颁布日期:20000901 实施日期:20000901 颁布单位:中国证券监督管理委员会
ZhengJianGongSiZi [2000] No.140
September 1, 2000
Each enterprise of B-shares:
With a view to improving further development of B-shares market, and protecting the interests of investors, hereby notify the relating matters on listing the B-shares which non-listed domestically of the enterprises of the domestically listed in foreign currencies (hereinafter referred to as B-shares), as follows:
As long as it has been a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture before listing, the B-shares enterprise shall consult the original enterprise examination and approval authorities' opinion on the matter of the negotiation of non-listed domestically listed B-shares in foreign currencies. After approved by the original examination and approval authorities, and it shall file its application of list the non-listed B-shares in foreign currencies to China Securities Regulatory Commission.
Examined and approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission, foreign initiator's share of the B-shares company can be negotiated in the B-share market in the three years right after the found of the company; foreign non-initiator's share can be negotiated in the B-shares market directly.