

分类: 法律英语 

(Approved by the State Council on December 29, 1997, and revised and promulgated by the State Planning Commission, the State Economy and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on December 31, 1997)
颁布日期:19971229  实施日期:19971229  颁布单位:国务院

Catalogue for the Encouragement of Foreign Investment Industries

I. Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry, Fishery and Related Industries

1. Cultivation and development of wasteland, waste mountain, flood land (except those with military facilities), as well as improvement of median- and low-yield field

2. Development of fine high-yielding and new varieties and technology for crops such as sugar crops, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and plants, forage grass

3. Serial production of soilless cultivation of vegetables, flowers and plants

4. Planting of forest trees and introduction of fine seeds of forest trees

5. Breeding of good strains of domestic animals and aquatic fingerlings (not including the good strains of the rare ones of our country)

6. Cultivation of famous aquatic products

7. New varieties of effective and safe agricultural chemicals and pesticides (80 percent and over death rate, safe to people, animals and crops)

8. High-density fertilizers (potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer)

9. New technology for the production of agricultural films, and development of new products (fibre film, photoplays is film, multifunctional film an draw materials)

10. Antibacterial raw medicines for animals (including antibiotics and chemical compound medicines)

11. New products and preparations of an tiscolic, insecticide and anticoddios is medicine for animals

12. Development of feed additives and feed protein resources

13. New technology and equipment for the storage, preservation, desiccation, and processing of foodgrains, vegetables, fruits, meat products, and aquatic products

14. Forestry chemicals and new technology and products for the comprehensive utilization of "sub-quality, small and firewood" lumber and bamboo in the forest area

15. Construction and management of comprehensive utilization of irrigation works (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

16. New water-saving irrigation technology and equipment manufacture

17. New farm implements technology and equipment manufacture

18. Ecological and environmental treatment and control and construction projects

II. Light Industry

1. Design, processing, and manufacture of moulds for non-metal products

2. Paper pulp (with an annual production of 170,000 tons and over wood pulp, and having corresponding raw materials bases)

3. Post ornament and processing of leather as well as its new technology and equipment manufacture

4. Production of mercury less alkaline manganese storage battery and lithium-ion battery

5. Production of high-tech involved special industrial sewing machine

6. Production of ploy amide film

7. Production of new high-efficiency enzyme preparations

8. Production of synthetic spices and single icon spices

9. Research and popularization of the applied technology of freon substitution

10. Processing of dictate cellulose for cigarettes and collection of filaments

III. Textile Industry

1. Wood pulp for textile chemical fibres (with an annual production of 100,000 tons and over and having corresponding raw materials bases)

2. Special textiles for industry

3. Printing and dyeing of high emulation chemical fibres and high-grade textile cloth and their post arrangement and processing

4. Production of auxiliaries, oils, dyes and chemicals for textile

IV. Communication and Transportation as well as Post Telecommunications Industries

1. Equipment and technology for railway transportation: the design and manufacture of locomotives and main parts, the design and manufacture of wiring and equipment, related technology and equipment manufacture for high-speed railway, manufacture of the equipment for communications signal and transportation safety monitoring, manufacture of electric railway equipment and instrument

2. Construction and management of feeder railway, local railway, bridge, tunnel, and ferry facilities (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

3. Design and manufacture of new highway and port mechanical equipment

4. Construction and management of city subway and light track (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

5. Construction and management of highway, independent bridge and tunnel

6. Construction and management of port facilities for public wharfs (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

7. Construction and management of civil airport (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

8. Equipment manufacture for honey-comb mobile communications DCS/CDMA system

9. Manufacture of transmission equipment for 2.5 GB/S and over optical synchronized and microwave synchronized digital series

10. Manufacture of measuring instrument and meter for 2.5 GB/S optical communications, radio communications and data communications

11. Manufacture of ATM switchboard equipment

V. Coal Industry

1. Design and manufacture of coal mining, transportation and washing equipment

2. Coal mining and washing (for special and rare kinds of coal, the Chinese party will take the holding or leading position)

3. Production of water coal pulp and liquefied coal

4. Comprehensive development and utilization of coal

5. Comprehensive development and utilization of low calorific value fuel and accompanying resources

6. Coal pipeline transmission

7. Coal rake gas exploration and exploitation

VI. Power Industry

1. Construction and management of thermal power station with generating unit capacity of 300,000 kilowatts and over

2. Construction and management of hydropower station with power generation as its main function

3. Construction and management of nuclear power station (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

4. Construction and management of clean coal burning technology power station

5. Construction and management of new energy power station (including solar energy, wind energy, magnetic energy, earth heat energy, tide energy and bio-matter energy, etc.)

