of being closed from a central positionsituated above the bulkhead deck.“
Regulation 16 Passenger ships carrying goods vehicles and accom-panying personnel
The reference to “Regulation 15.12” in paragraph 2 is replaced byreference to “Regulation 15.10”。
Regulation 21 Bilge pumping arrangements
The following text is inserted after the heading:
“(Paragraphs 1.6 and 2.9 of this Regulation apply to ships constructedon or after 1 February 1992)”
The follow new paragraph 1.6 is added after paragraph 1.5:
“1.6 Provisions shall be made for the drainage of enclosed cargospaces situated on the bulkhead deck of a passenger ship and on thefreeboard deck of a cargo ship, provided that the Administration maypermit the means of drainage to be dispensed with in any particularcompartment of any ship or class of ship if it is satisfied that by reasonof size or internal subdivision of those spaces the safety of the ship isnot thereby impaired.
1.6.1 Where the freeboard to the bulkhead deck or the freeboard deck,respectively, is such that the deck edge is immersed when the ship heelsmore than 5°, the drainage shall be by means of a sufficient number ofscuppers of suitable size discharging directly overboard, fitted inaccordance with the requirements of Regulation 17 in the case of apassenger ship and the requirements for scuppers, inlets and discharges ofthe International Convention on Load Lines in force in the case of a cargoship.
1.6.2 Where the freeboard is such that the edge of the bulkhead deckor the edge of the freeboard deck, respectively, is immersed when the shipheels 5 ° or less, the drainage of the enclosed cargo spaces on thebulkhead deck or on the freeboard deck, respectively, shall be led to asuitable space, or spaces, of adequate capacity, having a high water levelalarm and provided with suitable arrangements for discharge overboard. Inaddition it shall be ensured that:
。1 the number, size and disposition of the scuppers are such as toprevent unreasonable accumulation of free water;
。2 the pumping arrangements Required by this regulation forpassenger ships or cargo ships, as applicable, take account of therequirements for any fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishingsystem;
。3 water contaminated with petrol or other dangerous substances isnot drained to machinery spaces or other spaces where sources of ignitionmay be present; and
。4 where the enclosed cargo space is protected by a carbon dioxidefire-extinguishing system the deck scuppers are fitted with means toprevent the escape of smothering gas.“
The definition of “D” in paragraph 2.9 is replaced by the following:
“D is the moulded depth of the ship to the bulkhead deck (metres)provided that, in a ship having an enclosed cargo space on the bulkheaddeck which is internally drained in accordance with the requirements ofparagraph 1.6.2 and which extends for the full length of the ship, D shallbe measured to the next deck above the bulkhead deck. Where the enclosedcargo spaces cover a lesser length, D shall be taken as the moulded depthto the bulkhead deck plus lh/L where l and h are the aggregate length andheight respectively of the enclosed cargo spaces (metres)。”
Regulation 23-1 The following new Regulation 23-1 is added afterRegulation 23: “Damage control in dry cargo ships (This Regulationapplies to ships constructed on or after 1 February 1992)
1 There shall be permanently exhibited or readily available on thenavigating bridge, for the guidance of the officer in charge of the ship,a plan showing clearly for each deck and hold the boundaries of thewatertight compartments, the openings therein with the means of closureand position of any controls thereof, and the arrangements for thecorrection of any list due to flooding. In addition, booklets containingthe aforementioned information shall be made available to the officers ofthe ship.
2 Indicators shall be provided for all sliding doors and for hingeddoors in watertight bulkheads. Indication showing whether the doors areopen or closed shall be given on the navigating bridge. In addition, shelldoors and other openings which, in the opinion of the Administration,could lead to major flooding if left open or not properly secured, shallbe provided with such indicators.
3.1 General precautions shall consist of a listing of equipment,conditions and operational procedures, considered by the Administration tobe necessary to maintain watertight integrity under normal shipoperations.
3.2 Specific precautions shall consist of a listing of elements (i.e.closures, security of cargo, sounding of alarms, etc.) considered by theAdministration to be vital to the survival of the ship and its crew.“
Regulation 42 Emergency sources of electrical power in passengerships
The following text is inserted after the heading:
“(Paragraphs 2.6.1 and 4.2 of this Regulation apply to shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992)”
The second sentence in paragraph 2.6.1 is deleted.
The existing text of paragraph 4.2 is replaced by the following:
“4.2 Power to operate the watertight doors, as required by Regulation15.7.3.3, but not necessarily all of them simultaneously, unless anindependent temporary source of stored energy is provided. Power to thecontrol, indication and alarm circuits as required by Regulation 15.7.2for half an hour.”
Regulation 4 Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses
The following text is inserted after the heading:
“(Paragraph of this Regulation applies to ships constructed onor after 1 February 1992)”
The existing text of paragraph is replaced by the following:
“2.5 The total suction head and the net positive suction head of thepump shall be such that requirements of paragraphs 3.3.2,, 4.2 of this Regulation shall be obtained under all conditions of list,trim, roll and pitch likely to be encountered in service.”
In paragraph 7.1 between “of” and “material” in the first line theword “non-perishable” is inserted.
In paragraph 7.1, the following new sentence is inserted after thefirst sentence:
“Fire hoses of non-perishable material shall be provided in shipsconstructed on or after 1 February 1992, and on ships constructed before 1February 1992 when the existing fire hoses are replaced.”
Regulation 13-1 Sample extraction smoke detection systems
The following new Regulation 13-1 is added after Regulation 13:“Sample extraction smoke detection systems (This Regulation applies toships constructed on or after 1 February 1992)
1 General requirements
1.1 Wherever in the text of this Regulation the word “system” appears,it shall mean “sample extraction smoke detection system”。
1.2 Any required system shall be capable of continuous operation atall times except that systems operating on a sequential scanning principlemay be accepted, provided that the interval between scanning the sameposition twice gives an overall response time to the satisfaction of theAdministration.
