英文法律词典 E-49
EXTREMIS. When a person is sick beyond the hope of recovery, and near death, he is said to be in extremism.
2. A will made in this condition, if made without undue influence, by a person of sound mind, is valid.
3. The declarations of persons in extremis, when made with a full consciousness of approaching death, ate admissible in evidence when the death of the person making them is the subject of the charge, and the circumstances of the death the subject of such declarations. 2 B. & C. 605 S. C. 9 Eng. C. L. Rep..196; and see 15 John. 286; 1 John. Rep. 159; 2 John. R. 31; 7 John. 95; 2 Car. Law. Repos. 102; 5 whart, R. 396-7.
EY. A watery place; water. Co. Litt 6.
EYE-WITNESS. One who saw the act or fact to which he testifies. When an eye-witness testifies, and is a man of intelligence and integrity, much reliance must be placed on his testimony, for he has the means of making known the truth.
EYOTT. A small island arising in a river. Fleta, lib. 3, c. 2, s. b; Bract. lib. 2, c. 2. See lsand.
EYRE. Vide Eire Justiciarii Itinerantes.