VII. Ferrous Metallurgical Industry

1. 50 tons and over super high power electric furnace process (with out-of-furnace refining and continuous casting) and 50 tons and over converting process

2. Stainless steel smelting

3. Production of cold-rolled silicon steel plates

4. Production of cold and hot-rolled stainless steel plates

5. Petroleum steel pipe

6. Scrap steel processing and disposal

7. Iron and manganese mine concentration

8. Production of direct reduction iron and melting reduction iron

9. Mining of high-alumina bauxite, hard clay ore and production of chamotte

10. Deep processing of acicular coke, hard coke and coke oil

11. Dry coke quenching production

VIII. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry

1. Production of mono crystalline silicon (with diameter 8 inches and over), multi crystalline silicon

2. Production of hard alloy, tin compound, antimony compound

3. Production of non-ferrous compounds, new type alloys

4. Copper, lead, zinc mine opening (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

5. Aluminum mine opening (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed) and alumina production with a capacity of 300,000 tons and over per year

6. Rare earth application

IX Petroleum, Petrochemical and Chemical Industries

1. Production of ion film for caustic soda

2. Ethylene with an annual production of 600,000 tons and over (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

3. Polyvinyl chloride resin (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

4. Comprehensive utilization of C5C9 products that are by-products of ethylene

5. Engineering plastics and plastic alloys

6. Supporting raw materials for synthesized materials: biphenol-A, styrene-butadiene latex, pyridine, 4.4' diphenylmethane diisocyanate and methylbenzene diisocyanate

7. Basic organic chemical raw materials: comprehensive utilization of the derived products of benzene, methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene (O-, M-, P-)

8. Synthetic rubber: production of liquid styrene-butadiene rubber, butyl rubber, isoamyl rubber, ethyl rubber, butadiene neoprene rubber, butadiene rubber, acrylic rubber, chlorinated rubber

9. Fine chemistry: new products and technology of dye (pigment), intermediate, catalytic agent, auxiliary and petroleum additives, processing technology for the commercialization of dye (pigment), high-tech chemicals for electronics and paper-making, production of food additives, feed additives, leather chemical products, oil well auxiliaries, surface active agent, water treatment agent, adhesive, inorganic fibre, inorganic powder agent feeder

10. Production of chloridized titanium dioxide

11. Production of coal chemical products

12. Comprehensive utilization of waste gases, waste liquids, waste slag

13. Production of purification agent, catalytic agent and other auxiliaries for automobile exhaust

14. Development and application of new tertiary oil recovery technology for raising oil recovery ratio (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

15. Construction and management of oil and gas transmission pipelines, as well as oil depot and oil wharf (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

X. Mechanical Industry

1. Manufacture of high-performance welding robot and high-efficiency welding and assembling production line equipment 2. Production of high temperature resistant insulation material (with F, H insulation class) and insulation products

3. Manufacture of equipment of the trolley car for mining, loading and transporting in the well, 100 tons or over mechanical power-driven dump truck for mining, mobile crusher, 3,000 cubic metre/hour or over bucket excavator, 5 cubic metres or over mining loader, total cross-section lane entry-drillingmachine

4. Manufacture of web- and sheet-fed multi-colour off-set printing machine

5. Manufacture of washing equipment for mechanical and electric wells and production of chemicals

6. Manufacture of turbine compressor and combined powder machine for the complete set of equipment for an annual production of 300,000 tons and over synthetic amine, 480,000 tons and over urea, 300,000 tons and over ethylene (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

7. Manufacture of complete sets of equipment such as new knitting machine, new paper (including pulp) making machine

8. Development and manufacture of delicate on-line measuring instrument

9. New technology of safe production and environmental protection monitoring instrument as well as equipment manufacture

10. New meter spare parts and material (mainly new switches and function material for meters such as intelligent sensors, electrical adapters, flexible circuit plate, fibre switch, and proximity switch)

11. Research, design and development centre for important basic machinery, basic components and major technical equipment

