

分类: 法律英语 

(Promulgated by Decree No. 187 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on December 3, 1995, effective as of the date of promulgation)
颁布日期:19951203  实施日期:19951203  颁布单位:国务院

Article 1 The present Regulations have been formulated for the purpose of strengthening the management and protection of navigation marks, ensuring the proper functioning of navigation marks and securing the safety of ships navigating by water.

Article 2 The present Regulations are applicable to navigation marks installed within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other territorial waters under the jurisdiction thereof.

The navigation marks as referred to in the present Regulations are navigation-assisting installations used for location of vessels, navigation of vessels and other special purposes, and include visual navigation marks, radio navigation facilities and acoustic navigation marks.

Article 3 The administrative department under the State Council responsible for communications shall be held responsible for the management and protection of all navigation marks excluding those for fishing and military purposes. The channels management organs for drainage areas and the harbor superintendency organs for sea areas established by the administrative department under the State Council responsible for communications, and the communications administrations of the regional people's governments above the county level shall be responsible for the management and protection of all the navigation marks erected under their respective jurisdictions excluding those for fishing and military purposes. The channels management organs for drainage areas and the harbor superintendency organs for sea areas established by the communications administrations and the administrative departments responsible for communications under the State Council are generally referred to as superintendency organs for navigational marks.

Military superintendency organs for navigation marks and fishery harbor superintendency organs shall exercise authority as navigation marks organs for the management and protection of military and fishery navigation marks.

Article 4 The management and protection of navigation marks shall comply with the principles of unified management, responsibility divided up among different levels and combined protection by both the instituted organs and the masses.

Article 5 All units and individuals have a duty to protect navigation marks.

Any action that is detrimental to the safety or the efficiency of navigation marks shall be banned.

All units and individuals shall have the right to prohibit, inform against or sue any action that is detrimental to the safety or the functional efficiency of navigation marks.

Article 6 Navigation marks, except those marks provided for in the second paragraph of the present Article, shall be installed in a unified manner by the superintendency organs.

Specialized units may act on their own to install special navigation marks. The installation, dismantling, relocation or other changes to said navigation marks shall be subject to the approval of the superintendency organ for navigation marks.

Article 7 Superintendency organs for navigation marks and specialized units shall install navigation marks according to relevant national regulations and technical standards.

Article 8 Superintendency organs for navigation marks shall report to the relevant departments when installing, dismantling, moving or making any other changes to navigation marks.

Article 9 Superintendency organs for navigation marks and specialized units shall be responsible for their respective navigation mark installations and guarantee the proper functioning of the navigation marks.

Article 10 Any unit or individual, upon discovering any incidence of damage, dysfunction, movement, or drifting of navigation marks, shall immediately report to the superintendency organ for navigation marks.

Article 11 No unit or individual may erect any lighting or sound devices that may be mistaken for navigation marks.

Article 12 If the relocation or dismantling of navigation marks is necessary for the sake of construction operations, such action shall be subject to the approval of the superintendency organ for navigation marks and substitute measures shall be taken before the relocation or dismantling is conducted. The expenses for the relocation or dismantling shall be borne by the party carrying out the construction.

Article 13 No building or structure that would impair the normal functional efficiency of navigation marks may be constructed along the visual orientation of visual navigation marks or along the transmission orientation of radio navigation devices; no plant that will affect the normal functional efficiency of navigation marks may be grown.

Article 14 Vessels shall maintain a certain distance from navigation marks when they are navigating by water and may not strike navigation marks.

If a navigation mark is struck by a vessel, the incident shall be immediately reported to the superintendency organ for navigation marks.

Article 15 The following actions that are detrimental to navigation marks shall be prohibited.

(1) Stealthily or openly plundering or otherwise illegally occupying navigation marks or equipment for navigation marks;

(2) Illegally moving, climbing on or painting navigation marks;

(3) Shooting or throwing things at navigation marks;

(4) Placing things on or against navigation marks; hitching livestock, vessels, fishing equipment or explosives to navigation marks;

(5) Any other action detrimental to navigation marks.

Article 16 Any action that damages the supplementary facilities of navigation marks shall be prohibited.

The term “supplementary facilities” in the above paragraph refers to all facilities set up for the supply of energy, water and other materials necessary for navigation marks and management personnel, including the sites of navigation marks, terraces for the landing of helicopters, debarkation points, harbors, landing stages, water towers, oil (water)pumps, electricity installations, office buildings, roads and storehouses for special uses, etc.

Article 17 The following actions that would affect the functional efficiency of navigation marks shall be prohibited:

(1) Drilling, digging, excavating earth or stone, piling up materials or operating lighting within 20 meters of navigation marks or on the ground under which pipelines or circuits for navigation marks are erected;

(2) Conducting demolition with 150 meters of navigation marks;

(3) Burning grass on waste land within 500 meters of navigation marks;

(4) Erecting or operating near radio navigation marks installations which emit high-frequency electromagnetic radiation or devices that would affect the functional efficiency of the radio navigation installations;

(5) Suspending other power or communication lines from the aerial lines of navigation marks;

(6) Dropping anchor, drawing anchor, fishing or cultivating aquatic animals near navigation marks;

(7) Any other action that would affect the functional efficiency of navigation marks.

Article 18 Any unit or individual that commits any of the following acts shall be rewarded by the navigation marks superintendency organ:

(1) Informing or suing against an action detrimental to navigation marks, thus contributing to the resolution of the case;

(2) Timely preventing actions that would have caused damage to navigation marks; preventing accidents from occurring or reducing losses;

(3) Salvaging drifting navigation marks and returning them to the superintendency organ for navigation marks.

Article 19 In the event that a special navigation mark is installed, dismantled, moved or otherwise altered without authorization counter to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 6 of the present Regulations, the superintendency organ for navigation marks shall order that the special navigation mark be dismantled, re-installed or adjusted within a specified period of time.

Article 20 If any of the following actions occur, the superintendency organ for navigation marks shall order that a correction be made or remedial measures be taken within a specified period of time:

(1) Erection of lighting or sound devices near navigation marks counter to provisions in Article 11 of the present Regulations;

(2) Construction of buildings or structures or growing of plants counter to provisions in Article 13 of the present Regulations.

Article 21 If a vessel strikes a navigation mark but fails to report the matter to the superintendency organ for navigation marks counter to provisions in the second paragraph of Article 14 of the present Regulations, the superintendency organ for navigation marks may impose a fine of up to 20,000 yuan in light of individual circumstances. If a loss is incurred, compensation shall be made according to law.

Article 22 If an offense is committed counter to the provisions of Article 15, Article 16 or Article 17 such that a navigation mark or its supplementary facility is wrecked or the functional efficiency of a navigation mark is affected, the superintendency organ for navigation marks shall order that a correction be made within a specified period of time, shall issue a warning and may further impose a fine of up to 2,000 yuan. If a loss is incurred, compensation shall be made according to law.

Article 23 If an offense is committed counter to the present Regulations such that a military navigation mark or its supplementary facility is damaged or the functional efficiency of a military navigation mark is affected, and a fine should be imposed, the military superintendency organ for navigation marks shall turn the case over to the superintendency organ for navigation marks for imposition of the punishment.

Article 24 If a violation of the present Regulations constitutes an offense counter to public security management regulations, it shall be punished according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Management and Penalties. If the violation constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be assessed according to law.

Article 25 The present Regulations come into effect as of the date of promulgation.

