

分类: 法律英语 


(Adopted by the 28th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Congress on December 4,1998.As revised by the 18th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress on October25,2002.)

颁布日期:20021025  实施日期:20021110  颁布单位:深圳市人大常委会

Article 1 These provisions are hereby enacted with a view to enforcing the regulations formulated by the Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Congress and its Standing Committee correctly and standardizing regulatory interpretation.

Article 2 The regulations which formulated by the Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Congress and the Standing Committee shall be interpreted by the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress( hereinafter referred to the Standing Committee) if it has one of the following situations and needs further defining :

(1) what the regulations enacting comparable principle needs further defining

(2) after its enactment, the new conditions make it necessary to define the basis on which to apply the regulations.

(3) what according to the principle enacted by the regulations needs extending or restricting application scope of regulations;

(4) what the Standing Committee finds it necessary to be further interpreted.

Article 3 The contents of regulatory interpretation may not depart form the original meaning of the regulations.

Article 4 The Special Committees of the Municipal People‘s Congress(hereinafter referred to the Special Committees), the Shenzhen Municipal Government( hereinafter referred to the Municipal Government)and its departments, the Shenzhen Intermediate Pelple’s Court, the Shenzhen People‘s Procuratorate , the regional People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, the Shenzhen Arbitral Institution ,a group of five members or more of the Standing Committeee of the Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Congress or a group of ten or more deputies to the Municipal People’s Congress may submit a application bill of regulatory interpretation ( hereinafter referred to the application bill) to the general office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘s Congress and request the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress to give regulatory interpretation . But the applicant shall submit the written information for explanting the necessity of regulatory interpretations at the same time.

Article 5 After receiving the application bill, the general office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘s Congress shall transfer it to the Special Committee or the Working Committee for examination while the relevant Special Committee or the Working Committee shall submit the examination opinion to the secretary-general in order for referring to the meeting of directors which will decide whether the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall give the regulatory interpretation or not .

Article 8 If the regulations needs to be interpreted , the relevant Special Committee and the Working Committee shall put forward the preliminary interpretation opinion to the Legality Commission for drawing up a draft regulatory interpretation. After drawing up , the Legality Commission shall submit to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘Congress for deliberation.

During deliberating the draft regulatory interpretation, if the Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘s Congress finds that the interpreted regulations needs to be revised or made supplement provisions, the interpretation of the application bill shall be terminated and transacted according to the procedure set by the Regulations of Formulating Regulations of Shenzhen City.

Article 7 The regulatory interpretation shall be promulgated by the general office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘s Congress in an announcement ,and it has the same effect as the original regulations.

Article 8 If the application bill doesn‘t belong to the conditions of the article 2, but belongs to the matters on how to use the regulations , the relevant Special Committee or the Working Committee shall put forward the preliminary interpretation opinion to the Legality Commission for preparing the regulatory interpretation opinion, then, the Legality Commission shall report to the vice deputy director or the meeting of directors of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress who takes charge of the separate control for examination and approval.

Article 9 The Municipal Government shall interpret the implementing rules of regulations which were formulated by itself under the authorization of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘s Congress, but the interpretation shall not contradict the legislative intent of original regulations. The interpretation shall be reported to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress for recording.

Article 10 The Standing Committee of the Municipal People‘s Congress shall collect the promulgated documents of regulatory interpretations regularly.

Article 11 These regulations shall go into effect as of promulgation.