12. Proportional servohydraulic technology, low-power pneumatic control valve, and filling static sealing production

13. Production of precision die, precision cavity mould, and mould standard parts

14. Manufacture of 250,000 ton/day and over city sewage disposal equipment, industrial sewage film treatment equipment, up-flow anaerobic fluidized bed equipment and other biological sewage disposal equipment, slab making equipment of powder coal dust (50,000-100,000 ton/year), recycling equipment for waste plastics, equipment for desulphurization and denigration of industrial boiler, large high-temperature resistant and acid resistant bag dust remover

15. Manufacture of delicate bearings and special bearings for various kinds of main engines

16. Manufacture of car-related key spare parts: complete brakes, complete drive rod, transmission, fuel pump of diesel engine, piston (including piston ring), valve, hydraulic tappet, carton shaft, booster, filter (3 filter), even speed carton joint, shock absorber, seat adjustment, car lock, back view mirror, glass lifter, compound meter, lights, bulb, high-strength special fastener

17. Manufacture of car and motorcycle moulds (including strike mould, plastics filling mould, mould-pressing mould, etc.) and clippers (welding clipper, testing clipper, etc.)

18. Manufacture of casting body for car and motorcycle

19. Technology research centre and design and development centre for cars and motorcycles

20. Production of special-purpose cars such as desert car for petroleum industry

21. Manufacture of key spare parts for motorcycles: carburettor, magneto, starting motor, lights, and disk brake

22. New technology and equipment manufacture for water quality on-line monitoring instrument

23. Manufacture of special machinery and equipment for flood control and emergency rescue

24. Manufacture of wetland earthmover and dredging machinery

25. Manufacture of complete sets of 10 ton/h and over feed processing equipment, and production of their key spare parts

26. Design and manufacture of new petroleum exploration and exploitation instrument and equipment

XI. Electronics Industry

1. Production of 0.35 micron wire width and below large integrated circuit

2. Production of new electronic spare parts (including slice spare parts) and electric and electronic spare parts

3. Production of optic-electro parts, sensitive spare parts and sensor

4. Manufacture of large- and medium-size electronic computer

5. Production of compatible digital TV, HDTV, digital tape video recorder

6. Development of special-purpose materials for semi-conductor and photo-electronics

7. Manufacture of new displayer (plate displayer and screen)

8. Manufacture of CAD, CAT, CAM, CAE and other computer application systems

9. Manufacture of equipment, instrument and industrial mould for electronics

10. Manufacture of hydrological data collection instrument and equipment

11. Manufacture of satellite communications system equipment

12. Manufacture of DCS equipment

13. Manufacture of air traffic control equipment (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

14. Development and manufacture of high-capacity CD and magnetic disk memory and their parts

15. Development and manufacture of new printing devices (lazer printer, etc.)

16. Equipment manufacture for data communications multimedia system

17. Production of mono mode optical fibre

18. Equipment manufacture for access-to-the-network communications system

19. New technology and manufacture of equipment supporting communications networks

20. Manufacture of wide-band ISDN equipment

XII. Building Materials and Equipment and Other Non-metal Mineral Product Industry

1. High-quality floating glass production line with a daily melting capacity of 500 tons and over

2. High-grade sanitation porcelain production line with an annual production of 500,000 pieces and over and production of its matching metal and plastic parts

3. New building materials (walling materials, decoration and renovation materials, water-proof materials, in sulation materials)

4. New dry-process cement production line with a daily production of 4,000 tons and over cement chamotte (restricted to production in the central and western regions of China)

5. Bulk cement storage and transportation facilities

6. Glass fibre (direct melting process production line) with an annual production of 10,000 tons and over and glass fibre reinforced plastic products

7. Inorganic non-metal material and products (quartz glass, artificial crystal)

8. High-grade refractory material for glass, porcelain or glass fibre furnaces and kilns

9. Technology for deep processing of plate glass as well as equipment manufacture

10. Manufacture of tunnel drilling machine and city subway excavating equipment

11. Manufacture of special equipment for city sanitation

12. Manufacture of tree and plant removing and planting machinery and equipment

13. Manufacture of road grader, tar finisher

XIII. Medicine Industry

1. Chemical medicines protected by the patent law or administratively protected by our country, medical intermediate which we have to import

2. Production of antipyretic and analgesic medicines by adopting new technology and equipment

3. Vitamins: nicotinic acid

4. New anticarcinogen and new cardio-vascular and cerebrovascular medicines

5. Medicines and pharmaceutics: new preparations and products by adopting new technologies such as buffer, control, target and skin-penetrating

