英文法律词典 M-62
Locus contractus regit actum. The place of the contract governs the act.
Longa possessio est pacis jus. Long possession is the law of peace. Co. Litt. 6.
Longa possessio parit jus possidendi, et tollit actionem vero domino. Long possession produces the right of possession, and takes away from the true owner his action. Co. Litt. 110.
Longum tempus, et longus usus qui excedit memoria hominum, sufficit pro jure. Long time and long use, beyond the memory of man, suffices for right. Co. Litt. 115.
Loquendum ut vulgus, sentiendum ut docti. We speak as the common people, we must think as the learned. 7 Co. 11.
Magister rerum usus; magistra rerum experientia. Use is the master of things; experience is the mistriss of things. Co. Litt. 69, 229.
Manga negligentia culpa est, magna culpa dolus est. Gross negligence is a fault, gross fault is a fraud. Dig 50, 16, 226.
Magna culpa dolus est. Great neglect is equivalent to fraud. Dig. 50, 16, 226; 2 Spears, R. 256; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 646.
Maihemium est inter crimina majora minimum et inter minora maximum. Mayhem is the least of great crimes, and the greatest of small. Co. Litt. 127.
Mahemium est homicidium inchoatum. Mayhem is incipient homicide. 3 Inst. 118.
Major haeriditas venit unicuique nostrum Ö jure et legibus quam Ö parentibus. A greater inheritance comes to every one of us from right and the laws than from parents. 2 Co. Inst. 56.
Major numerus in se continet minorem. The greater number contains in itself the less.
Majore paenÉ affectus quam legibus statuta est, non est infamis. One affected with a greater punishment than is provided by law, is not infamous. 4 Co. Inst. 66.