英文法律词典 M-46
Furiosus absentis loco est. The insane is compared to the absent. Dig. 50, 17, 24, 1.
Furiosus solo furore punitur. A madman is punished by his madness alone. Co. Litt. 247.
Furtum non est ubi initium habet detentionis per dominum rei. It is not theft where the commencement of the detention arises through the owner of the thing. 3 Co. Inst. 107.
Generale tantum valet in generalibus, quanium singulare singulis. What is general prevails or is worth as much among things general, as what is particular among things particular. 11 Co. 59.
Generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum. A general expression is to be construed generally. 8 co. 116.
Generale nihil certum implicat. A general expression implies nothing certain. 2 Co. 34.
Generalia sunt praeponenda singularibus. General things are to be put before particular things.
Generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda. General words are understood in a general sense. 3 Co. Inst. 76.
Generalis clausula non porrigitur ad ea quae antea specialiter sunt comprehensa. A general clause does not extend to those things which are previously provided for specially. 8 Co. 154.
Haeredem Deus facit, non homo. God and not man, make the heir.
Haeredem est nomen collectivum. Heir is a collective name.
Haeris est nomen juris, filius est nomen naturae. Heir is a term of law, son one of nature.