6. Amino acid: serine, tryptophan, histidine, etc.

7. New packing material and container for medicine and advanced pharmaceutical equipment

8. New, effective and economical contraceptive medicines and devices

9. New technology, equipment and instrument for product quality control of prepared traditional Chinese medicine and changing preparation packing

10. New technology for analysis and new technique and equipment for extraction of the effective part of traditional Chinese medicine

11. New medicines which are produced using biological engineering technology

12. Development and application of new adjuvant

13. Production of diagnosis agents for hepatitis, AIDS and radiation immunization

XIV. Medical Apparatus Manufacturing Industry

1. 80 kilowatts and over medical X-ray apparatus with intermediate frequency technology, computer control technology and digital image processing technology and with small radiation dosage

2. Electronic endoscope

3. Medical tubes

XV. Aviation and Aerospace Industry

1. Design and manufacture of civil planes (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

2. Manufacture of spare parts of civil planes

3. Design and manufacture of aeroplane engines (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

4. Manufacture of airborne equipment

5. Manufacture of light gas turbine engines

6. Design and manufacture of civil satellites (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

7. Manufacture of civil satellite pay load (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

8. Manufacture of spare parts of civil satellites

9. Technological development for civil satellite application

10. Design and manufacture of civil carrier rocket (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

XVI. New Industries

1. Micro-electronic technology

2. New materials

3. Biological engineering technology (not including gene engineering technology)

4. Network technology of information, communications systems

5. Isotope, irradiation and laser technology

6. Ocean and ocean energy development technology

7. Technology for seawater desalination and utilization

8. Energy-saving technology development

9. Technology for recycle and comprehensive utilization of resources

10. Projects for the control of environment pollution as well as monitoring and treatment technology

XVII. Service Industry

1. Information consultancy of international economy, science and technology, environmental protection

2. Maintenance and post-sale service of delicate instruments and equipment

3. Construction of new high-tech and new product development centre and enterprise incubation

XVIII. Permitted Projects in Which All Products Are to Be Directly Exported

Catalogue of Restricted Foreign Investment Industries


I. Light Industry

1. Production of washing machines, refrigerators, freezers

2. Synthetic embryo, alcohol ether, alcohol sulphate

3. Production of air-conditioner and refrigerator compressors with shaft power lower than 2,000 watts

II. Textile Industry

1. Chemical fibre reeled silk woven by means of conventional chipper

2. Production of viscose staple fibre with a single-line capacity of 20,000 ton/year below 1. Production of barium salt

2. Construction of refinery of less than 5,000,000 tons

3. Retreading of cross-ply tyre and old tyre (not including meridian tyre) and production of low-performance industrial rubber attachments

4. Production of titanium dioxide through sulphuric acid method

IV. Mechanical Industry

1. Equipment manufacture for ordinary dacron filament and staple fibre

2. Manufacture of diesel power generating units

3. Production of various kinds of ordinary abrasives (including corundum, carborundum), grinding wheel with diameter less than 400 mm and artificial diamond saw blade

4. Production of electric drill, power-driven grinder

5. Ordinary carbon steel welding rods

6. Ordinary standard fasteners, small- and medium-size ordinary bearings

7. Ordinary lead acid accumulators

8. Containers

9. Elevators

10. Aluminium alloy wheel hub

V. Electronics Industry

1. Satellite television receivers and key parts

2. Digital programmed local and user switches

VI. Medicine Industry

1. Production of chloramphenicol, lincomycin, gentamycin, dibydro streptomycin, amikacin, tetracycline hydrochloride, terramycin, acetylspiramycin, medemycin, leucomycin, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin

2. Production of analgin, aspirin, paracetamol, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6

VII. Medical Apparatus Manufacturing Industry

1. Production of low- and medium-class B-mode supersonic displayers

VIII. Transportation Service Industry

1. Taxi (the purchase of cars is restricted within China)

2. Gas station (restricted to construction and management of enterprises attached to expressway)


I. Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry, Fishery and Related Industries

1. Development and production of seeds of foodgrains, cotton and oil crops (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

2. Processing and export of precious varieties of logs (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

3. Inshore and inland water area fishing (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

4. Planting and breeding of traditional Chinese medicinal materials (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

