

分类: 法律英语 

颁布日期:20000101  实施日期:20000101  颁布单位:国家保密局


Article 1 These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to the PRC, Maintenance of State Secrets Law and relevant State laws and regulations, in order to strengthen the administration of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems and to ensure the security of State secrets.

Article 2 The phrase "international networking of computer information systems" means the connection of computer information systems in the People's Republic of China to foreign computer information networks in order to realize the international exchange of information.

Article 3 All individuals, legal persons and other organizations (Users), all interconnection work units1 and all connection work units2 engaged in international networking shall comply with these Provisions.

Article 4 The principles of controlling the source, centralized management by specialized departments, division of responsibility by level, stressing the key points and promoting development shall be implemented in the administration of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems.

Article 5 The State department for the maintenance of secrets shall be in charge of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems nationwide. Local departments for the maintenance of secrets at the county level and all higher levels shall be in charge of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems within their respective administrative areas.

Central State authorities shall, within the scope of their authority, be in charge of, or guide, the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems within their respective authorities.


Article 6 Computer information systems involving State secrets may not be directly or indirectly connected to the Internet or other public information networks. They must be physically isolated.

Article 7 Information involving State secrets, including State secret information which, after examination and approval, has been legally exchanged with a specific party abroad in the course of foreign relations and cooperation, may not be stored in, processed on or transmitted through computer information systems which are internationally networked.

Article 8 The principle of "responsibility is borne by the person who placed it on the network" shall be adhered to in the administration of the maintenance of secrets in connection with information placed on a network. Any information to be provided to, or published on, an internationally networked web site must be subjected to a secrecy maintenance examination and approved. Examination and approval concerning maintenance of secrets shall be subject to departmental administration. Relevant work units shall establish a sound leadership responsibility system for the examination and approval concerning the maintenance of secrets in connection with information placed on a network, in accordance with State laws and regulations for the maintenance of secrets. Work units providing information shall improve their system for the examination and approval concerning the maintenance of information secrecy by following a set work procedure.

Article 9 Except for information which has been made public through another news medium, the organizer shall obtain the consent of the information provider before placing on a network and publishing any information which has been collected for the purpose of providing online information services. The system for the examination and verification of the maintenance of information secrecy shall be conscientiously applied to any online information that has been expanded or updated.

Article 10 The online establishment of an electronic bulletin board system, chat room or network newsgroup by any work unit or User shall be subject to examination and approval by the relevant secrecy maintenance authority, which shall clarify the secrecy requirements and responsibilities. No work units or individuals may publish, discuss or disseminate State secret information on electronic bulletin board systems or in chat rooms or network newsgroups.

The operator of an electronic bulletin board system, chat room or network newsgroup which is open to the public, or the higher department in charge of such operator, shall conscientiously perform its obligations in connection with the maintenance of secrets, establish a sound management system and strengthen supervision and inspection. If it discovers the presence of information relating to secrets, it shall promptly adopt measures and report to the local department for the maintenance of secrets.

Article 11 Users who exchange information online by means of electronic mail shall comply with relevant State regulations on the maintenance of secrets. They may not use electronic mail to send, forward or cc State secret information.

Interconnection work units and connection work units shall clarify the maintenance of secrecy requirements to, and improve their systems for administration of, the Users of mail servers which they manage.

Article 12 Interconnection work units and connection work units shall make education on the maintenance of secrets an important component of technical training on international networking. Agreements concluded between interconnection work units and connection work units and between connection work units and Users as well as regulations for Users shall have clear provisions concerning compliance with State laws on the maintenance of secrets and prohibition of the divulging of State secret information.


Article 13 Departments for the maintenance of secrets at each level shall have a relevant organization or personnel charged with the task of administration of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems. Such organization or personnel shall urge interconnection work units, connection work units and Users to establish sound systems for the administration of the maintenance of information secrecy and supervise and investigate the implementation of the regulations and system for the administration of the maintenance of secrets in connection with international networking.

Departments for the maintenance of secrets shall impose an order of rectification on departments or work units which have not established a system for the administration of the maintenance of information secrecy, or in which there exist latent dangers posing a clear threat to the security of State secret information due to unclear division of responsibility, ineffective measures or confused management. If they still do not meet the requirements for the maintenance of secrets after rectification, the departments for the maintenance of secrets shall cause them to suspend international networking.

Article 14 Departments for the maintenance of secrets at each level shall strengthen their inspections of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of computer information systems, and investigate and handle all types of acts of divulging secrets, according to law.

Article 15 Interconnection work units, connection work units and Users shall submit themselves to, and cooperate with, the maintenance of secrecy supervision and inspections by the departments for the maintenance of secrets, assist the departments for the maintenance of secrets in investigating and handling illegal acts of divulging secrets through international networking and, as required by the departments for the maintenance of secrets, delete online information which involves State secrets.

Article 16 If an interconnection work unit, connection work unit or User discovers that State secrets have been or may be divulged, it or they shall immediately report the same to the department or authority for the maintenance of secrets.

Article 17 If a department or authority for the maintenance of secrets at any level receives a tip on, or discovers through an investigation, an instance of the divulging of secrets online, it shall immediately arrange for the matter to be investigated and handled, cause the relevant department to promptly adopt remedial measures and supervise the relevant work unit in deleting the online information involving State secrets within a specified time limit.


Article 18 The administration of the maintenance of secrets in connection with computer information systems networked to the Hong Kong or Macao Special Administrative Region or the Taiwan region shall be implemented with reference to these Provisions.

Article 19 Specific regulations for administration of the maintenance of secrets in the international networking of military computer information systems may be formulated on the basis of these Provisions.

Article 20 These Provisions shall be implemented as of 1 January 2000.

