

分类: 法律英语 

(October 19, 1995)
颁布日期:19951019  实施日期:19951019  颁布单位:国务院办公厅

Cashmere is a vital aspect of China's high-grade wool textiles, and is a major foreign exchange-earning export item. It is also an important source of income for herdsman in the primary production areas of cashmere. Since 1985, the management of cashmere has been gradually relaxed, which has produced positive effects in invigorating the economy in production areas and in increasing the incomes of herdsmen. However, some new problems have appeared in the production and marketing of cashmere, such as too many channels of management, a superfluous working ability, blind competition, drastic price fluctuations, and fluctuating product quality. In order to form a better circulation sequence, ensure the unique superiority of Chinese cashmere in the international market, and to promote the stable, sustained and coordinated development of cashmere production, the State Council has ratified the following notice concerning consolidating control on the production and marketing of cashmere:

1. Rectifying the circulation channels, straightening out relations between production and marketing, controlling processing ability, and standardizing operational actions.

(1) Enterprises which engage in purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere shall be required to abide by the following basic requirements:

a. Possession of a regular organ of management, site, storage facilities, fairly high technical level, and quite advanced equipment; possession of relatively regular purchasing and marketing channels and a business license covering the purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting of cashmere, with said license authorized by an industrial and commercial bureau.

b. An enterprise engaging in purchasing cashmere shall set up a permanent agency in the primary production area of cashmere; it shall also have a relatively regular purchasing network, and quality-control personnel and equipment which has been certified by a fabric inspection institution. For preliminary processing of cashmere, the enterprise shall have cashmere combing machines qualified by a fabric inspection institution.

c. An enterprise engaging in purchasing cashmere shall possess capital that can guarantee the normal operation of purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere.

d. Other requirements for enterprises engaged in exporting cashmere can be referred to in related regulations in the Interim Procedures of the Management of Exported Merchandise in the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Endorsed by the State Council (No. 69, 1992)。

(2) The people's governments of the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere shall appoint a leading department which, in conjunction with other departments, shall inventory and reorganize existing enterprises engaging in purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere, and reconfirm their operational qualifications. The industrial and commercial administrative departments shall re-register enterprises dealing in cashmere, and resolutely bar the operation of businesses and units without licenses or that do not meet requirements for dealing in cashmere. Illegal dealers shall be severely cracked down upon according to relevant laws and regulations.

(3) The main channels of purchasing, processing, producing and exporting cashmere are: qualified members of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives system, enterprises dealing in cashmere under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, and big- or medium-sized backbone enterprises dealing in finished cashmere products. The purchase of cashmere shall rely mainly on the supply and marketing cooperatives at all levels in the primary production areas of cashmere. Raw cashmere material and the purchasing, processing, producing and exporting of finished cashmere products shall rely mainly on big- or medium-sized enterprises under the system of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and China National Textile Council. Purchasing cashmere in the primary production areas of cashmere must be carried out through local cashmere enterprises that possess business qualifications.

(4) The State Planning Commission at all levels shall strictly control the working ability of cashmere processing. It shall not examine or approve new, repetitious processing projects with low technical levels or which do not meet the requirements of readjusting the industrial make-up, or which do not have obvious industrial superiority. New, internal cashmere processing enterprises shall be examined strictly on the principles of increasing value, earning foreign exchange, and possession of a high technological level. The State Planning Commission shall not, based on the present internal situation of producing and marketing cashmere, examine or approve foreign-invested cashmere processing enterprises, and shall resolutely destroy backwards and obsolete cashmere combing machines. The State Economic and Trade Commission, in conjunction with the National Textile Council, shall issue separate circulars on how to dispose of the textile department's out-of-service cashmere combing machines.

(5) Banks shall not provide loans to any unit that is not qualified to deal in cashmere.

2. Strengthening price coordination and management.

(1) Authorized by the state's price control authority and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, the China Importers and Exporters of Foodstuffs and Native Produce and Animal By-Products Chamber of Commerce shall yearly, in conjunction with the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the China National Textile Council, and other internal large- or medium-sized pillar industries engaging in purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere, determine a coordinated export price of raw and finished cashmere products, including ordinary cashmere clothing and cashmere fabric, according to the demand on the international market and the internal production and marketing situation of cashmere. The General Administration of Customs and the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere shall be promptly notified of the price.

(2) Authorized by the state's price control authority and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the China Association for the Circulation of Animal By-Products shall yearly, in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, and the China National Textile Council, formulate reasonable internal price guidelines for purchasing cashmere.

3. Establishing a local reserve system.

To stabilize the market, control prices, and protect the interests of the herdsmen and enterprises, the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere may establish a cashmere reserve system as per their own situations. The local people's governments shall be responsible for the purchasing, employment and administration of the cashmere reserve.

4. Improving export management.

(1) The state shall control the total quantity of exported cashmere. While continuing to adjust the make-up and advocating scaled operation, the state shall also gradually enlarge the quantity of exported finished products and reduce the quantity of exported raw materials and primary products. Under certain conditions, certain consideration shall be given to the interests of an ethnic minority area. The state shall continue to improve the export order and strengthen quality inspections of exported cashmere.

(2) Customs shall examine prices of exports according to the price guidelines supplied for the export of cashmere, and shall make reports to the relevant departments; the relevant departments shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, punish those who export cashmere at a lower price.

5. Improving management over the market and quality.

The State Planning Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Bureau of Technological Supervision, and the State Bureau of Commodity Inspection, in conjunction with the people's governments of the primary production areas of cashmere, shall strengthen the administration of cashmere production and marketing links.

(1) Bales of cashmere may be sold only after being inspected by a professional fabric inspection agency of a technical supervision department. In selling cashmere products, the following items shall be marked on the package in Chinese: classification, grade, article number, specifications, color number, cashmere content, weight, name and address of factory, date of manufacture, and price.

(2) The State Bureau of Technological Supervision shall formulate measures for the quality inspection of cashmere, and shall strengthen supervision and management.

(3) The primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere shall list cashmere as a controlled commodity, regularly issue guiding information, and promptly solve problems appearing in production and marketing.

(4) The relevant departments and the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere shall conduct pilot projects in implementing conglomerates which incorporate the husbandry, processing, marketing, supply, and sales of cashmere, and which will share the benefits and risks. The governments at all levels shall strengthen their leadership. The relevant departments of the State Council shall focus on coordination work.

6. Supporting cashmere production

Developing production is a main means to solve the problems existing between supply and demand. All departments shall well coordinate and increase capital investment, ameliorate the pasturelands, strengthen construction on the grasslands, and establish production bases, taking these items as long-term projects. Agricultural departments and supply and marketing cooperative systems shall pay special attention to improving breeds, increasing the per unit yield, technical training, disease prevention, and socialized service.