II. Light Industry

1. Production of table salt, industrial salt

2. Production of non-alcoholic beverage of foreign brand (including solid beverage)

3. Production of millet wine and well-known spirits

4. Tobacco processing industry producing cigarettes and filter tips

5. Processing and production of blue wet hide of pig, ox, and sheep

6. Production of natural spices

7. Processing of fat

8. Paper and paperboard

III. Textile Industry

1. Wool spinning, cotton spinning

2. Raw silk, grey silk fabric

3. High-emulation chemical fibres and special chemical fibres such as aryl on, carbon fibre (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

4. Fibre-grade and non-fibre-use polyester, acrylic fibre, spandex (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

IV. Communication and Transportation as well as Post Telecommunications Industries

1. Construction and management of main lines of railways (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)2. Water transportation (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

3. Entry and exit automobile transportation (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

4. Air transportation (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

5. General aviation (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

V. Power Industry

1. Construction and management of conventional coal-burning thermal power plant with generating unit capacity of 300,000 kilowatts below (small-scale electric network, remote border mountain areas as well as low-quality coal-burning and gangue-burning power plant excluded)

VI. Non-ferrous Metal Industry (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

1. Copper and aluminium processing

2. Mining, dressing, smelting, and processing of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum families)

3. Mining of non-ferrous metals such as wolfram, tin, antimony

4. Prospecting, mining, dressing, smelting and separation of rare-earth metals

VII. Petroleum, Petrochemical and Chemical Industries

1. Sensitive materials (film, roll film, PS plate, photographic paper)

2. Mining and processing of baron, magnesium, iron ores

3. Benzidine

4. Ion film caustic soda and organic chlorine serial chemical products

5. Meridian tyre (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

6. Raw materials of synthetic fibre: phthalic acid, acrylonitrile, caprolactam, nylon 66 salt, etc.

VIII. Mechanical Industry

1. Complete automobile (including various kinds of limousine, lorry, bus, refitted car) and complete motorcycle (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

2. Engines of automobiles and motorcycles (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

3. Manufacture of air conditioner compressor for automobile, electronic controlling fuel-oil injecting system, electronic controlling braking anti-blocking system, safety ball and other automobile electronic equipment system, motor, aluminium radiator

4. Reconditioning and disassembling (refitting) of old automobile and motorcycle and their engines

5. Thermal power equipment: manufacture of 100,000 kilowatts and over generating units (power unit, turbine, boiler, supplementary machine and controlling equipment), gas turbine combined cycle power equipment, cyclic fluidized bed boiler, coal gasification combined cyclic technology and equipment (IGCC), pressure boost fluidized bed (PFBC),desulfurization and denitrification equipment (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

6. Hydropower equipment: manufacture of hydropower generating units with a wheel diameter of 5 metres and over (including hydropower supplementary machine and controlling equipment), large-scale pump storage generating units of 50,000 kilowatts and over, large-scale tubular turbine generating units of 10,000 kilowatts and over (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

7. Nuclear power generating units: manufacture of nuclear power generating units of 600,000 kilowatts and over (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

8. Power transmitting and transforming equipment: manufacture of large-scale transformers of 220 kilovolts and over, high-tension switches, mutual conductors, cable equipment (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

9. Caterpillar bulldozer of 320 h.p. below, wheeled loader of 3 cubic metres below, automobile crane of 50 tons below (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

10. Manufacture of steel sheet continuous casting machine

11. Photocopier and camera

IX. Electronics Industry

1. Colour television sets (including projection television sets), colour kinescope and glass shielding

2. Video cameras (including video camera recorders)

3. Video recorders, magnetic heads, magnetic drums and movements of video recorders

4. Analogue mobile communications systems (honeycomb, colony, wireless beeper call, wireless telephone)

5. Satellite navigation positioning reception equipment and its key parts (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

6. Manufacture of equipment for VSAT system

7. Manufacture of equipment for 2.5 GB/S below optical synchronized digital series and 144 MB/S and below microwave communications system

X. Building Material and Equipment and Other Non-metal Mineral Product Industries

1. Exploration, mining and processing of precious non-metal ores such as diamond and other natural gems (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

XI. Medicine Industry

1. Traditional Chinese medicinal materials, semi-finished and finished traditional Chinese medicine (traditional techniques for preparing ready-to-eat traditional Chinese medicines excluded)

2. Precursor of narcotics: ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, ergotinine, ergotamine, lysergic acid, etc.

