

分类: 法律英语 

(Approved by the State Council on March 17, 1997 Promulgated by the State Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Public Security on July 1, 1997)
颁布日期:19970605  实施日期:19970701  颁布单位:国家旅游局、 公安部

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the

Article 2 Chinese citizens going abroad on tours at own expenses shall mainly be in the form of groups and teams. Groups and teams shall mean tour groups(hereinafter referred to as groups) going abroad which are organized by travel agencies with right of business operations and are composed of more than three persons. The destinations of countries and regions of tourism abroad shall be put forth by the State Tourism Administration in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security and submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.

Article 3 Development of tourism abroad by Chinese citizens at own expenses must proceed in an organized, planned and controlled way. The State Tourism Administration shall, in accordance with the

Article 4 The State Tourism Administration shall, in accordance with the principle of aggregate control, practise quota control of organizing groups for tours abroad by travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups, verify and determine the number of persons for tours abroad in groups to be organized by travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups in accordance with a certain percentage of the number of persons these travel agencies receive entry tourists, and unifiedly print and distribute with serial numbers

Article 5 Travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups shall, in accordance with the quota verified and determined by the State Tourism Administration, handle such formalities as registrations by tourists and collection of payment etc., and fill in the

Article 6 When qualified upon examination by the State Tourism Administration or the department of tourism administration at the provincial level where the travel agency is located, the examination and verification seal shall be affixed thereon. One copy of which shall be kept by the department of tourism administration responsible for the examination and verification, another copy of which shall be handed over to the public security organ by the tourist for examination and inspection, the third copy of which shall be kept by the travel agency authorized to organize the tour. For anyone without qualified

Article 7 The tourists, after registration of names and making full payment at the travel agency authorized to organize the tour, must bring personal identity cards, household registration book or other household identification information and apply to the public security organ where the household has been registered, fill in the application, examination and approval form of Chinese citizens going abroad(exit), present the remarks of the work unit where the tourist is employed and in the meantime present the

Article 8 The public security organ should inspect and examine the

Article 9

Article 10 Tourist activities of the tour group shall be conducted under the leadership of the group leader. Tour groups must depart from and enter China from open ports of the country. In case of special provisions of public security and border control organs, the matters shall be handled according to the provisions of public security and border control organs. Tour groups must depart from and enter the country in ensemble, those groups which have to be divided into subgroups while abroad, the travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups shall submit reports to the public security and border control organs at the provincial level in advance for approval. Those groups divided into subgroups while abroad without approval, the border control post shall mete out penalties to the travel agency authorized to organize the tour group and the responsible persons concerned upon entry in accordance with the relevant provisions of the

Article 11 The travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups bear the responsibility to ask travel agencies abroad responsible for reception to arrange tourist activities in accordance with the plan of activities of the tour groups and not to arrange the tour groups to take part in pornographic, gambling, drug-related and dangerous activities. When encountering extraordinary difficulties and security problems abroad, leaders of tour groups should report timely to Chinese embassies, consulates and tourist offices in foreign countries, and the travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups should report timely to the departments of tourism administration and public security organs in the country.

Article 12 Tourists are strictly forbidden to remain abroad and not to return to the country. For those who remain abroad and do not return to the country, the travel agencies authorized to organize the tour groups should report timely to public security organs and the departments of tourism administration. The travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups should provide assistance and be responsible for the advanced payment of expenses for matters relating to inquiry and repatriation and expenses incurred shall be paid back by those repatriated later.

Article 13 Luggage and articles carried by tourists must accord with the relevant provisions of the State. The travel agencies authorized to organize tour groups bear the responsibility to assist the departments concerned in carrying out successfully such administrative work as the inspection and clearance of luggage of tour groups.

Article 14 To those who practise fraud and acquire exit certificate by deception, covertly leave the country or cross the border or use the same for the organization and transportation of others in covertly leaving the country or crossing the border in the name of going abroad on tour at own expenses, penalties shall be meted out in accordance with the

Article 15 The State Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Public Security shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

Article 16 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

