

分类: 法律英语 

(February 6, 1995)
颁布日期:19950206  实施日期:19950206  颁布单位:国务院办公厅

With a view to securing a normal order in the work of port supply to ships of international voyage, the General Office of the State Council issued in 1992 the Circular Concerning Port Supply to Foreign and Chinese Oceangoing Vessels, which has played a fairly important role in keeping in order and strengthening the work of port supply to ships of international voyage, and which shall continue to be implemented. Strict and efficient administration must be exercised in the work of port supply to ships of international voyage, for ports are a gateway of a country and an important passage of foreign trade. Having been approved by the State Council, this Circular is hereby issued as additional regulations concerning relevant issues.

1. As port supply to ships of international voyage is a foreign related service trade in which policy plays an important role, the principle of appropriate centralization must be applied. This task shall be taken on by the foreign ships supply companies of commercial sector (hereinafter referred to as foreign supply companies) assigned by the government and the supply stations(companies) established by China Ocean Shipping (Group) Corporation in eight major ports of Guangzhou, Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian, Lianyungang, Zhanjiang and Qinhuangdao (hereinafter referred to as supply stations of COSC)。 No other organizations or individuals may engage in supplying ships of international voyage.

2. As the main channel of port supply to ships of international voyage, foreign supply companies shall be responsible for supplying foreign ships (including those using a flag of convenience) and Chinese ships of international voyage at port; supply stations of COSC shall be mainly responsible for supplying Chinese ships of international voyage under COSC at the eight major ports, and they may also launch the business of supplying other Chinese ships of international voyage at port. According to the relevant existing provisions of the state, duty-free stores of foreign supply companies shall be unifiedly responsible for supplying ships of international voyage with duty-free commodities such as cigarette, wine and beverage, etc…… No other organizations may engage in supplying duty-free cigarette, wine or beverage by taking advantage of bonded areas or bonded warehouses.

3. The relevant-port administrative departments shall coordinate with each other according to their respective functions and powers, and shall further strengthen the supervision over and administration on the work of port supply to ships of international voyage.

(1) The administrative department of industry and commerce shall speed up clarifying the channel of port supply to ships of international voyage. Except foreign supply companies and supply stations of COSC, no organizations Or individuals may engage in the business of supplying ships of international voyage. Those whose registrations have been approved shall be revoked of the business licences, while those engaging in the business without licence shall be resolutely banned and punished.

(2) The Customs shall further strengthen the supervision over and administration on commodities supplied to ships. Those supplying ships in violation of relevant provisions and those foreign ships making batch purchase without authorization shall be resolutely investigated and punished, and the commodities in question shall be confiscated without exception, and no clearance shall be given.

(3) The port offices shall strictly control the issuance of the port pass, and shall not issue passes to persons or vehicles who or whose owners are not entitled to engage in port supply, or let them go without a pass.

(4) The port frontier inspection stations shall strictly control the approval of applications for, and the issuance of, the boarding permit, strictly prohibit those having no boarding permit from boarding ships, and have the offender strictly punished upon discovery of the case.

(5) The port foreign ship agencies and ocean shipping agencies shall enthusiastically assist and cooperate with foreign supply companies in the work of supplying ships of international voyage, and shall inform the local foreign supply companies in time of the arrival time and the order for goods of the ships, so that foreign supply companies can make a timely supply to the ships according to the order and settle accounts in time.

The above departments and agencies shall, in accordance with the gist of this Circular, make their respective detailed procedures for implementation.

4. Foreign supply companies and supply stations of COSC shall do their best in the work of supplying ships of international voyage by further strengthening the operation management, actively heightening the service standard, and improving the service quality. Any dereliction of duty in violation of relevant provisions shall be seriously investigated and dealt with.

5. The work of port supply to ships of international voyage is of importance to the image of the state. The people's governments at the place of every port shall attach great importance to the administration of port supply, and coordinate and dispose of questions arising therefrom without delay.

