

分类: 法律英语 


(Promulgated by the Shanghai Municipal People‘s Government on 17 March 2005 and effective as of 1 May 2005.)

颁布日期:20050317  实施日期:20050501  颁布单位:上海市人民政府

Article 1 (Purpose of legislation)

These Procedures have been formulated in order to regulate and promote enterprise credit information collection, safeguard the fair and impartial carrying out of enterprise credit information collection, establish an enterprise credit information system and create a public credit information environment.

Article 2 (Definition)

For the purposes of these Procedures, the term “enterprise credit information collection” means the business activities of providing, upon entrustment of citizens, legal persons or other organizations, credit information products such as investigation, evaluation or rating reports on enterprise credit standing through collecting and processing enterprise credit information.

For the purposes of these Procedures, the term “credit information institution” means an institution established in accordance with the law to specialize in enterprise credit information collection.

For the purposes of these Procedures, “enterprise credit information” means information that is formed in the economic and social activities of enterprises and that may be used to analyze and determine the credit standing of enterprises.

Article 3 (Scope of Application)

These Procedures apply to enterprise credit information collection carried out within Shanghai Municipality and the relevant regulation thereof.

Article 4 (Principles)

Enterprise credit information collection within Shanghai Municipality shall be based on market operation, government regulation and industry self-regulation.

Enterprise credit information collection shall be carried out in an independent, objective, impartial and prudential manner to ensure the accuracy of credit information products. Enterprise credit information collection shall not impair the lawful rights and interests of enterprises and shall not obstruct public interests and security.

Article 5 (Administrative Authority)

Shanghai Municipal Credit Information Regulatory Office (CIRO) shall be responsible for promoting, guiding and regulating the industry of enterprise credit information collection.

The related administrative departments shall coordinate with one another on the basis of their respective responsibilities in guiding and regulating the business of enterprise credit information collection.

Article 6 (Record Filing and Disclosure)

Credit information institutions shall file a record with CIRO within 30 days of obtaining its industry and commerce business licence. The following materials shall be submitted for record filing:

the industry and commerce business licence (photocopy);

a description of the equity structure and organization structure;

the evidence of the credit standing of the senior management personnel and the basic information of the relevant business professionals; and

the scope of enterprise credit information collection business, information processing procedures and information security measures.

If there is any major change to the details of the filed record specified in the preceding paragraph, the credit information institution shall report the changed details to CIRO for record filing within 30 days of the date of such change.

CIRO shall disclose the relevant record filing information to the public in accordance with the law.

Article 7 (Annual Report and Investigation on Business Conditions)

Credit information institutions shall, in the first quarter of each year, report to CIRO on the details of its enterprise credit information collection business in the previous year and the adjustment to its enterprise credit information collection business in the current year.

CIRO may organize the establishment of a feedback mechanism on the use of credit information products to obtain objective comments of the market on the credit information collection business of the credit information institution.

Article 8 (Information Collection)

Credit information institutions shall collect enterprise credit information by legal means, and may not collect enterprise credit information by fraud, stealing, duress or other improper means.

Article 9 (Treatment of Disputed Information)

If the enterprise from which credit information is collected disputes the credit information collected by the credit information institution and provides the relevant basis for such dispute, the credit information institution shall verify the collected credit information and promptly rectify any false information collected. If such information is verified to be correct, the enterprise from which credit information is collected shall be notified. If such information is difficult to be verified, it shall be treated prudently on the principle of objectivity.

Article 10 (Production of Credit Information Products)

Credit information institutions shall produce credit information products on the basis of the original information provided by the information providers and in a standardized manner in accordance with the information processing procedures that have been filed, and may not fabricate or alter enterprise credit information.

Article 11 (Effect of Credit Information Products)

Credit information products provided by credit information institutions shall only serve as reference for their users in determining enterprise credit standing.

Article 12 (Protection of Trade Secrets)

Credit information institutions shall have an obligation of confidentiality for the enterprise credit information that involves trade secrets, and may not provide such information to any work unit or individual unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or with the consent of the enterprise from which credit information is collected.

Article 13 (Withdrawal)

If a credit information institution is connected with the enterprise from which credit information is collected in assets or otherwise interested in the enterprise from which credit information is collected and such relationship may affect the impartiality of its credit information collection activities, the credit information institution shall not provide credit information products on the credit standing of such enterprise.

Article 14 (Promotion of Use of Credit Information Products in Commercial Activities)

Enterprises and other organizations are encouraged to use credit information products to verify the credit standing of their counterparties in commercial activities such as cooperative development of projects, commercial investment, commercial procurement and business decision making.

Article 15 (Use of Credit Information Products in Public Administration)

All levels of administrative departments and administration enforcement authorities of Shanghai Municipality and other organizations with a public administrative function shall use credit information products as needed in economic adjustment, market regulation, social administration and public services when such activities involve affairs such as entrusting or contracting of the government‘s public services to the public, government procurement and invitation and submission of bids.

Article 16 (Disclosure of Information on Government)

If a credit information institution needs to collect information on government in carrying out its enterprise credit information collection business, it shall do so in accordance with the Shanghai Municipality, Disclosure of Government Information Provisions.

Article 17 (Industry Self-regulation)

The credit service industrial organization is encouraged to formulate and promote industry standards to provide guidance and services to its members and play the role of industry self-regulation.

Article 18 (Complaints)

Any organization or individual may file a complaint to CIRO if it believes that a credit information institution acts illegally in credit information collection and infringes upon its lawful rights and interests.

Article 19 (Administrative Penalty)

If a credit information institution violates Article 6 hereof by failing to complete record filing or violates Article 7 hereof by failing to file an annual report, it shall be ordered by CIRO to rectify the matter within a stipulated time limit. If it fails to do so within the stipulated time limit, it shall be subject to a fine of not more than Rmb 10,000.

Article 20 (Date of Implementation)

These Procedures shall be implemented as of 1 May 2005.