1.3 Power supplies necessary for the operation of the system shall bemonitored for loss of power. Any loss of power shall initiate a visual andaudible signal at the control panel and the navigating bridge which shallbe distinct from a signal indicating smoke detection.
1.4 An alternative power supply for the electrical equipment used inthe operation of the system shall be provided.
1.5 The control panel shall be located on the navigating bridge or inthe main fire control station.
1.6 The detection of smoke or other products of combustion shallinitiate a visual and audible signal at the control panel and thenavigating bridge.
1.7 Clear information shall be displayed on or adjacent to the controlpanel designating the spaces covered.
1.8 The sampling pipe arrangements shall be such that the location ofthe fire can be readily identified.
1.9 Suitable instructions and component spares shall be provided forthe testing and maintenance of the system.
1.10 The functioning of the system shall be periodically tested to thesatisfaction of the Administration. The system shall be of a type that canbe tested for correct operation and restored to normal surveillancewithout the renewal of any component.
1.11 The system shall be designed, constructed and installed so as toprevent the leakage of any toxic or flammable substances orfire-extinguishing media into any accommodation and service space, controlstation or machinery space.
2 Installation requirements
2.1 At least one smoke accumulator shall be located in every enclosedspace for which smoke detection is required. However, where a space isdesigned to carry oil or refrigerated cargo alternatively with cargoes forwhich a smoke sampling system is required, means may be provided toisolate the smoke accumulators in such compartments for the system. Suchmeans shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration.
2.2 Smoke accumulators shall be located for optimum performance andshall be spaced so that no part of the overhead deck area is more than 12m measured horizontally from an accumulator. Where systems are used inspaces which may be mechanically ventilated, the position of the smokeaccumulators shall be considered having regard to the effects ofventilation.
2.3 Smoke accumulators shall be positioned where impact or physicaldamage is unlikely to occur.
2.4 Not more than four accumulators shall be connected to eachsampling point.
2.5 Smoke accumulators from more than one enclosed space shall not beconnected to the same sampling point.
2.6 Sampling pipes shall be self-draining and suitably protected fromimpact or damage from cargo working.
3 Design requirements
3.1 The system and equipment shall be suitably designed to withstandsupply voltage variations and transients, ambient temperature changes,vibration, humidity, shock, impact and corrosion normally encountered inships and to avoid the possibility of ignition of flammable gas airmixture.
3.2 The sensing unit shall be certified to operate before the smokedensity within the sensing chamber exceeds 6.65% obscuration per metre.
3.3 Duplicate sample extraction fans shall be provided. The fans shallbe of sufficient capacity to operate with the normal conditions orventilation in the protected area and shall give an overall response timeto the satisfaction of the Administration.
3.4 The control panel shall permit observation of smoke in theindividual sampling pipe.
3.5 Means shall be provided to monitor the airflow through thesampling pipes so designed as to ensure that as far as practicable equalquantities are extracted from each interconnected accumulator.
3.6 Sampling pipes shall be a minimum of 12 mm internal diameterexcept when used in conjunction with fixed gas fire-extinguishing systemswhen the minimum size of pipe should be sufficient to permit thefire-extinguishing gas to be discharged within the appropriate time.
3.7 Sampling pipes shall be provided with an arrangement forperiodically purging with compressed air.“
Regulation 15 Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil and otherflammable oils
The following text is inserted after the heading:
“(Paragraphs 2.6 and 3 of this Regulation apply to ships constructedon or after 1 February 1992)”
The existing text of paragraph 2.6 is replaced by the following:
“。6 Safe and efficient means of ascertaining the amount of oilfuel contained in any oil fuel tank shall be provided.
。6.1 Where sounding pipes are used, they shall not terminate inany space where the risk of ignition of spillage from the sounding pipemight arise. In particular, they shall not terminate in passenger or crewspaces. As a general rule, they shall not terminate in machinery spaces.However, where the Administration considers that these latter requirementsare impracticable, it may permit termination of sounding pipes inmachinery spaces on condition that all the following requirements are met:
。6.1.1 in addition, an oil-level gauge is provided meeting therequirements of subparagraph .6.2;
。6.1.2 the sounding pipes terminate in locations remote fromignition hazards unless precautions are taken such as the fitting ofeffective screens to prevent the oil fuel in the case of spillage throughthe terminations of the sounding pipes from coming into contact with asource of ignition;
。6.1.3 the termination of sounding pipes are fitted withself-closing blanking devices and with a small-diameter self-closingcontrol cock located below the blanking device for the purpose ofascertaining before the blanking device is opened that oil fuel is notpresent. Provision shall be made so as to ensure that any spillage of oilfuel through the control cock involves no ignition hazard.
。6.2 Other oil-level gauges may be used in place of soundingpipes. Such means, like the means provided in subparagraph .6.1.1, aresubject to the following conditions:
。6.2.1 in passenger ships, such means shall not requirepenetration below the top of the tank and their failure or overfilling ofthe tanks shall not permit release of fuel;
。6.2.2 in cargo ships, the failure of such means or overfilling ofthe tank shall not permit release of fuel into the space. The use ofcylindrical gauge glasses is prohibited. The Administration may permit theuse of oil-level gauges with flat glasses and self-closing valves betweenthe gauges and fuel tanks.
。6.3 Means prescribed in .6.2.1 or .6.2.2 which are acceptable tothe Administration shall be maintained in the proper condition to ensuretheir continued accurate functioning in service.“