
英文法律词典 M-57

分类: 法律英语 

Juratores sunt judices facti. Juries are the judges of the facts. Jenk. Cent. 58.

Juris effectus in executione consistit. The effect of a law consists in the execution. Co. Litt. 289.

Jus accrescendi inter mercatores locum non habet, pro beneficio commercii. The right of survivorship does not exist among merchants for the benefit of commerce. Co. Litt. 182; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 682.

Jus accrescendi praefertur oneribus. The right of survivorship is preferred to incumbrances. Co. Litt. 185.

Jus accrescendi praefertur ultimae voluntati. The right of survivorship is preferred to a last will. Co. Litt. 1856.

Jus descendit et non terra. A right descends, not the land. Co. Litt. 345.

Jus est ars boni et aequi. Law is the science of what is good and evil. Dig. 1, 1, 1, l.

Jus et fraudem numquam cohabitant. Right and fraud never go together.

Jus ex injuria non oritur. A right cannot arise from a wrong. 4 Bing. 639.

Jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non potest. A public right cannot be changed by private agreement.

Jus respicit aequitatem. Law regards equity. Co. Litt. 24.

Jus superveniens auctori accressit successors. A right geowing to a possessor accrues to a successor.

Justicia est virtus excellens et Altissimo complacens. Justice is an excellent virtue and pleasing to the Most high. 4 inst. 58.

Justitia nemine neganda est. Justice is not to be denied. Jenk. Cent. 178.

Justitia non est neganda, non differenda. Justice is not to be denied nor delayed. Jenk. Cent. 93.

Justitia non novit patrem nec matrem, solum veritatem spectat justitia. Justice knows neither father nor mother, justice looks to truth alone. 1 Buls. 199.