3. Penicillin G

4. Production of addictive narcotics and psychotropic substances (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

5. Production of high-tech vaccines (AIDS vaccine, hepatitis C vaccine, contraceptive vaccine, etc., with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

6. Production of vaccines, bacterines, antitoxin, toxoid (BCG, poliomyelitis vaccine, diphtheria vaccine, pertussis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, measle scavenge, epidemic encephalitis B vaccine, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis vaccine, etc.) under the state immunization plan

7. Production of vitamin C

8. Production of blood products

XII. Medical Apparatus Manufacturing Industry

1. Disposable syringe, infusion system, blood transfusion tube and blood bag

2. Manufacture of large-size medical apparatuses such as computerized tomography device (CT), magnetic resonance imaging device (MRI) and medical accelerator

XIII. Shipping Industry (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

1. Repair, design and manufacture of special ships, high-performance ships and 35,000-ton and over ships

2. Design and manufacture of diesel engines, supplementary machine, wireless communications equipment, navigation equipment and their fittings used in ships

XIV. Domestic and Foreign Trade, Tourism, Real Estate and Service Industries (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

1. Domestic trade (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

2. Foreign trade (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

3. Tourist agency

4. Collaborative education project (elementary education excluded)

5. Medical service (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)6. Accountancy, audit and legal consultancy services and brokerage company

7. Agency service (boats and ships, freight, futures, sales, advertisement, etc.)

8. High-ranking hotels, villas and high-class office buildings, international conference and exhibition centre

9. Golf links

10. Development of tracts of land

11. Large park for tourism, culture and recreation and large artificial landscape

12. Construction and management of state-rank tourist areas

XV. Finance and Relevant Trades

1. Bank, finance company, trust investment company

2. Insurance company, insurance brokerage and underwriting agent company

3. Securities company, investment bank, merchant bank, fund management company

4. Financial lease

5. Foreign exchange brokerage

6. Financial, insurance and foreign exchange consultancy

7. Production, processing, wholesales and retail of gold, silver, gems and jewelry

XVI. Miscellaneous

1. Printing and publishing and issuing business (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

2. Inspection, appraisal and authentication business of import and export commodity (wholly foreign-owned enterprises are not allowed)

3. Production, publishing and issuing of audio-visual products, electronic publications (with the Chinese party taking the holding or leading position)

XVII. Other Industries Restricted by the State or International Treaties That China Has Concluded or Acceded to

Catalogue of Prohibited Foreign Investment Industries

I. Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry, Fishery and Related Industries

1. Wild animal and plant resources protected by the State

2. China's rare precious breeds (including fine genes in plans industry, husbandry and aquatic products industry)

3. Construction of animal and plant natural reserves

4. Processing of green tea and special teas (famous teas, black tea, etc.)II. Light Industry

1. Ivory carving and tiger-bone processing

2. Hand-made carpet

3. Bodiless lacquerware

4. Enamel products

5. Blue and white porcelain

6. Xuan paper and ingot-shaped tablets of Chinese ink

III. Power Industry and Urban Public Utility

1. Construction and management of electricity network

2. Construction and management of urban networks of water supply, water drainage, gas and heating power

IV. Exploration, Selection and Processing of Mining Industry

1. Exploration, selection, smelting and processing of radioactive mineral products

V. Petroleum, Petrochemical and Chemical Industries

1. Mining and processing of szaibelyite

2. Mining and processing of celestite

VI. Medicine Industry

1. Traditional Chinese medicinal materials which have been listed as state protection resources (musk, liquorice root, etc.)

2. Traditional techniques for preparing ready-to-eat traditional Chinese medicines, and products of secret recipe of prepared traditional Chinese medicine

VII. Communication and Transportation as well as Post Telecommunications Industries

1. Management of post and telecommunications business

2. Air traffic control

VIII. Trade and Finance

1. Commodity futures, financial futures and other derivative financial business

IX. Broadcasting, Film and Television Industries

1. Broadcasting stations, TV stations (networks), launching stations and relay stations at various levels

2. Production, publishing, issuing and broadcasting of radio and TV programmes

3. Production, publishing and showing of films 4. Video tape showing

X. Journalism

XI. Weapon Manufacturing Industry

XII. Miscellaneous

1. Projects that endanger the safety and performance of military facilities

2. Developing or processing of carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic raw materials

3. Racecourse, gambling

4. Pornographic service

XIII. Other Industries Prohibited by the State or by International Treaties that China Has Concluded or Acceded to

